Annotated Bibliography on Little Red Riding Hood Antonelli, Emanuele. “Little Red Riding Hood: Victimage in Folktales and Cinema—A Case Study.” Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, vol. 22, 2015, pp. 107–132. JSTOR, Accessed 24 Feb. 2020. The article interprets the various versions of the Little Red Riding Hood story and particularly the recent film adaptations. The story of the Little Red Riding Hood began as a folktale told to young children by European mothers and nurses. The article notes that Charles Perrault published the first written version of LRRH and proceeds to highlight translations from other authors. Despite the variations, the different versions maintain the same theme that children should obey their parents when they walk through dangerous areas, and beware of seemingly friendly strangers, because wolves may lurk in every guise. The article argues that there is more to the story than that of a children’s story, such as the little girl represents a young woman experiencing profound sexual impulses. Other interpretations of the story are that the story is about violence against women, identity and sexuality…

Intersectionality Intersectionality is one of a theoretical framework that describes the interconnection of various social identities such as gender, race, class, and sexuality contribute to a particular type of systemic discrimination and oppression experienced by a person. Intersectionality has been used as a critical tool in getting all women, regardless of their intersecting identities; obtain equal job opportunities and pay. The theory has been also applied in protecting trans women and trans women of colour from discrimination and violence that they face in their daily lives. The intersectionality concept is not just a theoretical perception but an account of how various oppressions are experienced particularly by Black women. Indeed, different authors use diverse but parallel approaches, denoting to the movement at the intersection, to concretize this concept. The concept of Intersectionality has been widely critiqued by several literary works such as Framing Intersectionality: Debates on a Multi-Faceted Concept in Gender Studies, by Kimberle` Crenshaw, the founder of the concept of Intersectionality, wherein her efforts to expound Intersectionality, discusses on “Demarginalising the Intersection of Sex and Race: A Black Feminist Critique…

Key Experiences in my Life, and how the Concepts of Social Construction of Gender, and Intersectionality Apply to These Experiences Introduction Society over the years has developed gender roles that have become the norm. Being either male or female comes with its specific role description that society deems as the requirement for that particular gender. People’s experiences are often aligned to these gender roles and constructions that surround the responsibilities conferred to them. Therefore, it is essential to try and relate life’s experiences to these gender concepts in a bid to try and demystify the myths and misconceptions that surround gender roles. This essay seeks to try and relate the life experiences that I had with the concepts of the social construction of gender and intersectionality. First, I will narrate the essential experiences that I have thus far had in life, especially those that relate to gender and its roles. Then, the two concepts will be discussed and explained before applying them to life experiences. Essential life experiences that I have had In my life, I have been able to…

Introduction to Korea through fim The Host is a story about a monster living in a river, the Han River in downtown Seoul that emerges from the river to attack an economically disabled family, the Park family. It snatches a girl, Hyun Seo, Gang-du’s young daughter, after which the Korean government offers to help the family by using the states resources. As a result of the little girl’s disappearance, the family and all others people who have had contact with the monster are quarantined to prevent its deadly virus from spreading. But their seclusion ends when the girl’s father receives a phone call from her daughter whom together with a homeless boy has been taken hostage by the monster. This causes the whole family to break out of the hospital and this becomes the beginning of a search, which is heroic and at the same time humorous, to recover the girl. The humor besides making the film interesting in a way captures several serious matters both political as well as social; from the way the government tries to get involved…

Essay Proposal with Annotated Bibliography In various societies, nudity is an act that is against morals, believes, ethics and values. For both male and female genders, being naked before people is a wrong act that is considered immoral. Individuals should ensure that they cover most of their body, especially the genitals. Various societal setups have their level of what is considered nudity for both males and females. This proposal intends to address nudity in the perspective of male and female genders. Nudity in any form corrupts people’s minds, especially young ones. It erodes the morals and values that control people’s behaviour in society. In this paper, I intend to focus on nudity in the form of pornography. The article will assess impacts of pornography on women and the influence of censorship on the representation of pornography in Canada. Nudity in pornographic form corrupts moral values and ethics in both male and female, devalues women rights and equality.     Annotated Bibliography Fuller, J., Blackley, S., & Pollak, N. (1996). Restricted entry: Censorship on trial. Raincoast Books. The authors address various challenges…

The book of the cities of ladies Introduction This book is among one of the most famous works of Christine de Pizan. In this book, Christine has used French but has incorporated some Latin style conversations. This book was a formal response to Roman de la Rose composed by Jean de Meun’s. In this book, Christine tends to create a defense for ladies by giving a wide array of famous women in history. By this, he tends to differ with jean’s idea on women. In this book, he refers ladies to the city of ladies. Each lady described in this book represents a building block for the houses in the city as well as a building block for her main thesis. It is no secret that feminism has been so rampant till today. Although not as high as the olden days, women are still looked down upon; they are still paid fewer wages to the work they do even when men are being paid highly for the same job, women still fear to walk at night, people always turn a…

Tasks: (C- Negative criticism) Thesis statement: to choose to be this or that is to affirm at the same time the value of what we choose, because we can never choose evil, we always choose good, and nothing can be good for us without being good for all. The Christian doctrine teaches us to believe that everything is possible through faith. As much as this ideology has merit, it is essential to note that we live in a world that is full of different cultures and different religious doctrines. In addition, our work environment is full of a variety of people with different personalities; therefore, it is not possible to always choose to do good and avoid evil because we are an individualistic society. Carano believes that humans will always choose the good decision and never an evil one as long as it is good for all. However, humanity has become too individualistic to even think about how their choices will affect other people. An individualistic society is a society that stresses the needs of individuals above all else. Our…

analyzing women’s identity Introduction Women identity Identity is a heterogeneous concept that encompasses how one’s belief systems include; personal attributes, pride, honor surrounding interacts with those of the society, and the membership one is attached to, like culture, religion, and ethnicity. In the efforts of women to express and negotiate identity.  One has to look back in the past and reflect on the position of old generation women were given; such role they were limited to, and responsibilities that were tagged towards their gender identity of family and domestic chores with little or zero economic boost. Before the advancement of technology, women’s identity has been suppressed with decisions aligned to social-cultural factors, geopolitical factors, and religious factors. These factors meant that women did not have autonomy in places of work, in pursuing education, political voice, and regrettably in their physical identity in marriages. At the moment, there struggle for identity negotiation amidst these barriers is spearheaded by women who want to see gender equality. Several research works have been done to point out varying women identity negotiations at within the…

PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN IN SOPHOCLES ANTIGONE “BREAKING OUT “             The ultimate goal of the current feminist movements has always been directed on seeking equality between women and men in general. It is through such changes that women have been in a position of enjoying some rights which they could not in the past. Such rights are and not limited to voting and competing with men in workplaces. Feminist movements have gained momentum in the last few years, but some figures in the history have embodied feminist characteristics of the modern day. A good example can be retrieved from Antigone, a character in Sophocles’ Antigone (Söderbäck, 717). In Sophocles Antigone, Antigone gender had profound impacts and the meaning of the actions she undertakes in general. One of her antagonist Creon mentions it openly that there was a need to overcome her in whatever it could take, just because she was a woman and her rebellion was not entitled in gender roles and hierarchy (Söderbäck, 727). Her stand against being passive had overturned one of the rules outlined by the culture…

Combating Domestic Violence among the Female Migrants in South Korea Introduction Statement of the Problem International marriage was not a common phenomenon in South Korea as previously witnessed in assignment 2. International marriage was considered to be acceptable considering the consistency with which the widespread of the conservative thoughts were spread to stress on the lineage and racial purity. South Korea is among the countries which receive a high number of migrants globally regardless of gender. Consequently, some so many women get married in South Korea in the attempt to seek refuge. The resultant effects of such marriages have been constant domestic violence. This type of abuse has been on the rise to the levels which invoke the societal concerns both in South Korea and the global society at large. In South Korea, there exist multifaceted socio-cultural settings which facilitate the domestic violence among the migrant women. The South Korean government authorized the migration of rural bachelors so that they could intermingle and get married. The consequence was a high number of the migrant women into the country in the…

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