GENDER EQUALITY Bennett, S. E., & Bennett, L. L. (1992). From traditional to modern conceptions of gender equality in politics: Gradual change and lingering doubts. Western Political Quarterly, 45(1), 93-111. This book talks about the disappearance of gender difference turnout during the 1980s, which was an essential development in American politics. The book illustrates the various research studies which all showed an improved voter turnout for women by 1987, as compared to the gender parity that existed before the ratification of the 19th Amendment just before the 1920 elections. It also talks about the many changes in women’s involvement in society and politics during the past quarter-century. Squires, J. (2007).The new politics of gender equality.Macmillan International Higher Education. This book discusses the concern with parity of political participation and the resulting emergence of institutional mechanisms to promote the political equality of women, focusing on gender quotas, women’s policy agency and gender mainstreaming as three key strategies that have come to define the increasing widespread commitment to gender equality within the political sphere. It talks about the rising number of women…
Pocahontas As A Go-Between Pocahontas was a well-known individual that acted as a go-between in the middle ground between Native Americans and the European colonists. To begin with, Pocahontas was not her real name, her real name was Amonute, and she was born in 1596 (Kupperman, 2019). According to the Powhattan tradition, Pocahontas’s mother died during childbirth and that Pocahontas was named after her mother. Pocahontas was her nickname, and it means an ill-mannered child or playful one depending on who is asked. At the age of 11 and 12, Pocahontas would go to the European colonies and play with the boys hence the playful meaning one(Kupperman, 2019). Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatans, the ruler of more than 30 native American tribes that spoke Algonquian. At this period, the early English settlers claimed Jamestown, Virginia. Pocahontas became known for her association with the European culture. The English men captured Pocahontas during the wars between Native Americans and the European settlers. During this period, she was encouraged to convert to Christianity, where she was then baptized and given the name…
Deviance and Social Control Application Assignment: Freedom Writers Connections between Theories of Deviance to Freedom Writers Differential Association Theory defines the norms, laws, and principles which help an individual to fit within societal setup. Individuals have to symbolically interact with the other groups who are either role model, or significant others, leading them in the right direction of the societal laws and principles or making them break the rules enshrined within the communal set up (Sutherland, 1978). The theory suggests that ideas and attitudes which result in breaking the laws always driven from peer influence. In the film The Freedom Writer Diary teacher Erin Gruwell is a perfect example of a differential theory in that she motivates her students to the extent that one of his student Marcus gets transformed through her Erin Gruell’s dedication. Nevertheless, when Eva is inspired through teacher Gruwell’s quote, “within their small way can turn a small light in a dark room”(LaGravenese, 2007), which makes her speak the truth at the courtroom despite her father’s refusal. Consequently, Mrs. Gruwell’s teaching enthusiasm is drawn from…
Gun Control Laws in California California is one of those states that have enacted strict gun control laws to curb the increased number of random shootings. The California gun control laws regulate the possession, use, and sale of ammunition and firearms in the state. The state has enacted one of the most stringent gun control laws in the entire US. These laws include the requirement for the residents to obtain a Firearm Safety Certificate that lasts for five years and is subject to renewal based on the safe use of the guns assigned. The second requirement is for the applicant to pass a written test under the supervision of an instructor certified by the Department of Justice. Third, the state gun laws require that the dealers of firearms and ammunition must undertake a thorough background check on individuals before allowing for loan, transfer, delivery, or sale. Fourth, the handgun manufacturers must register and certify the handguns for sale with the California Roster of Handguns[1]. Upon paying the set fess, the manufacturers must submit the products for safety testing and provide…
Disasters are Global in Reach I believe that disasters are now global in reach due to the massive effect that is felt not only in the affected country but in other countries as well. According to Jones, “Katrina was America’s first catastrophic natural disaster since the advent of television…” (178). This led to destabilization of the American economy, thus affecting some of the countries which were dependent on US international public relations and donations, which were affected by this occurrence. Over the years, the interdependence between countries has greatly increased in terms of economic and other foreign relations. Currently, when a country has been affected by a disaster, the severity of the problem is more likely to affect other countries as much. Trade between countries is among the important activities that can be deterred, as it involves the selling of goods, some of which are only found in specific countries such as petroleum products, making disasters a more global problem. With the increased global warming, there has been an adverse change in climatic conditions such as extreme weather conditions…
How does Brecht Explore the Corruption of Society and the Brutality of Humanity? How does he tie these to Capitalism? To What Ends? Brecht tells a captivating and drama-filled story of the twist and turns of The Threepenny Opera. It is renowned as a remarkable “play with music,” which premiered in august of 1928. The piece is also adapted from the works of John Gay “The Beggars Opera.” The piece explores some of Brecht’s outstanding writing abilities in expressing art through dramatizing to express the abilities of characters. It also brings out a strong sense of examining society and expressing aspects that require improvement by critically showing the reality of things in society. As a play writer, it remains essential to convey the element of great expertise in drama while expressing vital elements issues that impact society. One of the main themes that Brecht delves into in an endeavor to show the rot in his community remains corruption. The paper focuses on the issue of corruption in society and how it impacts the people while also exploring how the same…
History culture and religion Following your above discussion, it’ interesting to find that you consider religion as one of the perspectives that convey cultural worldview. As studies imply, religions help people understand life as well as prepare for death (Samovar et al.,2017). Equally, it helps create community, social participation, and discipline. Arguably, this implies that religion helps create the behavioral dimension and perception of the world. Islam is among the six religions and counts the second-largest religion after Christianity in the world, with more than 2 billion followers. From studies, it is noted that the Islam community believe in monotheistic religion (Samovar et al.,2017).That is, there is only one God known as Allah, and Muhammad is his final messenger. In detail, to critically understand the Islamic faith, it is imperative to address the six core assumptions that help explain the Islamic faithand their perception of the world. They include believe in one God, the Koran, submission, predestination, judgment, and the five pillars (Samovar et al.,2017). Precisely, Islam is regarded as a monotheistic religion. As samovar et al. (2017) report,…
Baptist Health Lexington Facility Introduction The research paper below shall be analyzing Baptist Health Lexington Facility. This organization is identified to be a tertiary healthcare facility where it hosts a maximum of 391 beds. The facility also gets used as a research center where clinical research gets conducted. The facility was established in 1954 and has been under constant growth due to its proficiency in providing quality care. The facility majorly focuses on providing cancer care and heart care. The facility also leads in the provision of maternity care. Baptist Health Lexington facility can be identified as a modern home care facility. Donations towards development have always raised the finances of the facility. The facility, however, records a total annual revenue of $2 billion (Brockopp et al. 2013). The facility also does provide financial assistance to promote the lives of the people of Kentucky. For this facility, it is one of the largest non-profit healthcare systems. The facility is committed to providing quality care, but it also goes further to provide educational support to the community. The facility is a…
The Office “Feminist Theory” The sitcom series, “The Office,” deals with real-life struggles and the challenges people go through as they strive to tackle one day at a time. More particularly, the series looks into the life of the modern-day woman, and what it means to live in the male-dominated world, fighting for equality and recognition. Women are caught continuously between pursuing their personal goals and dreams and being the bedrock of the family. Unlike the men, women have to choose one or the other, and in most cases, they go with the easier option, compromising their interests. Majorly these interests are in terms of pursuing a career and becoming financially independent. While men easily have both their jobs and families, with a lot of excuses in between, the woman is almost naturally expected to put her family first, always at home for the children, and be a support system for her husband. The Office questions these stereotyped systems of world operation. Why can’t the woman be given a chance to equally contribute to the development of the society around…
Popular Culture in East Asia Elite/High Culture Elite culture in East Asia defines a higher class of the populace that was characterized by wealth, prime education, fine art and music, and greater access to healthcare. The elite went to top schools and was armed with specialized skills. This made the elite more entitled to leadership positions with little interactions with the normal populace. The elite owned businesses, worked in enviable careers like the doctors and engineers, and lived in the classy suburbs of the country. Elite culture sought western methods of healing from illness and shunned the more traditional herbal medicine of East Asia. Elite people maintained shallow familial relations but instead encouraged close ties with like-minded people. They cultivated the relationships to last a long time under mutually beneficial circumstances. Popular Culture Popular culture made up the larger population of East Asia. They remained bound to traditional ways, and their education included the study of basic things. Popular culture promoted popular music, which was much different from the taste of the elite. The culture maintained their respect for…