How buying car insurance policy online helps get a better deal? Buying car insurance is much required these days. It is not a shield against the financial loss that one may have to bear in some situation but also compulsory to have as per the law. In the present world, one can see that the market for a car is significant, and so is for the car insurance policy. One can find options in buying car policy also where offline and online are the main modes. If one goes for the policy via the internet and on the site of the company, it is termed as an online policy, while in case of a purchase via agent from the local office, it is termed as offline buying of policy. Get quick insurance: With the help of online purchase, the most notable benefit is one can get the insurance in a few minutes only. Hence in case one is in much hurry, this can be the best option. The buyer can also get the policy document on his email id provided…
THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM NINGBO CHINA THE EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF EXECUTIVES’ MANAGERIAL OWNERSHIP ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE AND PERFORMANCE BY JIAZHEN SHI (20032479) 2019 A DISSERTATION PRESENTED IN PART CONSIDERATION FOR THE DEGREE OF MSC IN FINANCE AND INVESTMENT Module: PG Dissertations in NUBS China Dissertation Supervisor: DR. ANDREW ABSTRACT The issue of corporate governance has been rising as a significant phenomenon that has been looked broadly both in developing nations because of its vital effect on the observing of the executives’ exercises and firms’ performance. However, little attempt has been made in creating nations to learn what comprises corporate governance and its effect on the organization’s presentation. In this way, this investigation targets looking at the structure of corporate governance and its effect on the organization’spresentation. This analysis utilizes a cross-sectional yearly different regression model to inspect, what comprises the corporate governance structure and its effect on the execution of the firm. The analysis was based on the regression model. This paper investigates the impact of the adjustments in executives’ shareholdings on the…
Effective leadership Introduction A leader is any person that leads or directs or anyone having authority to directa group of people. This leader should have admirable qualities and also special abilities such as being an eloquent speaker and virtues such as kindness and also honesty. Anyone aspiring to be a leader should have special area of their life that will influence their ability to lead. This text is a summary explores some theories of leadership, disciplines of Peter Senge, authentic leadership as well as system and also tournament and pair bonding. Leadership theories There are four main leadership theories; the first one is transactional leadership, here a leader fosters compliance by the group he is leading by providing rewards and also administering punishments. These leaders are able to motivate the group for a short period of time. Another theory is transformational leadership. The leader here works with a team in order to spot a needed change, come up with a vision and also getting into work the change by using the committed team members (Tichy, et al., 1996). Situational…
Health Care Leadership and Management From your experience in the health care industry, what is the difference between leadership and management? How can an advanced registered nurse both lead well and provide management? Think about interactions with patients, team members, daily tasks, and responsibilities as you formulate your response. Health Care Leadership and Management Health care leadership entails how an individual behaves when he is giving directions on activities that are geared toward a particular goal. In health care leadership, an individual is involved creating an influence on individuals and helping them in coping with a change. Administration can take different angles in health care, which include transformational leadership geared toward the supervision and how the organization performs, collaborative leadership, which entails coming together for mutual benefits where the leader allows individuals to make informed decisions individually and conflict management. Healthcare management refers to the overall management of a health care facility. In healthcare management, an individual is not involved in getting direct contact with the patient. Still, the primary role is ensuring that a facility receives to run within…
Human Trafficking in South Africa: Exploring the Effectiveness of Legislation and the Impact of Gender Roles The US Department of State has ranked South Africa as a Tier 2 state about human trafficking. This shades light to the menace of trafficking that has hit the country. The cases of human trafficking continue to increase steadily in post-apartheid South Africa. Most of these victims are from within the country, while others are from all over sub-Saharan Africa, Thai, and china. Women, men, and children are trafficked to, from, and through South Africa, with statistics showing that only about 50000 to 100000 cases are documented each year. Analysts dispute these numbers saying that millions of cases go unnoticed or ignored by the government. Female victims are traded to serve as sexual slaves, commercial sex workers, or domestic servants. At the same time, their male counterparts work in mining, factories, are recruited as militia or soldiers, among other tough jobs. The common thing among the victims across both genders is that the working conditions are usually very dire. This warrants the research to…
Exploring Society, Exploring Ourselves Applying sociological theory to sports The most dominant racial group in Major Baseball League, MLB, is the whites’ race. The most significant percentage of catchers, pitchers, infielders, and outfielders in the league are whites. Overall, whites form more than half of the players in MLB, and the rest racial groups, that is, the Asians, African Americans, and Latinos share the remainder. The Asian race is the least represented in the league. Asians are the least significant race with an almost unidentifiable presence. African American racial group comes second with a slightly bigger representation than that of Asians. In terms of playing positions, the African American race has a higher representation in the outfield position than in any other. Though still behind the white and the Latino racial representation in the post, the presence of African American race is better represented here than in the catcher, infield or pitcher playing positions.. The figure supports the claim that racial inequality is prevalent in MLB. From the figure, the most significant percentage of players in all playing positions are…
FAITH HOPE AND CHARITY This is the most important play of the year; the story in the play is based on hazel and her attempt to come up with a solution that our public services should be solely running a free hot meals scheme at her local neglected community centers. Hazel struggles to continue to have access to the building which visitors desperately needed. They are not only after the hot meal but also the human connection and the function of the community that is just necessary. After a decade of formality, here are the consequences, Alexander zedlin’s play is one of the infamous triangle followed by love and beyond caring. It’s a very particular feeling knowing that within a group that once you are done with all avenues what’sleft is your attitude, your outlook and your blind hope. There comes unsaid understanding that there’s no other choice than to keep going and try not to remain too long on how truly screwed you are. Moments of joy are cut by the fact that something will go wrong even…
Femininity Femininity Femininity is used to refer to characteristics, roles and behaviour that are identified with women and girls. Feminism has two-faced; it is both influenced by society and biologically. Some people think femininity in a biological sense is about the female biological, but this is far from it since even the males can exhibit inherent feminist traits. Some of the characteristics that are associated with femininity include empathy, gentleness and being sensitive among others according to influencers like cultural and social aspects. According to these factors, femininity has been defined in various ways. For example, through behaviour, characteristics, roles, and dressing, among others. This paper will expound more about femininity and opinions about the same from various studies. One of the everyday things people use to define femininity in almost every society is allocation of roles on gender basis. Since the earlier days, the females have been identified with defined roles that the society thought are not meant for the males. For example, women have been identified with tasks such as child-rearing, household chores like cooking, and other jobs…
LIZZIE REVIEW Prompt #1. Lizzie film is a mystery and a puzzle to be solved. It depicts Lizzie as a notoriouscharacter who is guilty of the murder charges brought forward against her. However, Lizzie is a woman trying to stand up for herself and her sister, by fighting against the discrimination she received from her father, for being a woman. The film revolves around murder and feminism. Deaths in the movie are as a result of strained relationships within the characters. Family misunderstanding, as seen in the movie, is depicted because of chaos and confusion.According to facts provided in the film, Lizzie is guilty of the murder charges. Lizzie, who is the main character in the story, is accused of killing Andrew and Abby Borden. Andrew was Lizzie’s father, while Abby was her stepmother. The circumstances leading to the murder of the two are strange since they are both found hacked gruesomely in their home compound. Being the closest family member to the duo, Lizzie becomes the prime suspect in the gruesome murders of his parents, majorly because she had…
Froeb’s method analysis AMD lawsuit case against Intel Intel’s move to make large loyalty payments to HP was to secure its customer base and ensure that HP would become their loyal customer. The act was to resolve any incentive conflict that could arise, and by so doing, intel secured a market for their chips as HP shifted from its former supplier, AMD. The loyalty payments made attracted huge profits for Intel,an incentive that had a conflict of interest and act violated the antitrust laws. Intel offered loyalty payments discriminating against other companies. It did not consider informing other customers about the loyalty rewards available at that time. Though loyalty payments made intended to drive the sales of their chips, it was unwise to discriminate against other customers .it was an uninformed decision for intel to use large loyalty payments to drive away their competitors, and violated the Robinson-Patman Act. AMD lost HP as their long-time customer, but it later realized the concessions by Intel were not offered in good faith but were profits driven. It discovered that Intel violated antitrust…