Everyday Use by Alice Walker “Everyday Use” is Alice Walker’s short story that narrates about an African-American woman who is in a dilemma on the person that deserves the quilts between her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. In this short story, the author has used conflict to portray that heritage is more significant than fashion. This claim shows that families find it challenging to preserve culture, especially when things are being passed down from one generation to another. In “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker uses the quilt as an example to show the different reasons why Maggie deserves the family quilts. One of the main reasons Maggie deserves the quilts is because her mother knows that she will cherish the inheritance of the quilts. Her mother sees that Maggie has always been around her and truly understands the meaning of the ancestor’s tradition. When Dee argues with her mom about Maggie ruining quilts, her mother tells her, “Maggie knows how to quilt” (Walker 165). According to this claim, Maggie has taken the time and effort to learn the family tradition, and…

The Male Gaze Othering             Othering means mentally classifying an individual or a group of individuals as being not part of the ordinary people. Dismissing a person as less human and less worthy of respect and dignity is often easier than always keeping that person in mind as a person capable of having emotions, priorities, reflexes, motivations, ideas, and many other subtle reflexes. In the early days of human civilization, it was significantly important for groups to come together, hence needed joining hands between friends and enemies. Thriving required people to be tightly knit together and look out for each other, as people were likely to belong to the same community, an share the same genes. Benjamin Franklin came up with an experiment which showed that people eventually come to hate the people they treat badly. If a person feels guilty about how they treated someone else, a class or group of people, but can’t reconcile the guilt with their perspective of good people, they tend to cover it by othering the people they feel they have wronged. After making…

Importance of Breastfeeding Infants In the contemporary world, there exists different parenting trends and developments that significantly diverge from the traditional ideals towards breastfeeding and the general raising of the children. Compounded by strong feminist opinions that perceive such acts as ways that the society continues to enslave women, the aspect of breastfeeding remains contentious and thorny. Though multiple scientific studies have highlighted the benefits of breastfeeding to both the mothers and the infant, dissenting voices continue to grow, demanding the abolishment of such practices (Shamir, 2016). Despite the dissenting voices, multiple studies have pointed out that breastfeeding remains the most efficient way of feeding infants. The breast milk also contains antibodies that are essential in enhancing the immune system of the infant as well as the presence of colostrum in the milk at the initial breastfeeding stages that is rich in proteins (Shamir, 2016). However, the opposing voices point out to lack of the bonding and the pain they feel during the act and also grounding their assertions on the tenets of feminism. Therefore, breastfeeding continues to elicit mixed…

What is history, and what is memory? How does the tw interrelate? In what ways memory work performed in modern history and broader society? Even though memory significantly now been supplanted by reconstructed history as well as historians that still induce a sense of the past, irrespective of the ancient nationalism which calls for the construction of only single story of the state, of course, does no longer work, such that old outline still proves to be constructive in given areas hence has offered valuable comprehension of the historical information(Nora, p.6).  According to Nora, such purely demonstrates that irrespective of people having left their unstructured memory of conscious structure of history, still they distinctively search for memory that bears spontaneous experiment.  Thus, monuments, museums, among other historical arts for Nora depict the distinction between the past they characterize concerning the modern society (Nora p.-7).  Indeed, collective memory is a deliberate effort, for instance, as represented in holidays, monuments, national anthems as well as other various approaches used to honour the past and avert it from slithering away from human memory…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bombings. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings in Japan were because of Japan’s insistence on surrendering unconditionally to end World War II. On the 6th August 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and a second bomb after three days, 9th August 1945 on Nagasaki (2019). The death toll was estimated at over 150,000 civilians. These bombings made Japan’s emperor Hirohito announce Japan’s unconditional surrender. The attack brought World War II to an end but led to the Cold War. Many have debated whether the United States was justified in using Nuclear weapons on Japan, sighting the US would have taken other measures to make Japan Surrender. The US was just another nation, soldiering on towards the finish of a dull time of humankind’s history that had witnessed the most expensive war ever. So they decided to embrace a position that appeared to restrict the measure of losses in the war by altogether shortening it with the utilization of nuclear weapons. It was absolutely a sensible view for the USA to take since…

Reflecting on more contemporary writers Reflecting on more contemporary writers (e.g. Gillman, Du Bois, Fanon) we could argue that each in their own way builds upon ideas presented by the core theorists (Marx, Durkheim, and Weber).  Discuss how these writers are informed by one of those theorists, and elaborate on how you believe they go beyond that theorist to improve our understanding of contemporary society? Gilman, Du Bois, and Fanon have all been informed by Marx and have all gone beyond him to improve our understanding of contemporary society. Gilman, on his side, was informed by the conflict theory and went beyond Marx’s demonstration. Fanon as well builds on Marx from the ideas of alienation. To Du Bois, he was informed by the idea of capitalism and the economist and liberal thoughts. Gilman, in her own way, builds upon ideas presented by Marx. The Marxist conflict theory-informed her. Although Marx informed her, Gilman also partook in the initial wave of feminism, challenging social ideals, that women are subordinate to men. There are similarities in these two theorists and also differences…

An in-depth analysis of Hamlet Society forms the core of our sense of being and the moral values we perceive in our daily routines. The environment that the community surrounds us with forms the center to the character and the character traits we take up. These factors can vary from the people we associate ourselves with the actions and outcomes of a particular situation; all these affect us in one way or another in developing our self-understanding. Self-concept is the image we all have of ourselves, an individual’s behavioral perceptions, and personal characteristics. Self-discovery is an ever-changing theme in our lives that become cemented with age (Oyserman et al.). Through such, every individual will understand and exemplify their personas accordingly and the way they reveal themselves to the world around them. The Tragedy of the Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare, is often known as the Hamlet and is one of the most extended plays ever written by Shakespeare. The plot talks of Prince Hamlet, who is in a quest to revenge his father’s demise. The siting King Claudius…

different dimensions of art Feminism Philosophers have long argued that as empirical and objective as science is, it cannot capture and explain phenomena like emotion and the true essence of the soul (Brooklyn Museum, 2019). Art has been there from the onset of time, from cave paintings of Neanderthals to sophisticated skyscrapers in metropolitan cities and hanging tapestries reigning supreme in several museums all over the world. Through art, there has been self-expression and the portrayal of the surrounding society from which the piece of art originates (Eusebio, 2019). Art has served as a source of beauty and as a means to capture beauty itself (Brooklyn Museum, 2019). It has also aided several societal purposes like critiquing political regimes. This paper aims to see the different dimensions of art, how they affect the artists and the society around them, and how they evoke resonance from those who are subjected to them. Art and the Public Scene A number of artists get inspired by the society around them. Occurrences that stir the artistic side of an individual, be it a painter,…

The Silence of the Lambs Introduction The Silence of the Lambs shows us about the criminal nature of humans and the reasons why people become criminals. It shows us about women in careers and the unseen struggles they face while navigating the work environment. An analysis of this film shows that psychopaths are hard to change even with medication and rehabilitation. Also, women are intelligent and don’t need to have males or have ‘favours’ to climb the career ladder; they can do it on their own. Women are strong, and can even solve some problems in a way that the males cannot. Background information The silence of the Lambs is a film adaptation of the book by the same name, written by Thomas Harris. The film revolves around Clarice Starling, an FBI rookie trying to solve a psychotic murder case with the help of Dr Hannibal Lecter. Jack Crawford, heads behavioural science at the FBI and sends for Clarice to help him with a serial murder case that they are trying to solve. After hitting a wall, Crawford uses Clarice…

Team 2 Haraway The essay written by Haraway focuses on a society that build its trust into materialism, socialism and feminisms. Ava is social feminist strategy depicting how the technology has changed over the time, and the perception of who is a man or woman has drastically changed. The cyborg created is seen to be very different on how human beliefs, it has no culture ties rather than earth person has a place on earth, no matter their gender or affiliation. The easy is seen to contradict with the past perception of feminism, more so, in the political identity, and also the support of affiliation by the use of affinity. The author utilizes cyborg to encourage the feminists to withdraw the tradition perception of politics, feminism and gender, marking one of the pioneer of feminist pothumanist theory. Within the “Manifesto” Haraway is seen to focus on three breach of boundaries one of them being a breach between human and machine. The 20th machine have portrayed a bigger meaning of boundaries between the artificial and natural. The cyborg is not able…

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