Women Empowerment in Rwanda  In Sub-Saharan Africa, women dominance in the political arena and social rights is significant in Rwanda among all the other nations, which formulate my research question (Berry,2015). Why do women dominate the leadership positions in Rwanda more than any other country? Introduction of women-friendly policies set by lawmakers contribute to their many leadership positions. Following the genocide in Rwanda, women have been stepping up to occupy the leadership positions in the country and therefore upholding feminism. The conflict between Tutsi and Hutu cost the deaths of many people in the country, men being the majority. Men died, became disabled, and many of them became prisoners. The surviving population, which was about six million was primarily the female gender. The only alternative left was for women to step up and run the country (Abbott et al. 2018). The  war effects were inclusive of the rape of at least a quarter of a million women according to reports. This tragedy brought out women in the human rights making efforts to protect the female gender and spearheading policies against…

Role of Political Loyalties Iraq became a failed state in the years following Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003). Disagreements between the political parties was one of the reasons for the failure of the state after Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003). During the instance where members of parliament were supposed to elect a national parliament, the states three largest parties combined to form a coalition, the Iraqi Accordance Front (Gaub, 2017). The action indicated a new friendship among these parties that usually had diverse views. Consequently, United Iraqi Alliance that was led by Shi’ite and consisted of two Shi’ite political parties became more fractured. Such was as a result of the exit of prominent party members to start their own political parties before the elections. The fractures led to division of ideologies, which enhanced the opposition in the parliament. Furthermore, the ineffective leadership of the transitional Prime Minister, Ibrahim al-Ja’fari was part of the problem in the failure. The Prime Minister had been widely criticized by the Sunni Arabs, Kurds, as well as the Shi’ite leaders because of the mismanagement of government funds and…

Feminism in The Color Purple Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple” is a story that follows the painful lie of a lady named Celie and her sister Nettie. Celie is a girl who has endured the pain of rape from her father, Alphonso. Her two children she bears from the illicit actions, Adam and Olivia, are abducted and given up for adoption by her father. Eventually, she is married to an abusive man, Mister, who is not only disrespectful towards her but has a mistress as well. Nettie goes to live with an affluent black woman who, coincidentally, had adopted Celie’s children. She accompanies the woman and her husband to go on a gospel mission in Africa. Back at home, Mister brings in his mistress Shug who has a sexual relationship with Celie. Mister’s son, Harpo, also marries a strong-willed lady Sofia who eventually leaves when the marriage becomes too unpalatable. Sofia finds herself in jail but is forced to work for the Sheriff’s wife when she leaves the place. As the story proceeds, Alphonso dies, and Nettie gets to marry…

Effects of Gender in Heart Rate Descriptive statistics gives a summary representation of a dataset. In this exercise, we are looking at the Heart rate of men and women before and after exercise. We expect women to have a higher resting Heart rate compared to men. The resting heart rate increases with age in men and women from 20s to 40s and then starts to decrease (McMullen, 2020). The mean, variance, and standard deviation of men’s and women’s heart rate in rest and after exercise is summarized in table 1 and table 2 below (Emmanuel, 2017). Table 1. Descriptive statistics of Heart rate before and after exercise for the male quantitative variable. Male = 0 Resting After Exercise Mean 80.39 90.28 Sample Variance 49.74 61.15 Sample Standard deviation 7.05 7.82   Table 2. Descriptive statistics of Heart rate before and after exercise for the female quantitative variable. Female = 1 Resting After Exercise Mean 81.77 91.23 Sample Variance 39.30 34.96 Sample Standard deviation 6.27 5.91   The mean heart rate after exercise is higher than the mean heart rate at…

Journey to Justice” Canadian Documentary The “journey to success” documentary is an acknowledgment of six Canadian who made a step of taking racism to court. The individuals are rarely noticed in the history of the heroes who fought for the civil rights of the black people. The focus of the film is a period between the 1930s and1950s and documents the process struggle through which the six went through in their refusal of inequality. These individuals included Viola Desmond, Nova Scotia, and Fred Christie, who were aided in securing justice for the Canadians. The main character of the documentary was Howard Triest, who was a Jewish from Germany. He freed to Nazi back in 1939 and went back to America as a victor, after which he served as an interpreter in the tribunals of Nuremberg. The documentary explores the discriminatory and racial inequality in public facilities and social life through which the blacks went through in the face of the white. Throughout the documentary, racism has been portrayed based on three dimensions. These include individual racism, institutional, and internationalization. In…

 Rationale for the Right to Abortion Following the landmark ruling of the U.S Supreme Court that legalized abortion in 1973, the critics of the decision have been using every means to persuade the court to reverse the decision. As such, some states, including North Dakota, Mississippi, Arkansas, Ohio, Louisiana, and Kentucky, among others, have passed legislation that criminalizes abortion when conducted after a particular period. According to the World Health Organization, 25% of pregnancies end up in abortions (WHO, 2019). ICPD (International Conferences on Population and Developments) argues that every woman has the right to have the utmost reproductive health as well as the right to decide on the number, timing, and spacing of their kids without restrictions, violence or any form of coercion. Besides, the World Health Organization asserts that it is the right of women to access information relating to their reproductive health, including the means to ensure proper timing and spacing of their kids. According to WHO, abortion is one of the stated essential reproductive health rights of women WHO, 2019). Both health practitioners and WHO, among…

Evaluating Lives Living signifies the existence of life. Besides, life is the sole differentiation factor between dead and inorganic matter with a living organism. While there are many philosophical descriptions of life, Jean-Paul Aymard Sartre coins a landmark explanation of life that distinguishes him from other scholars. Sartre is a French-born scholar whose work covers a wide range of disciplines, including racism, free will, violence, and also feminism. One of the significant subjects Sartre endeavored to understand includes existence and its value. His great work revolves around the philosophized in existentialism. In his concept of existentialism, Sartre delivers a presupposition that there exists no purpose in living. Not a single one derived outside the bearer of life himself. Sartre further states that humans neither have control of how they are born nor of the surroundings in which they are brought up. However, Sartre believed that in the course of one’s life, personal desires and decisions play an immense role in forging a person’s destiny and purpose of their existence. In other words, Sartre asserts that human beings are free to…

Femininity Femininity Femininity is used to refer to characteristics, roles and behaviour that are identified with women and girls. Feminism has two-faced; it is both influenced by society and biologically. Some people think femininity in a biological sense is about the female biological, but this is far from it since even the males can exhibit inherent feminist traits. Some of the characteristics that are associated with femininity include empathy, gentleness and being sensitive among others according to influencers like cultural and social aspects. According to these factors, femininity has been defined in various ways. For example, through behaviour, characteristics, roles, and dressing, among others. This paper will expound more about femininity and opinions about the same from various studies. One of the everyday things people use to define femininity in almost every society is allocation of roles on gender basis. Since the earlier days, the females have been identified with defined roles that the society thought are not meant for the males. For example, women have been identified with tasks such as child-rearing, household chores like cooking, and other jobs…

LIZZIE REVIEW Prompt #1. Lizzie film is a mystery and a puzzle to be solved. It depicts Lizzie as a notoriouscharacter who is guilty of the murder charges brought forward against her. However, Lizzie is a woman trying to stand up for herself and her sister, by fighting against the discrimination she received from her father, for being a woman. The film revolves around murder and feminism.  Deaths in the movie are as a result of strained relationships within the characters. Family misunderstanding, as seen in the movie, is depicted because of chaos and confusion.According to facts provided in the film, Lizzie is guilty of the murder charges. Lizzie, who is the main character in the story, is accused of killing Andrew and Abby Borden. Andrew was Lizzie’s father, while Abby was her stepmother. The circumstances leading to the murder of the two are strange since they are both found hacked gruesomely in their home compound. Being the closest family member to the duo, Lizzie becomes the prime suspect in the gruesome murders of his parents, majorly because she had…

The Office “Feminist Theory” The sitcom series, “The Office,” deals with real-life struggles and the challenges people go through as they strive to tackle one day at a time. More particularly, the series looks into the life of the modern-day woman, and what it means to live in the male-dominated world, fighting for equality and recognition. Women are caught continuously between pursuing their personal goals and dreams and being the bedrock of the family. Unlike the men, women have to choose one or the other, and in most cases, they go with the easier option, compromising their interests. Majorly these interests are in terms of pursuing a career and becoming financially independent. While men easily have both their jobs and families, with a lot of excuses in between, the woman is almost naturally expected to put her family first, always at home for the children, and be a support system for her husband. The Office questions these stereotyped systems of world operation. Why can’t the woman be given a chance to equally contribute to the development of the society around…

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