What is privilege? How does it relate to feminism? Privilege is a belief or right given to some individual(s) and not to other people. In the conversations pertaining to feminism, certain beliefs and rights are normally given in the form of power to individuals on the basis of their features such as race, gender, sexuality, religion, and wealth (Barak, Leighton, & Flavin, 2010). Such an understanding of privilege as a concept is a demonstrable fact as to why the concept still remains so much confusing to dozens of people. Basically, some individuals wonder what can cause a social system to be such biased. The modern feminism has gone the extra mile to make a comparison between the concept privilege and subjugation/oppression (Barak, Leighton, & Flavin, 2010). According to the background reading, it is clear that subjugation takes its course when a society is structured in such a way that it places selected individuals at an advantage just by considering the traits/characteristics mentioned above. Question #2 Compare and contrast the life histories of incarcerated women to incarcerated men. In what ways…

Mormon Influence: Anti-feminist Critique of Twilight The feminism campaign is a concept that has characterized global debates on gender equality and more representation for the women in all spheres of society. While feminism is not a complicated issue when addressed through the political lens, in literature, it is a complex issue right from the fundamental level because of the differing written opinions about taking women seriously and according them respect. Although the idea is simple to understand by critically analyzing texts related to feminism, the portrayal of women in literature is quite problematic and the novel Twilight by Stephen Meyer is no exception. The text features Bella, who is the main character and protagonist as a self-deprecating girl characterized by a slew of stereotypical attributes. Meyer’s Twilight is closely attached to her Mormon culture and depicts her belief about women and feminism. A detailed analysis of Twilight identifies examples of antifeminism throughout the text and how it relates to Meyer’s Mormon culture. Bella Swan is characterized as a young girl suffering from low self-esteem, commits her time to cleaning and…

Bite Me! (Or Don’t) The use of different Style, Tone, Syntax, Diction, and also Rhetorical Techniques helps in the communication and delivery of an author’s message to his/her readers. These different forms of writing help an author air out their feelings and views on a much deeper and personal level. This paper focuses on Christine Seifert’s use of all these writing styles. This paper continues to focus on how writing styles have been used by Siefert to express and persuade her readers. She tries to express her views on how Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series book’s abstinence porn does not uplift women; instead, it subjects them to the control of men. Christine Seifert’s slang-filled and profane diction description of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series shows that her intended audience is youthful. Seifert employs Oxymoron literary device by using contrasting words like abstinence being sexy in describing Meyer’s twilight book. Bite me! (or Don’t) By Christine Seifert focuses on the fictional characters of the Twilight series. Starting with her title, Seifert draws curiosity from the readers. Taking an informal tone, this article tries…

Equal rights amendment (ERA) It was a suggested reformation presented to the United States constitution developed to assure equality on legal rights for all American citizens irrespective of their sex. It seeks to bring to end the legal disparities between men and women when it comes to settling matters such as employment, divorce, and property. The first amendment to be introduced to Congress was in the year 1923 by Crystal Eastman and Alice Paul. In the early history of ERA, the middle-class women were found in full support of the presentation, with the spokespersons of the working class .despising the same defense that the employed women were advocating for special needs, protections relating to working conditions and the environment as well as working hours. Increased movements of women movements around the state in the 1960s raised the popularity of the recommendations, which were then approved by the house of the representatives in 1971 with the Senate supporting the same in 1972 from where the ERA recommendations were presented to the state legislature for ratification as it is evidenced in the…

Coco Chanel Designs A couple of definitions have been devised to suit the word feminism. .many of the descriptions is majorly surrounded on it is a theory of political, economic and social equality for the sexes[1]. It is an organized activity that champions the rights and interests of women. The thesis will discuss in details women dressing before, during and after Coco Chanel. The gradual transformation of the dressing codes among women. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, who is famously known as Coco Chanel, is a French Designer who was born in 1883 and has lived for an estimated sixty years. Her fashion did great in the Parisian culture and was the force to reckon for the close competitors in the market at the time. Her career witnessed a lot of success with her merchandise gaining acceptance all over the world outgrowing her influence in the market for over six decades. Although she was a woman, she was able t fight the stiff competition that existed, thus proving that women can also be a source of inspiration to many who consider taking…

Rebecca Walker: Feminism Rebecca Walker’s position perfectly portrays the perception held, back then, until now, of feminism. In many peoples’ minds, as she explains, feminism is confining instead of liberating. Outspoken feminists, in the world over, according to popular belief, are perceived to have taken a stand that cannot be renounced. Yet, this idea of feminism, in a world of transgender, bisexual, interracial, cannot flourish. One will be forced, sooner rather than later, to renounce his or her prior stand and adopt another one. My generation is not beyond binary thinking; as a matter of fact, it is plagued by the same. What do I mean? Despite the changes that are manifest from every corner of the globe—the increased appearances of bisexuals, transgender, and the many races, millions still cling stubbornly upon binary thinking. They do not believe in anything else apart from male or female, white or any other race, among others. Indeed, without a doubt, most people find feminism more confining than liberating. In the light of the changes in gender, sex, and race now becoming prevalent in…

Nudity and the Male/Female Gaze Nudity entails exposure of genital parts of the body in a public view. In most cases, nudity takes the form of pornography, scenes in films, and television programs. The subjects of sex and nudity are discussed comprehensively in both male and female gaze. Sexual and gender study experts argue that the female gaze involves a feminist theoretical term that represents the gaze of a female viewer. In a broader perspective, feminist film theorists such as Laura Mulvey suggests that the male gaze encompasses the male viewers (MacKinnon, 1983). She states that nudity, sexuality, women equality, and gender are dependent subjects hence should be discussed together.  This paper provides a diverse and specific focus on pornography and its effects on women. In discussing the subject, there are vital questions will use as guides. How does pornography affect women’s morality? How does nudity in the form of pornography influence the social construction of sexuality and gender? Which are the possible solutions to pornography that involves women’s equity? By analyzing the above three questions, this article will show…

Found poetry Canada has marginalized, and racialized indigenous communities (Walia,601)Migrants are not those who cross state borders, but those who have been forced to relocate and live within the designated boundaries. (Walia,602). Racism continues to thrive (Walia,603). Black people are imprisoned(Wali,603). Racism is not being addressed (Wali,603). “Borderism” has divided communities (Wali,604). Borderism has destroyed cultures (Wali,604) Colonialism is the mother of injustices against migrants(Wali,608) Colonialism refers to the exploitation of land and people by foreigners displacing the native settlers (Manson,710) Imperialism is the use of Colonialism to extend a country”s territory and power. (Manson,710) Colonialism and Imperialism are causes for the vast gender inequality(Manson,710) Transnational feminism aims at highlighting the challenges that face gender equality motions (Manson,710) Colonial and imperial projects continue to alter gender relations (Manson,710). Globalization refers to people’s vision of an interconnected world. (Manson,711) Globalisation has its cons and pros (Manson,711). Globalization is shaped by political and social favors (Manson,711). Culture is subject to globalizing forces(Manson,712). Violence against women has no basis (Mason,716). It prevails all over the world (Mason,716). Globalization cannot be ignored (Mason,721). History…

Effects of Colonial Life on Native American Women American-Indian life could be described as different and exotic before the arrival of the Europeans. The culture of American, as described by their norms and values, was unique and different from that of the Europeans, and this led to a lot of complications and confusion as the Europeans tried to settle in the new lands. On arrival of the Europeans who were not familiar and who also misinterpreted the customs and practices of American Indians, the life of American Indians gradually changed as they integrated with the European culture. The social set up of the American Indians gradually changed, and women were one of the groups that were affected most. As the Europeans tried to dilute the American Indian culture during the colonial times, they introduced what can be described as a new paradigm in the cultural perceptions of the American Indians. A lot of values and norms were lost in the process with some societal roles getting reversed. In this essay, I am investigating how the European culture influenced the American…

Feminism in Othello Othello is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s more controversial plays because it covers the political and social beliefs of his time. The play is about Othello, who is a black general in the army, married to a white politician’s daughter named Desdemona. The relationship between Othello and Desdemona becomes difficult to sustain because, during the time, there was a lot of sexism and racism. This play maintains a male-dominant world where men have absolute control over women. The male in the play manifests prejudiced, discriminatory attitudes towards women. Shakespeare is helping us understand the expectations of the women in the era of Queen Elizabeth, where we meet the three primary women in the play: Desdemona, Bianca, and Emilia. These women behave based on the way of the stereotype of Elizabethan society, where women were seen as subject to men that they had seen Shakespeare based on the English patriarchy. The women in this play struggle because men view them as inferior and undeserving of equal rights, respect, or dignity, however and the end, Emilia breaks the…

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