COLD WAR:Igor Gouzenko Igor Gouzenko was born in Moscow in the year 1919. He studied at Moscow Architectural Institute. He met his wife Ann, who he married after some time. Igor joined the military at the start of world war two as a clerk. This position in the military gave him the chance to study the Soviet espionage activities. World war 2 was a war between the United States and the Soviet Union. The battle was based on both ideological and geopolitical struggle, which was expressed via indirect means such as psychological warfare, propaganda campaigns, and technological competitions. Since Igor new the secrets of the Soviet Union, I think he started the cold war. In 1945 Igor Gouzenko was taken from the Soviet embassy in Ottawa and swept off a Soviet spy-ring, which infiltrated the Canadian government (Niergarth, 2018). Only after three days of the Japanese’s surrender and the Second World War ended. The intelligence network has since expanded to the United States and the UK. The first revealed and captured atomic bomb hackers is included. In the essence and…

Corporate Social Responsibility essay Introduction Social responsibility has fast become a central area of concern in business management. Over the last few decades, however, it has continued to raise concern in the business world mainly because of the rising need for businesses to operate with a consciousness of their resp0onsibility to protect the customers and the environment (Harjoto, 2017). This, hence, jas caused an increased interaction between businesses, governments, and the people as they attempt to develop approaches to business that are friendly. In the past, business managers mainly concerned themselves with the economic outcomes of their operations. Today, however, thing s have changed. It is needed that businesses also reflect on the ethical, legal, as well as the social impact of decisions made. The current essay discusses the concept of corporate social responsibility while relating them with the duties of an internal manager. Also, a business case of Samsung is adopted to address the principle while referring to the Quinn Framework. The drones in the Millxaster are also connected to this in the current discussion. Characteristics of an Internal…

 Describe an aspect of your own culture from an etic Introduction Culture can be described as the distinct characteristics and knowledge about a given group of people; the aspects of culture include language, religion, clothing, social habits and even arts. Culture is also seen as a shared pattern of behaviours which is found within the people who continuously come into interactions, and the people learn the practices socializations. Culture will combine different aspects like beliefs, values, religions, concepts of the universe and even the material objects which are initially owned by a group of people. The culture is always being passed from one generation to another.    Describe an aspect of your own culture from an etic Taking religion as aspects of learning and by analyzing Christianity from the outside perspective, we find that there are many shared values and practices which are shared by the Christian community around the world. Christian community and its religious practices have steamed its way from life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, and that’s where the essence and identity of Christianity originated from.…


Cyber Law

Cyber Law Cyber security defines procedures and technologies that intend to guard networks, mobile devices, computers from attacks and unlawful admittance. through the internet (34). The article states that many rules and regulations have been set by many developing countries to control unauthorized network access. Also stakeholders of companies that develop mobile technology usually urge the governments to put in place cyber-legal administrators and systems for the regulations of the emerging cybercrimes and threats (41). Another major threat is cyber cloud computing where a lot of data which is prone to cyber-crime flows to the cloud. According to the article, the public is aware of cybercrimes that relate to virus transfer. However, some people are not aware of the bigger aspect of the cyber threats that are likely to affect their cyber lives. Besides there is a huge knowledge gap on online banking and ecommerce. Intellectual property rights offer defense to provides creators and inventors of contents with their work incentive. Every new invention in the space is exposed to various threats such as internet.  The internet converted physical marketplace…

Body, Gender, and Sex Introduction According to Oakley, gender is the traditional psychological, social, and representational distinctions between men and women, which are determined in the social sphere and vary from one culture to another. This definition of gender has been the basis of many studies that seek to reveal how most of societal actions and practices or behaviors characterize maleness or femaleness of an individual are due to socialization or social learning rather than inherent. Also, the definition stated above allows us to study the relationship between the biological body, which is categorized as either female or male and the learned experiences of gender embodiment. This paper focuses on the human body as the most significant element as to what gender is. Besides, the article discusses the importance of this element that defines gender as a foundation of social meaning and influence. Body Societies tend to use the terms sex and gender interchangeably. Although the two words relate in meaning, they are not the same. When a child is born, people assign the newborn’s sex as either male or…

Women Empowerment in Rwanda  In Sub-Saharan Africa, women dominance in the political arena and social rights is significant in Rwanda among all the other nations, which formulate my research question (Berry,2015). Why do women dominate the leadership positions in Rwanda more than any other country? Introduction of women-friendly policies set by lawmakers contribute to their many leadership positions. Following the genocide in Rwanda, women have been stepping up to occupy the leadership positions in the country and therefore upholding feminism. The conflict between Tutsi and Hutu cost the deaths of many people in the country, men being the majority. Men died, became disabled, and many of them became prisoners. The surviving population, which was about six million was primarily the female gender. The only alternative left was for women to step up and run the country (Abbott et al. 2018). The  war effects were inclusive of the rape of at least a quarter of a million women according to reports. This tragedy brought out women in the human rights making efforts to protect the female gender and spearheading policies against…

DEATH AND AFTERLIFE IN SIKHISM Sikhism is a type of religion that originated from Northern India dating back to the 15th century and it was found by a person known as Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It is the fifth-largest religion in the world with over 25 million believers across the world. About 1 million Sikhs occupy North America and Canada regions[1]. They have a long history of staying in the USA for over 100 years. They are identified with uncut hair which is covered with a turban. The turban serves two main purposes which include covering their long hair and acting as a show of respect to God alias called Waheguru. In addition to these two purposes, the turban also acts as a show of their commitment to both equality and justice to all mankind. They are also identified with moustaches, unshorn hair and beards. This religion has several factors distinguishing it from Islam and Hinduism. First of all, the religion is a monotheistic one, which emphasizes much on the equality of all humankind (both men and women)[2]. Sikhs are…

Discussion on Leadership Styles On transformational leadership style: I fairly often go beyond my self-interest in order to not only act as a role model to my follower team members but also to earn their respect and trust. Similarly, I frequently consider the moral implications of my decisions in order to make the correct decision that does not negatively impact any individual member in my team. As a result, I am able to avoid unnecessary confrontations within the team that may negatively influence the outcome of our project. Furthermore, I frequently talk optimistically about the future in order to encourage my team members to be more productive and objective in whatever they are doing. Finally, I frequently help others to develop their strengths for various reasons in order to make them more productive in the work environment. Additionally, based on the transactional leadership style, I frequently make it clear on what one can expect to receive when performance goals are achieved in order to encourage my team to be more focused and productive. According to Northouse (2018), contingent rewards motivate…

Effect of Pharmaceutical Companies’ Gifts on Doctors The main components in pharmaceutical companies’ gifts include paid holidays, significant-quality gifts, expensive meals and entertainments, money/prescription commissions for the brands, sponsorship money, free medical samples, and financing for ongoing medical education and complimentary services. The acceptability of gifts from pharmaceutical companies by doctors is high. Also, there is a statistically significant impact of pharmaceutical tips on the prescribing conduct of doctors is substantial. This has the most effect on the prescribing behavior of pharmaceutical companies. Many of the recommendations made to pharmaceutical companies include paying more attention to charity as part of their marketing mix, the practices of rivals and minimizing the costs for delicious food and entertainment as they affect the behavior of doctors and encourage investment in more essential gifts. Doctors are susceptible to corporate influence because they are overworked and feel mostly undervalued. Most officials give them relief and sympathy by offering gifts which show how hard the lives of doctors are, and seem only to want to ease their burdens. However, every word, every kindness, gift and piece…

Evaluation Essay  The author of the essay uses the expression “first of all,” to bring out the criteria of focus to the paragraph. The expression draws the attention of the reader in the sense that they are urged to consider the contents of that particular paragraph before indulging in the body of the essay. In this case, the author requires the reader to focus on the details of their experience in the hotel. The author compels the reader to focus on the conventional first things that the waitress lacked. For instance, greeting the customers before attending getting their orders forms a common knowledge to the waitress in most restaurant. Therefore, the author uses the criteria to draw the focus of the reader toward the misconduct of the waitress.. The author mentions that the waitress could not give them enough time to check through the menu. In this case, the author judges the character of the waiter with the criteria of being rush. According to the author, a competent waitress would allow the customers to familiarize themselves with the menu before…

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