Women Empowerment Abstract Women account for the largest number of minority groups in society. Unlike men, they encounter many challenges that hinder them from achieving the best in life. The likelihood of a woman to face gender violence and brutality is high compared to a man. Most of the social beliefs, legal systems and cultural interactions promote the welfare of the men more than the women. Despite the numerous efforts by the government and other support groups geared towards women empowerment, gender violence is still a great issue that requires much consideration to ensure equality in society. It is for this reason that we propose research that will enable the relevant people to understand the causes and effects of gender-based violence(Trevillion et al, 2012). Such insight will enable them to take up effective methodologies that would enhance women empowerment in the entire Ukraine nation. The proposed research will be qualitative and the setting will include the women from the less-privileged areas. The sample size will include 100 women who are victims of gender violence aged 15 to 50 years in…

Several ideas that dominated western civilization Over the centuries, humanities have undergone some dramatic changes. From their classical disciplines, they transform into national art, national literature, and governmental past. During the 18th century, there was an intellectual movement that emphasized reason over the belief of superstitions (Khan Academy). John Locke and Isaac Newton were among the first Thinkers to embrace knowledge and disseminate ideas on openness. It was a significant turning point for western civilization since the concepts are now seen and relevant in the 21st century. Several ideas dominated this movement in ideas including; Rationalism- The understanding that people can use their instinct of reason to acquire knowledge. Empiricism- Advocates the concept that knowledge has gained from experiencing and examining the world. Progressivism- the belief that through their ability to reason, people can make advancements over time. Cosmopolitanism– humans viewed themselves as an open-minded individual rather than rigid people. They were ruled by reason, not biases. By 1900, the world began to transform by all the discoveries, technological advances, and inventions. Electricity, the automobile, the aeroplane, radio, x-rays, and…



Face-ism Face-ism is where a proportion of the overall image as depicted in the media, for example, in magazine covers, is devoted to the face. According to studies, media portrayals of women tend to feature less of their face relative to the faces of men. Typical photographs of men feature two-thirds of his face, while for women, it features less than half of their face. This bias is further amplified for women of minority races who have the lowest face-ism in media portrayals. Face-ism is exemplified in politics where female politicians such as Hillary Clinton, whose time covers features images of her the lower part of her leg and a silhouette of her. Also, the former first lady was subjected to face-sim in her images on the Newsweek cover that also featured less of her face. In comparison, Bill Clinton, Obama, and President Trump images had more of their faces. Face-ism is crucial because it has a significant psychological influence on the audience of the media. Studies show that people tend to associate a person’s “individuality, personality, and intelligence with…

FEMINIST MOTHERING IN REFERENCE TO SHARON HAYS ARGUMENT             There is a difference between mothering and feminist mothering. Motherhood is the institution full of tradition as compared to the current feminist mothering. Feminist mothering on the other hand mainly encompasses the benefit acquired by both the mother and the child when a given mother is able to live her life doing other things as well as practicing mothering. This essay talks about feminist mothering. This also includes the analysis of feminist mothering, opinions, discussion and explanations. Feminist mothering arises from feminism. Feminism is a political as well as an intellectual commitment that seeks the justice for the women as well as putting an end to prejudice in all the forms and ensuring equality. Concerning the matter of feminist mothering, Sharon Hays argues that  ” the ideological separation of public and private spheres” results in “the value of intimate and family life {standing} as an explicit rejection of the values of economic and political life”. This essay also discusses this statement. It discusses the validity of this statement and the opinions arising towards…

   Crime report Executive summary People tend to commit a crime by going against the provisions of the criminal law. Rape and sexual harassments are frequent crimes committed in the today’s society. This has been due to change in society view on crime together with an increase in moral decay among our youth. However, the judiciary has provided a way to solve this problem through the criminal justice system in courts. Crime report compiles official information and data on crimes in the country. In the United States, it is published annually by FBI. Its major purpose is to ensure improved and publish the information and data that is to be collected and eventually used in the determining the crime pattern of a country. Crime report programs help the law enforcers to obtain all the relevant information and collect the data to figure out the crime pattern in the country where this crime is happening.  This report will highlight aspects of the criminal justice system and criminal law.  The report will, therefore, give an overview of the aspects of the criminal…

  Summary and Reflection about Article Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist who is renowned for his views concerning judgement and decision-making processs.In the forum that he hosts called The Riddle of Experience vs Memory, he goes into detail concerning the complexities behind happiness as well as the effects that this has on our lives. Daniel begins by introducing the audience to two selves which are these include experiencing self and remembering self. Kahneman explains how remembering self consists of the stories and the experiences that one has created. According to Kahneman, each self is able to generate its own happiness and this complicates the meaning of happiness. The message of the movie concerns personal happiness as well as people are able to generate their own happiness. The movie offers practical solutions to happiness and it ensures a better understanding of what is necessary for happiness. However, the overall belief concerning the ease of getting happiness may be misguiding to some people. The movie may have a major impact on my life through the change of perception that it offers concerning…

Sex and gender roles Sex and gender roles have been an issue of contention over recent years. Most people have believed that feminism is a fictional experience that female gender attempts to create politically. The feminism experience can be compared with the argument presented by Donna Haraway in her essay, “A Cyborg Manifesto,” where the main theme is based on gender. Haraway holds a different opinion on the way a difference is defined between a man and a woman and humans and machines. Generally, the binary model that attempts to define the difference in genders and machines and humans does not fall in line with Haraway’s school of thought. Haraway’s opinion, however, appears to give the female gender a definition that does not appear to be in line with most of the societies’ beliefs. An article in The Ney York Times newspaper outlined the way the female gender is intimidated to the extent of having an impact on the voting patterns in the US. The division of the society into genders, according to Haraway is the reason conflicts have been…

Why Are There So Few Women In Politics? Introduction There are few women in politics in most countries worldwide. Women have had inadequate opportunities in government participation precisely in striving for power in the government and political power in different institutions. It is essential to highlight that women face various challenges that hinder them from participating in civic life. However, several countries are trying to enact policies that will increase the participation of women in the political field at all levels. Also, more women are in the present day pursuing leadership positions. The women face the most significant challenges when seeking a place in an office, as opposed to when she is holding a spot in the government. Since most party leaders are men, they consider men to be prime applicants since they share a more significant number of similarities than most women do. A similar idea applies while talking about the subsequent factor (Krook & Sanín, 2019). Enrollment works through systems, for example, lower-level officeholders or associated organizations. Since ladies are underrepresented in these systems, as indicated by insights,…

The Impact of Domestic Violence Cases in the Criminal Justice System: Is Justice Being Served? ABSTRACT Domestic violence is a social phenomenon that has substantial impacts on both genders, and the criminal justice system strives to contain it. According to Kaur, R., & Garg, S. (2008), domestic violence is a physical, psychological, sexual, or economic forcefulness that transpires inside an intimate or family-related and develops an outline of harsh and guiding behavior. Similarly, domestic violence is one of the most insidious predicaments that society faces, especially in familial relationships. In England and Wales, for example, police take a call on domestic violence every minute, depicting the widespread acts of violence. This paper seeks to establish how courts deal with domestic violence cases and whether the penalties are sufficient to act as deterrence against domestic violence. Furthermore, the paper also takes a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the American Legal System in handling domestic litigations. According to Thornberry, Roberts & Burrill (2010), jurisdictions have been developed to establish courts that focus on domestic violence to guarantee follow-through on issues, support…

 steps on dishwashing to make your job easy One of the essential parts of keeping your kitchen look clean is to keep your washbasin clean and free from uncleaned dishes. Unwashed dishes can attract germs on utensils and area of the kitchen. To make the utensils look clean and sparkling, it is best to use the right dish wash scrubber. Experienced dish wash scrubber manufacturer India S Wash offers a range of scrubbers for the washing purpose. These scrubbers are made not only to make the utensil look clean but also to the kitchen area. S Wash, with its dish wash scrubber, ensures that all your utensils are cleaned with perfection. However, it is essential to know that you know how to wash the dish perfectly. There are two ways on hand washing the dish- by diluting dish detergent in a sink or dishpan filled with water, or by squirting detergent directly onto a sponge or the dirty dish. Whichever dishwashing method you choose, it is vital to use the right amount of detergent. Here it would be best if…

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