Banana Tours “Cultural Information regarding both Ecuador and Nicaragua.” Culture defines the social values, attitudes, behaviours, lifestyle as well as norms and customs of a particular group of people. It shapes the activities and actions of people in a country. Different states have different religions around the world (Cullen & Parboteeah, 2016). For example, countries located in Latin America such as Ecuador and Nicaragua is associated with various identities and multiculturalism (Mohan-Neill, 2010). However, it should be noted that Nicaragua depicts high power distance and high levels of collectivism among people. Both Ecuador and Nicaragua represent a culture where Spanish is the native language. However, many people can also communicate in English in these countries (Torío-López et al., 2018). Arguably, the business culture Ecuador and Nicaragua depicts high levels of creativity and friendly working environment. The people living in these countries are close to strangers. There is a division of business roles among women and men in the region. Men mostly do hard work and are among the top managers in the country. In Nicaragua, women mainly support children and…

Slavery and Black Women Bell Hooks In her book “Ain’t I A Woman” intends to lay a foundation for her feminist theory by providing historical evidence of detailed sexism that black women slaves tolerated and how those experiences affect black women in the modern days. In the book, Hooks stated that “A devaluation of black womanhood occurred as a result of the sexual exploitation of black women during slavery that has altered in hundreds of years” (Hooks, 1981). The economics of slavery, which commodified human life, and encouraged raising enslaved individuals, promoted a regular practice of rape against black women. This system created a lasting social order founded on race and sex. Hooks chose Sojourner Truth’s quote as the title of her book because she evaluates the impacts of sexism and racism on black women, the civil rights and feminist movements. Sojourner Truth is a prominent historical figure because she was actively involved in the antislavery movement as well as the women’s rights movement. At the Women’s Right Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851, Truth delivers one of the most…

A passion for Wisdom In “A passion for wisdom”, Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins take the reader into a lively and gratifying tour of the history of philosophy. The presentation of history and development of philosophy is not only a witty and refreshing approach but also within a dense and concise text. The authors delve into the question of philosophy from a global perspective capturing various human attributes of the field. The book highlights significant philosophies on logic, ethics and politics by different founders including William James, Plato, Karl Max and Simone de Beauvoir and Buddha. The coverage begins with the most ancient religious beliefs from the East, Africa and the West that try to understand the concept of the world and existence, including its origin. The book also tackles multicultural postmodern philosophies of the current era such as feminism. Religion was one of the fundamental aspects that characterized ancient philosophies. The quest form meaning of life, existence and the afterlife influenced religious theories (p 3). Monothetic ideas of one God could be traced to 1730 BCE to ancient Babylonians…

A Response to Edna St. Vincent Millay’s Choice of Genre  The article Andromeda unbound: Gender and Genre in Millay’s sonnets by Debra Fried seeks to criticize the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay’s decision to use the sonnet genre of poetry to proclaim women freedom. The author acknowledges the tough nature in which Millay poetry address the societal issues of sex, betrayal, and feminism that women have been compelled to submit to. However, Debra seems to disagree with Millay’s choice of the sonnet by claiming that it’s the same genre that has caged the women’s voices and allowed men dominance to go unchallenged. Hence, according to her (the author), a woman writing sonnets in the 20th century when people are seeking modernism is an act of embarrassment. The article puts down justification of the author’s reason for disagreement through examples. However, Millay’s poems demonstrate a contrary disposition to  Fried’s article argument. The sonnet genre puts the female poet Millay on formal restrictions, which serves more as an act of silencing her voice than acting as women themes or mouthpiece representation.  Debra…

Contributing factors of abortion Introduction The argument about the abortion has been running for decades and seem so controversial, many consider it murder or so immoral and by, defining abortion occurs when the pregnancy is ended so that it doesn’t result to a child or before the normal growth. Many argue that abortion shouldn’t be legalized yet many of the pro-life believers are totally against it and believe it should be illegal. Many of pro-life supporters fail to understand the fact that even if abortion was illegal it could still be practiced (Forsythe & PresseR,2005) The aim of this thesis is to discuss why abortion legalization in society should be encouraged and the contributing factors as to why women terminate the pregnancy. The society is against abortion and suggests that everyone has the right to live without considering the circumstances that translated to the pregnancy. On the other hand, In the case of rape, child abuse or incest the affected individual is both physically and emotionally frustrated. These people end up hating themselves and live always in fear and it’s…

I Want a Wife review             Judy Brady wrote a poetic essay, “I want a wife” in 1971, during a period that was witnessing a strong feminist movement. The feminist debate had caused a heated discussion concerning the role of women in the home. Women had been the recipients of the negative impacts of patriarchal dominion and Brady had to stand out and play a role as a female author to represent the voice of the woman. The main aim of the author was to express her feeling about the negligence that women had been going through in their fight for equal rights as men. Brady focuses on the traditional roles of the woman in a home set up and seems to be addressing a female audience. Brady is concerned about the unfairness that exists within the marriage structure with the women coming out as the victims on many occasions. The significance of such a topic for a literary work stands out even in the present world since the issue of the fight for gender equality is getting vocal day-in-day-out.…

Equal Rights Amendment Introduction Equal Rights Amendment is a suggested change to the American Law tailored essentially to refute many United States statutes that segregate when it comes to women. Its leading fundamental theory was that gender cannot dictate the lawful prerogative of male and female. The wording of the advanced change stated that “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex” and additionally that “the Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”( Francis, 2015) Enactment Procedure and Time line Alteration initially was inaugurated into the legislature in 1923, soon after women in North America were allowed to participate in the ballot (Quffa, 2016). Eventually it was accepted by the Senate 49 years later in March 1972. Further the Amendment was presented to effective law-makers for approval inside seven years. Nevertheless, even though there was addition of the time limit to June 1982, it was not endorsed by the necessary three-fourths or thirty-eight states. Legal Consequences…

The Beveridge Report Since the 1940s, there was intense debate about capitalism, communism, and socialism, with some countries even willing to wage war to support their politico-economic ideology of choice. Nonetheless, the subsequent clash of communism happened simultaneously with the crisis of capitalism. Marxist ideology was firmly rejected within the West and in particular, Britain (Whitehead, 2014). Society favored the privatization of industries and freeing the market, which later led to the rise of inequality in Britain. While the rich became richer, the poor continued to languish in poverty due to income inequality, which prompted scholars, politicians, and other commentators to look for ways of elevating the poor. Two scholars, Miles and Beveridge, became the leading proponent of the middle way between libertarianism and collectivism in the post-World War II Britain. Although their proposals were not new in academia and political discourse, the political and economic environment at the time increased the popularity of those proposals among the member of the Public (Whitehead, 2014). The Beveridge Report became regarded as the foundation of the Post World War welfare in British…

Feminist Research Essentially, feminist research can be defined as research on what is called “feminist” based on the encounter of women in a world largely dominated by men. The purpose of this study is to create useful knowledge that contributes to ideas from different perspectives. Feminism focuses on agents who share similar plans with men and overcome conflicts by gender, competence and class. This component was built in the 1980s. Since then, feminist research has focused on how men have physically changed women’s lives, and the development of strategies can counteract this process (Mary Maynard 2005). There is little consensus on feminist research on absolute terminology to accurately identify feminist theory and practice. So it is not really an isolated theory. Patricia McGuire (Bretton 1997) explains that feminism (i) includes the knowledge and belief that women are subject to some form of oppression (ii) the obligation to oppress and exploit women in any way. (Brettin 1997). Feminism as a distinctive approach in social sciences Arguably, feminism is a distinctive approach in social sciences based on the presence of unique feminist…

Social contract history Social contract is an agreement between the ruler and the ruled. Social contract can be a formal document or informal values and relations. In society, the relationship between people their governments or any other institutions are guided by social contracts. Social contracts may be in the form of regulations, constitutions, laws, social norms, religious practices, and conventional expectations. According to the theory, people were born as being either happy or unhappy; they then formed a society with some rules guiding them. Social contract enables people to live together in a society by agreements which govern political and moral laws. Social contract history can be traced in the state back in the 17th and 18th centuries. The theory was determined from great philosophers, namely, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jacques Rousseau. There were oppression and hardship and to overcome them people in the state made two agreements the “pactum Unionis” and the “Pactum Subjectionis”. In the” pactum Unionis” people were seeking the protection of their properties and lives and a society was formed people respected each other and…

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