Cultural criminology Cultural criminology implies that deviance, transgression, and crime are repeatedly sub-cultural naturally. As a result, cultural criminologists usually concentrate on the concurrent forces of social exclusion and cultural inclusion whenever explaining deviant, transgressive, or criminal behavior (Frederick, 2013; p139). Indeed, this remains a particularly significant method for exploring modern gay transgression and deviance. These are deeds that are maybe closely associated with or sometimes directly result from the entire period isolation, oppression, and marginalization of homosexuals, mainly by Western hetero-normative communities. Also, such approach can assist in comprehending behaviors that stem from oppression and marginalization from sources such as the gay society itself. This paper aims to discuss how the changing theories of homosexuality contribute to people’s understanding of their involvement in deviance. Discussion Queer Theory The term queer is usually utilized as an involving term for individuals who identify themselves as LGBTI. The queer theory is simply a framework of concepts suggesting that identities are not deterministic or stable, especially relating to a person’s sex, gender and sexuality (Parrillo, 2008; p2). The theory is determined to problematizing…

Oryx and Crake review Civilization mainly refers to regulations and human achievements that try to ensure that man is protected from nature. There is much advancement in technology that ensures humans are heavily protected from nature. These advancements in technology have given humans power, and some people even feel like gods. Living in a society that is civilized entails following specific standards like hygiene, beauty and rules. Oryx and Crake is a satirical and dystopic novel written by Margaret Atwood in 2003. The book is set at a time when the world experienced a biotechnological apocalypse. The main purpose of the novel is to highlight some of the flaws existing in society by showing a catastrophe that could come to pass in the near future. The book is believed to be a continuation of Atwood’s earlier work, The Handmaid’s Tale (1985). The novel examines a situation where a virus is hidden in a sex pill and is responsible for causing many deaths. The virus is responsible for wiping the world’s population and Snowman, who is the protagonist, survives this catastrophe.…

Social Science Paradigms Feminism is a movement aimed at establishing equal rights among all sexes, either politically, socially, or economically. Feminist theories emerged in 1794, but it gained its popularity in the 1970s. The feminist movement is divided into three waves; the first one in the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, the second wave occurred in the 1960s and 1970s; finally, the third wave occurred in the 1990s to date — feminist theory aimed at understanding inequalities among women in politics, sexuality, and power relations. The theory advocated for legal rights among women, that is, right to vote, rights to own property, right to autonomy and bodily integrity, reproductive and abortion rights. The theory mainly focused on gender inequality. The themes included sexual objectification, oppression, discrimination, stereotyping, aesthetics, patriarchy, among others. It also focused on the upgrade of women’s civil rights and interests. The feminist theory views the social world as playing the role of illuminating forces that promote inequality; therefore, the approach was established to counter such evils. The theory focused on interactions and relationships in society…

Peacemaking theory Discuss Peacemaking theory and explain how it could be applied in America by describing a specific (practical) policy or practice. Peace-making theory state that use of force creates violence. Therefore, the advocates of this theory state that policies on criminal justice contain state-sanctioned violence. This brings more criminal violence than it is supposed to cure. These criminal laws are there to benefit individuals and not to suppress criminal violence. The federal State government should ensure that the criminal acts are there to rehabilitate the lawbreakers to become useful citizens. How might the Feminist perspective respond to the U.S.’s focus on street gang violence? Feminists view women to be different from men, both from social, economic, and political perspectives. Feminists in America have been engaging non-feminists in unending theory wars to ensure that their culture and politics considered. Therefore, if women’s treatment equals that of men, then the harassment and the rights equalized to men and women, then the movements against feminism will reduce in the streets to have more peaceful streets. According to Sutherland, how does Differential Association…

The Value of Human Life – Second Consideration What do you consider to be the most interesting of Wollstonecraft’s criticisms of how relationships between men and women operated in her day? Are her ideas still relevant today? In her writing on “Vindication of the Rights of Women,” Wollstonecraft has managed to highlight various issues that directly affected the relationships between men and women. Wollstonecraft threw the gauntlet to both the women of her day as well as the male readers, invoking the radical British and French political discourse that surrounded the earlier days of the French revolution in 1972. Wollstonecraft called for the revolution in female manners, and in her book, she proposed a model that is today known as liberal or equality feminism (Monroe & Julie. 146). Basing her argument on the assertion of universal human rights that was endorsed by enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Voltaire, as well as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an allegation that underpinned both the French revolution in 1789 and the American Revolution in 1776, Wollstonecraft believed that females usually have the most critical aspects…

LDS Women and Wage Labor This research allows me to explain what I learned about this topic. The reason I chose this topic is that I felt that women are unfairly discriminated against and do not receive equal treatment as men. Also, a lot of women cannot demand for their rights because of gender differences. I chose the Clyde Archives as my first resource because it had a lot of information about LDS women’s and wage labor and how women were treated by their churches and why they couldn’t ask for their rights. After a lot of research, my part for the presentation was to talk about Mormons women’s voices. The equal right amendment or ERA, ERA had a major part in women’s lives in 1970. Feminists support it because they didn’t get treated or paid fairly in the work field because they were women. During this time, the LDS churches staunchly opposed the ERA because they were afraid that it would make a gender difference obsolete. An interview happened with lady called Anon she said you don’t really appreciate…

 Lorde review Equality is one of the most undermined aspects in society today. Everyone thinks that there is no better being than who they are in the contemporary world. The point of reference for judgment and assessment is no longer about what is wrong and what is right, but of the subject individual who is making the decision. Thus if we are not like the other person, there is no way they will come to acknowledge our ideologies. And considering that society is made of different people in the aspects of gender, race, and age, equality will become an almost unachievable goal. And that is the position that Lorde is addressing in this essay, her being black, lesbian, socialist, mother and a member of an interracial couple makes her not just an inferior person in the society but a typical deviant. This paper is an exploration of how she handles and talks about the popular intersectional feminism. In the third page, the third paragraph, Lorde assesses the difference that lies in the privileges of the white woman over the black…

Confucianism in the early history of China Introduction Confucianism in the early history of China had strong traditions on the position held and role played by the women. The women were to maintain strict obedience to men, form the relation point of a father, brother, a husband and to a son after the demise of the husband. Women had no economic voice, as reproductive role, house chores such cooking, cleaning and other domestic duties being their primary roles.  was the only power vested in them. The Confucian ideology saw these women drawn into early marriages, with no right to choose even the husband while being denied the opportunity to education, and having no control of their own physical bodies. It was an act of slavery embedded on the women of this era. The female character Li Wa doesn’t fit in this context of ideal woman under Confucianist as she is described as rich, with sizable income. She also lives in a noble house within quite a serene neighborhood. having her own female procuress, service maid. This kind of lifestyle and…

General Introduction Of The Book There exist different societies across the universe with different cultures, which brings the element of diversity. These diverse cultures exhibited among societies are always recorded in literal writings and passed down from generation to generation. Through these literature materials, the current generation can learn how the generations that preceded them several years ago conducted their societies. Majorly these societies are formed along racial groups such as the whites and the blacks or along ethnic groups such as Arabian and the Hispanics or along religious lines such as Muslims and Christians. One such literature material that narrates events of the past is the Arabian nights. The Arabian nights is a collection of tales from the Arabian golden age revolving around sultan Shahrayar and his wife, Scheherazade. Sultan Shahrayar’s brother shahzaman finds relief upon witnessing that his brother’s wife was also unfaithful. Shahzaman had found his wife sleeping with one of the cooks in his estates just before he started the journey to visit his brother sultan Shahrayar (Wiggin et al. pg 2). This made him boil…

Unusual Casting in the Play Cloud Nine Elements of film production are also known as the techniques used in film production to draw a response from the audience and have a successful production. The main components are Camera, sound, editing, and mise-en-scene. Other elements include plot structure, theme, characters that fall under casting, settings, and narrative possibilities. Mise-en-scene is everything seen in shot and arrangement of things that are related; therefore, it is the visual composition of a film. Casting is the selection of an actor, singer  and a dancer for a role in a script of a play. The film director may complete this by having auditions. In this case, we look at the odd casting by Churchill in the play cloud nine. This essay aims to explain the ridiculousness of gender and racial roles in this play. Cloud Nine is a delightful comedy about gender politics, sexual identity, racism, colonization, and oppression by Carly Churchill 1979. This play shows the burden of a specific gender and racial expectations placed on individuals (Jesse 2015). It also plays a role…

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