examining laws Based on the experience of examining laws, there are opportunities for receiving code from anywhere using the internet. Most formal organizations play most of their roles online. The government has introduced its regulations and laws online which organizations should follow.   Such laws can be traced online to monitor on which organization might not be following what required from them. However, for the undeveloped nations that might not be the case. Such laws might be severe to be traced online. Legal citations are allusions to certain lawful expert. For example, non-legitimate allusions, legal references are a shorthand method for recognizing a source like constitution, statute, treatise and law audit article. Lawful citation mostly entails area, volume number or dates. Legal experts’ claims are mostly contracted hence becoming befuddling to non-legal familiarized managers work with other manual allusions. The importance of legal citation is to permit falconer to get citation use effectively. In this situation, references are intended to offer vital information to guide examiner towards the things which have been cited adequately. The vision of the encompassing scope of…

mainstream cultures and spaces acknowledge and value indigenous cultures, peoples, perspectives, and country Introduction This is the systematic study of human behaviors and there interaction with the environment in which they exist. It broadly focuses on sets of relationships between natural and built environments. This paper entails giving details on the analyses on mainstream cultures and spaces acknowledge and value indigenous cultures, peoples, perspectives, and country. Acknowledgment of the country I want to acknowledge the First People as the original inhabitants or as the traditional owners of the land we are on today i.e., Brisbane. I recognize the country north and south of the Brisbane River, as the home for both Turrbul and Jagera nations, and I pay respect to elders past and present and future. How are the first nation’s cultures and viewpoints visible and valued in Queensland? Queensland is an Australian country that covers the northeast part of the continent with a coastline of about 7000km. This country law society acknowledges the first nations people as the original inhabitants of Queensland. They as well recognize, celebrate, and respect…

Dystopian View of Technology’s Interaction with Society Luddism   Technological advancement has faced numerous challenges ever since its emergence. Although every technology is meant to provide a positive change, it also possesses some cons which become a point of argument for many anti-technology activists. For example, Luddite is a term commonly used to refer to ignorantly anti-technology people (Slack and John 77). Although these groups of people provide enough reason to be against technology, their primary aim is to oppose development, especially in terms of technological advancement. From 1811 to 1817, a group of Luddite skilled workers and artisans in England joined together to form the Luddism movement (Slack and John 79). This group opposed the change in capitalist nature that changed the role of workers in the development of industrialism and the development of technology. This group of people preferred a mutual relationship between workers and employers. Thus, the employers had no right to pursue profitable gains at the expense of the workers. The primary solution for this issue would be to implement technological changes without affecting the workers.…

Social Conformity based on gender Literature review Social Conformity based on gender means that people change in order to align their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors with that of the larger group in a bid to belong. For example, one may conform to certain gender roles or with masculinity and femininity in the way they behave, which means that they give in to pressure to conform to the greater traits of the subset. Indeed, there has been massive past work by scholars who have tried to explain how gender pressures individuals to align themselves with certain attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs in society. Gender has affected the way people perpetrate or become victims of physical aggression in relationships. Men and women behave differently and try to conform in interesting ways according to past research. In fact, it is expected that men conform to masculine roles of being the perpetrators while women conform to being victims. However, according to a study by Berke et al.,. Men who least conformed to masculine roles were more likely to show greater aggressive behavior towards women. The…

The Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Dead Horses Watson psychological review attempts to break the traditional and the current theories on the concepts and the terminologies of psychology. Studies have shown that psychology gave attention and concentration on mental phenomena as alleged through self-consciousness (Watson, 1924). This was proved to be inefficient as such means would be subjective and would lead to a lack of objectivity and in return could not add value to scientific knowledge. Therefore, Watson opted to make psychology an objective and tentative branch of science through the introduction of the concept of behaviourism. When Koestler says “the society for the prevention of cruelty to the dead horses” he meant that human beings should not be forced to believe in models of the 19th century that ultimately does not completely solve their problems, he expounds on this in his book, “The Ghost In The Machine” by saying that ” science does not provide ultimate answers, but it can provide pertinent questions” (Koestler, 1968 p.10), he regards the 19th-century models as two distinct cultures which in…

European Model of Restorative Justice In the European model of restorative justice (RJ), the aim is to incorporate the best interest of the offender in the justice process. One of the best ways to apply the European restorative model of justice is by creating mediation services that are voluntary to the people. This will attract people to this form of justice. The United States should ensure that the services that are offered by the mediation groups are uniform all through so that the process does not face resistance or contestation due to the discrepancy (Kinnunen et al., 2014). The services should also be available to all people who will give them the opportunity to decide the route to follow (Drost et al., 2015). Additionally, in the United States, there should be a determination of the cases that can be mediated since not all cases carry the same weight and introduce complex cases slowly (Kinnunen et al., 2014).  The US should create legislation that will make room for the victim-offender mediation as well as provide the required finances to ensure the…

The Pise of ‘Politicized Islam’ The use of Islam as a basis for political solidarity and action in the modern era is a continuing phenomenon. Gone is the time when Muslims came together and rallied behind each other in their efforts to rid themselves and their lands from foreign domination and occupation. Today, other factors such as immigration rise of rebel groups and geopolitical events such as the Arab spring have taken the forefront in contributing to the successful political emergence of politicized Islam. Immigration The immigration of Muslims in western countries and Europe has been associated with religious fundamentalism since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Arguments claim that only a small percentage of immigrants are associated with fundamentalism. Studies show that 60% of foreign-born and native-born immigrant generations believe that Muslims should adopt their roots. In comparison, 75% hold the belief that only one interpretation of the Quran is acceptable.[1] Generally, fundamentalism is higher among Muslim immigrants with primary education (which is the highest number) compared to those who have attended university. Notably, the country of origin of…

Personal Leadership Essay In my early years, I thought leaders were people who only led big organizations and a country. I always underestimated leadership and never imagined that a father heading a family would be termed as a leader. I thought that leaders are only elected by others to lead in big platforms. They also had to be charismatic in leading their followers towards a particular path. This included having a persuasive speech and unmatched character that made them enviable to all. However, as my age progressed, I changed my views on this aspect. I started appreciating the responsibilities my father was undertaking in the family. I felt that leaders are not determined by the number of people being led or the size of the organization. My very first experience when it comes to witnessing a true leader was looking up to my dad as an entrepreneur and his common behavioral traits as a leader to help him manage his business and motivate his employees. He was a decisive leader that embraced change and always inspirational and empathetic. He always…

Role of Political Loyalties Iraq became a failed state in the years following Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003). Disagreements between the political parties was one of the reasons for the failure of the state after Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003). During the instance where members of parliament were supposed to elect a national parliament, the states three largest parties combined to form a coalition, the Iraqi Accordance Front (Gaub, 2017). The action indicated a new friendship among these parties that usually had diverse views. Consequently, United Iraqi Alliance that was led by Shi’ite and consisted of two Shi’ite political parties became more fractured. Such was as a result of the exit of prominent party members to start their own political parties before the elections. The fractures led to division of ideologies, which enhanced the opposition in the parliament. Furthermore, the ineffective leadership of the transitional Prime Minister, Ibrahim al-Ja’fari was part of the problem in the failure. The Prime Minister had been widely criticized by the Sunni Arabs, Kurds, as well as the Shi’ite leaders because of the mismanagement of government funds and…

Factors to think about when hiring a DUI lawyer If by chance, you need a lawyer, at that point, you need a reliable lawyer for your case. Significantly, to know a couple of things that you need to remember about particular deciding for a genuine legal counselor who can support you. The typical expense of a DUI lawyer is around $5,000-$12,000. You realize that hiring a DUI attorney is costly. However, it is critical to hire a legal counselor who can assist you in getting out of your reported case. It is an excellent opportunity to get familiar with the basics, which should be considered before employing the DUI lawyer. Here are a couple of interesting points to consider when contracting a DUI lawyer. Expertise At the point when you have to employ a legal advisor, it is significant that you look at their total capabilities and expertise. A lawyer who can comprehend the torment and needs that you are anticipating from the court. That is the reason you should look for a lawyer who can help you genuinely and…

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