Petrified Man review             The Petrified Man is a story written by Eudora Welty reflecting modern civilization. The principal characters are Leota, a beautician and Mrs. Fletcher who is a customer in the beauty shop. The writer builds the theme of corruption of love using the two characters as the primary players. The dialogue between the two ladies at the beauty shop gives a different picture of ladies concerning love. The writer employs symbolism to change the perception of a beauty shop as a place for creating beauty and character to a place of revealing the real ugliness of ladies’ take on love. The two characters are portrayed as envious, jealous and obsessed with material possession and cannot ignore their constant exercise of self-love. The ladies seem to respect their looks more than the joy that would come with having a family to love. Every single line in the dialogue between the story’s principal characters has a part that represents a society that supports self-love at the expense of love for others. The characters reveal the ugly sides of each…

Gerstmann Evan, “Dispelling Myths About the Gender Pay Gap,” (2019)             The debate on the gender pay gap tends to take different directions, when discussed by various authors. Weight is placed on the fact that women are paid less compared by men on similar job positions. However, several factors that contribute towards the lesser pay are overlooked, with the blame being taken on gender discrimination. Evan Gerstmann discusses in his article, “Dispelling Myths About the Gender Pay Gap,” the exaggerations on various findings concerning the impact of gender discrimination on the pay level for different jobs. Gerstmann differs in opinion from the advocates of equal pay among different genders citing insufficient research on the factors that are responsible for the different payments. Gerstmann’s article is based on a case presented by Professor Jennifer Freyd against the University of Oregon for alleged gender-based salary. A federal judge had dismissed the lawsuit citing lack of sufficient evidence and inadequate consideration of accompanying factors. The findings by the judge had been in line with the argument by Gerstmann that the difference in salaries between the…

Huntington and Fukuyama’s ideas After the Cold War, a unipolar world in which capitalism and democracy dominated other ideologies was established. In this regard, a new perspective of global politics materialized, offering hope for a “New World Order in which conflicts could be resolved peacefully through international institutions and respect for the rule of law” (Poynter 8). For instance, Francis Fukuyama, in his article “The End of History,” propagated the belief that liberal democracy would create universal social order (Poynter 8). However, Samuel Huntington had a pessimistic view of the world, which he presented in his article “The Clash of Civilization,” where he argued that the post-Cold War era would witness tensions and conflicts. The strain would be as a result of faultiness due to national and cultural differences. Despite being developed more than two decades ago, Huntington and Fukuyama’s ideas have shaped the geopolitics and defined international politics. Fukuyama’s “End of History” The concept “End of History” has been praised for promoting the democratic peace theory. Fukuyama believed that that war should be the last action after all nonmilitary…

 intersectional and inclusive narratives of prostitution in North America The main objective of this work entails using the material records surrounding prostitution in North America during the mid-to-late 19th century. The consideration of the archaeological findings is critical for constructing an inclusive narrative, which emphasizes intersectionality (as it relates to sex, class, and race), and agency for the women in question. The present narrative mainly focuses on the young white (Euro-American) women who would not face similar economic pressures and constraints from their community, as would be the case with a black or Chinese woman in the same profession. The development of an inclusive narrative would not only promote further historical analysis of sex work for a wide variety of women but also provide an opportunity for the introduction of more nuance into present findings of Euro-American prostitutes. The material culture drawn from the studied brothels encompasses a wide range of items supporting the biased and arguably dominant account of prostitution as a woeful profession and last alternative for the women that are incapable of supporting themselves because of the…

Societal Events Connection Introduction Philip Zimbardo had access to very many images and videos that depicted the abuse done by guards towards the prisoners at Abu Ghraib in 2003. He compiles a collection of the pictures in a short video on his TED presentation to explain the gruesome, explicit and horror that the prisoners went through in the hands of the guards. Some of the images exhibited degrading and simulated sex acts whereas others went to the extremes of showing the guards standing next to corpses. To explain how good people turn evil, Philip Zimbardo conducted an experiment at Stanford University that involved the students posing as prisoners and guards. However, the experiment was halted after five days when the student guards started acting abusive towards the prisoners coercing them into nudity and sexual acts Differences and similarities between Abu Ghraib and Stanford University Study In both Abu Ghraib prison and the Stanford University experiment, the prisoners went through a lot of psychological torture, humiliation and abuse from the guards. For example, the prisoners were sleep deprived as they were…

Songs of Songs 7:7 -8:4 The songs of song 7:7 read: This is a stature that is like a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes. This Biblical verse can be explained both according to the feminist interpretation using commentaries and according to the Global Application. According to feminist interpretation, this scripture describes the beauty of a woman. The whole songs of songs chapter 7 explains the beauty of a certain woman. This specific verse describes the said woman as a real beauty due to her body shape. The verse therefore makes us understand that beauty is all about natural beauty and not using other artificial methods to improve beauty levels. Feminism has been the forefront against the beauty industry, accusing them of degrading the natural beauty of women. According to feminists, the attractiveness of a woman increases her credibility in the society by increasing their self-esteem and confidence. For a feminist, all women are beautiful in different ways and depending on various factors. Songs 7:7 can be applied to address different global issues. This verse teaches us…

Woman at Point Zero The critical issue expressed in the novel includes the gender-based discrimination and struggle that women face. It further seeks to elaborate on the consequences that follow gender-based violence and discrimination against women. Through the story of the protagonist Firdaus, the novel reveals the elements of gender-based violence and the scars that they leave in their victims. It illustrates that the abuse that women face can cause adverse consequences in the lives of the victims, which could lead to unfavorable choices and actions, including murder, in an attempt to protect oneself. Among the main ideas presented in the novel include the concept of fear and survival. Following decades of facing sexism and abuse, the protagonist leaves in fear and views the universal order as a conflict between the genders, where the men act as masters band treat the females as slaves.  All through her life, she fears what men could do to harm her. Expression of survival is as following constant oppression; Firdaus kills a man who exploits her. She faces increased courage after the murder, feeling that…

Feminist Perspective of Criminology The feminist perspective of criminology started in the 1960s and continued to the 1970s as a reaction to the general disregard against discrimination of women in the conventional study of crime. The perspective recognizes that the field of criminology has been dominated by men resulting in the development of criminology theories that focus on the experiences of men. The patriarchal domination is exceptional to the criminology theory as it is reflected in the criminal justice system, which is referenced under the institution of gender. The feminist perspective and victimology developed after the second wave of feminism, and it speaks with several viewpoints that were developed by feminist writers.   It is intended to solve the issues of inequality between different genders in criminology. Feminist perspective and criminology focus on women as criminal offenders, women as victims of crime, and women working in the criminal justice field. Feminist Perspective and Victimology The sexism in criminology has a significant impact on sentencing, punishment, and even imprisonment of women who are not expected to be criminals, and if they…

Pro-life and Feminism One can be pro-life and a feminist since it all defines one’s believes and freedom to choose the flexibility of an individual. The pro-life feminists symbolize the growing women population with obsessive considerations to empower fellow women while anticipating to shape progress where both men and women preserved equally. They consider the fact that unborn child deserves human life and protection just like any other human in a genuinely democratic society that cannot sacrifice the lives of its most vulnerable member for any reason. They believe that the guiltiness of abortion crime does not necessarily lie to the woman, for the child brings more care and joy to the mother’s heart. Therefore, the pro-mother and the pro-child brings a societal improvement that encourages other pregnant women while protecting the lives of the unborn children. In the modern world, education and statute have been used to create a new culture, which gives women safe choices that are non-violent, and life upholding to everyone involved in it.

Arguments for the Hijab in Canada The discussion about whether Muslim women living in Canada should wear hijab has been a controversial issue for quite a long time. Dressing code of individuals is critical as it acts as a means of communication to the public. Muslim women in Canada believe that wearing Hijab is their right as it preserves their identity. The Muslim women in Canada argue that they wear Hijab because it is a commandment by their religion that women should cover their hair. On the other side, Canadians in other religions persuade Muslim women to stop wearing Hijab on their heads. The means of communication used in the controversial issue about hijab between the Muslim community and the non-Muslim Canadians is very essential in the whole debate. Different means of communication have been used in the arguments for hijab in Canada ranging from face to face communication to use of social media. The number of Muslim Canadians have increased in recent years, which has been attributed to the immigration policy of the Country (Selby, 2016). However, with the…

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