Rhetorical Analysis of Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself (1892 version) Writers and orators throughout generations have made use of a diverse range of rhetorical devices to communicate and effectively impact their audiences. These rhetorical devices play different roles ranging from creating emphasis, persuading, entertaining, informing, making the pieces musical and memorable, and so forth. The use and application of these devices is the hallmark of every creative and successful writer. Walt Whitman is an example of a successful writer/ poet who made use of a wide range of rhetorical devices to accomplish his objective. This paper aims to undertake a rhetorical analysis of Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself (1892 version). The report will specifically seek to examine the poet’s use of Anaphora, epistrophe, and anadiplosis. It will explore the goals of the poet in using these three techniques, exemplify them, and show their effectiveness. Anaphora Anaphora refers to a technique where the writer repeats the first few words in a line or phrase. Generally, the goal of the writer is to use this device is to achieve emphasis (Burman, n.d).…
What You May Not Know About Industrial Injury Personnel in every institution are always concerned about their wellbeing at the workplace; however, accidents do occur while doing their day to day duties. A calamity at the place of work can lead to either mental or physical hurt to the staff. The injury triggered by exposure or incident at the workplace. It considered an industrial injury if it occurs because of one’s job-related responsibilities roles and duties. However, not all accidents or injuries are regarded as industrial damage, for instance, if personnel falls from the stairs because he was drunk. Specific information assessed and examined to decide if an accident occurred at a place of duty. First, the company has to append the signature to confirm the occurrence of the incident with supporting documents. Secondly, there must be details about the insurance that an organization has contracted. In occurrence of an injury, it is the obligation of the insurance provider through the proprietor to compensate you for the injuries sustained. Personnel claim documents in the system of insurance can provide the…
{What You Should Post on Instagram during the Corona Virus Pandemic|Information to Share on Instagram during the Corona Virus Pandemic|How to Use Instagram during the Corona Virus Pandemic} {Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, there are a lot of things that have changed in the world since people cannot go back to their normal day to day lives.|There are a lot of things that have changed in the world due to the outbreak of coronavirus since people cannot go back to their normal day to day lives.|Since people cannot go back to their normal day to day live due to the outbreak of corona virus, there are a lot of things that have changed in the world.} {For you to DISCOVER MORE about the corona virus pandemic, you need to CLICK FOR MORE.|You need to CLICK FOR MORE for you to DICOVER MORE about the corona virus pandemic.|Clicking for more is necessary for you to DISCOVER MORE about the corona virus pandemic.} {In summary, corona virus is a virus whose case was recorded in December 2019 and has since…
Why Real Estate Investment Trusts Need Professional Websites In the past Real Estate Investment Trusts were only accessible to high net worth individuals and private investment networks. Online platforms and amendments to legislation have opened up REITS to the public. Now everyone with access to a computer can make such transactions. Your trust may have a growing social media presence. The tacky website you got for cheap may also seem to do the trick. However, only a professional website can make your potential clients take you seriously. Here are a few reasons why REITs need professional websites: Credibility Your potential clients spend hours each day scouring the web for solutions to various problems. The world runs on money, so investment opportunities rank high on the list. Such users have a dislike for basic designs and websites that offer zero responsiveness. They are less likely to buy what you are selling since your website lacks the credibility of a professional website. Accessibility Professional websites are accessible through various devices. You can borrow a leaf from how gambling insider has used online…
Windproof umbrellas At some point in your life, you must have had the unfortunate experience of strong winds breaking your umbrella when you are caging yourself from the rain. Weak umbrellas are the worst to use when it gets windy; the umbrellas overturn then they break, worst case they might even be carried away by the wind. Imagine this happening when it continues to rain so you can’t protect yourself from getting wet because the wind has devoured your umbrella. Well, the solution to your problem or possible disaster is windproof umbrellas. They are designed in unique ways to withstand strong winds. EEZ-Y Windproof Travel Umbrella https://www.amazon.com/EEZ-Y-Windproof-Travel-Umbrella-Compact/dp/B07SS6MCXX EEZ-Y windproof umbrella is made not only for the essential purpose of protecting you from the rain, but it has specific features that make it able to withstand extreme weather. It is made with a vented Double Canopy; therefore, it allows the wind to pass through, minimizing the risk of flipping over & breaking in strong winds. Its unique frame system is made of premium Fiberglass ribs which enhances the umbrellas ability to…
ethics in Criminal Justice Abstract Ethics is a division of information that deals with moral values that are responsible for a person’s behavior or person undertaking. More often, ethics are related to multiple dilemmas like how to live a decent life, a person’s rights, and responsibilities, the language that defines right or wrong and moral, decisions in the determination of what is bad or good. In criminology, criminal justice practitioners are provided with a methodology to assess and make decisions on ethical dilemmas by workers of organizations. The core objectives of the practitioners are to rehabilitate offenders, prevention of crime from happening, and offering moral support to the victims. Ethical analysis Criminal justice practitioners are likely to encounter complex situations like workers taking advantage of addicts and assaulting sexually, emotionally or physically, substance abuse by the involved employees, lack of informed consent, infidelity and lack of confidentiality, and many more. In case a situation of employee assault is presented to justice practitioners, it is their responsibility to ensure that the victim of the assault fully benefits, and the employee is…
Environmental, Biological Factors and Gender Gender behavior or the differences seen when considering gender behavior will focus on both biological and environmental influences. The biological factors will focus on the sex chromosomes that the child will have as well as their sex hormones. The sex chromosomes can be used to determine whether the child is a boy or girl since a girl will have XX chromosomes while the boy will have XY chromosomes. The environmental factors will revolve around socialization, that is, who the child socializes at school or home. The primary biological factor that will govern gender behavior or lead to gender differences will focus the sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes will contribute to the development of gender identity. Gender identity is highly essential since it will be linked to gender roles that have been established by society. The gender differences when it comes to gender behavior will focus on gender roles that have been established following the development of gender identity. Certain roles will apply to a particular gender. Girls will be expected to wear dresses while the…
natural laws and how they can negatively impact society Introduction The natural law theory depends on human nature, dictated by what humans perceive is right or wrong. However, in today’s world, such laws can cause social problems instead of holding society together. Also, globalization has made the world more connected, and applying the laws would be catastrophic. Natural laws had their place in the world. Still, the constant changes in today’s world, especially in technology, interacting with other cultures and religions, make natural laws unpractical and sometimes irrelevant. This essay discusses natural laws and how they can negatively impact society. Natural laws in Today’s World In today’s world, changes are happening too fast that having natural laws dictate what is right or wrong would not apply. With a change in technology, people have to make decisions quickly and wait for the consequences, since there are no ways to know how a new concept will turn our and no evidence in nature to use. For instance, using robots to operate on a human being is a new concept being developed. Saving…
Women in Leadership: Barriers to Retaining Women in Senior Leadership Introduction Perhaps, the person who vividly opened doors for women in leadership is Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 – 1962), an occurrence in American society (Smith, 2017). Roosevelt was married to one of the most dominating American presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt, commonly known as FDR. She became one of the independent forces that President Roosevelt had to deal with. As quoted by one of the advisers, Roosevelt would not accept anything that was raised by the husband, but question objectively. From the Roosevelt time, the issue of women in leadership has gained much attention. Besides, many women have risen to power, and currently, there are many powerful women across the world, controlling countries regarded to be “successful.” Proponents of women in leadership have argued that women are powerful change agents, and the far-reaching advantages of gender and diversity parity in decision making and leadership are increasingly being recognized across the globe. However, women continue to be less presented and unable to retain their leadership in business, politics, and communities. Women are decision-makers…
how to handle work-related injuries Imagine getting involved in an accident in the line of duty and suffering severe body injuries that may sometimes lead to temporary or permanent disabilities. What does one do in terms of compensation will depend on the severity of the injury? Sometimes an employee might not have the know-how on the necessary steps to be followed to get the employer involved to compensate them. Employees can always receive help when they are hurt on the job to ensure appropriate payments made. Accidents are common at the workplace hence the need for a qualified professional to come in handy to assist employees. If your injuries are not work-related, require extensive medical treatment and involve extended periods off work, or result in permanent disability, you should call a workers compensation lawyer. Government laws usually direct employee reimbursements. These rules provide for static accolades to employees or their relatives in case of service-connected misfortunes and ailments. These accolades enable the wounded employee to obtain payment without commencing legal action against a company. The effect of…