factors influencing thoughts and behaviors related to gender Different factors influence thoughts and behaviors related to gender. For example, a choice for a child to play with a doll or a truck or to be involved in an active play or passive play is more contributed by innate desires developed by biological factors. In most cases, female kids are mostly attracted to playing with dolls, while male kids are primarily invited to playing with the truck. This could be contributed by biological factors in that women are useful in children nurturing while men are good in physical works. In some other cases, most male kinds are found to be associated much in active play as compared to females. This shows that there is an internal force that controls the behavior of the young ones. In my view, gender identity is mostly influenced by biological factors. One can be able to identify if a child is a male or a female when observing its behavior without consulting any other person. Prompt 2 There are different language development theories that have been…

Business communication D and A Chapter 5 A co-worker accuses you to ingratiate yourself with the boss I accept I work closely with the boss, but it would be more appropriate if you provide further information on how I ingratiate with the boss in an unprofessional way. The boss is available to oversee what we do, and I cannot do the wrong thing. I would instead consult the boss. Our relationship is strictly professional; any perception apart from that is your own opinion. By providing more information about this point, I will be glad to respond to it accordingly without hiding any detail. Thank you. A hard to please client snaps at you for not returning his phone call in a timely manner. I am sorry for not returning your calls in a timely manner. The delay is associated with finding finer details regarding your queries for more precise response. It would be best if you were a little patient as the relevant team deals with your issue. It would be inappropriate to call you without any explicit intervention to…

Business Law:Roehl Transp., Inc. v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 2010 WI 49 (Supreme Court of Wisconsin) Roehl Transp., Inc. v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 2010 WI 49 (Supreme Court of Wisconsin) Issue In the original case, Mary, a motorist, sued a case against ABC Inc. after being hit by Travis Trucker, a truck driver at the company. On the other hand, the case between Roehl Transport Inc. and Liberty Mutual Insurance Inc involves an accident where one of the Rhoel Transport’s trucks hit a car driven by Arthur Groth. In both cases, the issue involves the misconduct of insurance companies. In both cases, the insurance companies fail to settle for a lower amount. Additionally, in both scenarios, the complainants both sue against the insurance companies claiming their actions were done in bad faith. The actions of the insurance companies caused the complainants to incur more liabilities, thus causing their deductible limits to be utilized in the payment. Rule In the case of Roehl vs. Liberty Insurance, the jury ruled in favor of Roehl. According to the jury, Liberty Insurance was…

Why We Care About Whales  Marina Keegan poses a question, “why we care about whales?” after taking part in rescuing whales for a whole day.” When the moon gets bored, it kills the whales” (Keegan 1) is the opening statement of the story. She further explains what happens for whales to find themselves in such situations that need human assistance and attention. She says the water is pulled out of them under fins and flippers by the moon, vacillating them backward and onward before they flip outwards. The whales are capable of fighting the waves, but they cannot resist the moon, which is the earth’s revolution.  Stranded whales become desperate, and hostages to their hyperventilation and the majority of them pass away as a result of dehydration. Some of them die before dehydration due to the suffocation of their lungs. Marian is wondering why people were so committed to helping the 50 pilot whales while they do not usually help fellow human beings. She wonders why there are so many people suffering in the world, and yet they do not…

Workplace gender discrimination             Many times, employees, especially women, experience gender discrimination in their workplaces or even during the hiring process. Workplace gender discrimination is the situation where employees or job seekers receive differential treatment from employers or potential employers depending on their gender. Women or the female ae the most affected group by workplace discrimination. Workplace gender discrimination comes in many forms and starts during the hiring process. This paper gives an analysis of workplace gender discrimination, its effects and gives a solution for the issue. Workplace gender discrimination has become a problem for most companies and governments all over the world. Even though discrimination against women at the workplace and during the hiring process is illegal in most countries, most private companies have had a problem dealing with workplace gender discrimination. The first form of gender discrimination exercised by most private companies all over the world is during the hiring process. Most private companies favour the hiring of men for certain jobs with the aim of belief of achieving consistency and quality work. Most companies shy away from…

A summary of Locke′s argument(s) in the ″Identity and Diversity″ Section of Locke′s Essay Introduction In this essay, John Locke argues that “Identity and Diversity” are a constitution of conscious memories continuity. The article plays a critical role in addressing the validity of personal identity theory. It explains how an individual can remain the same through different periods. Some of the essential elements discussed in the text are the definition of what it is to be a human being, justification of personal identity, and the aspect of consciousness possession over time (memory) as opposed to being rooted in different substances. The other element discussed in the text is the assessment of various Locke’s objections through the evaluation of memory sufficiency as a single criterion of establishing personal identity through veracity, reliability, and relationship with the human body. Locke’s definition of a person distinguishes the terms “person, and man “through the clarification of personhood ideas. It is critical to note that the term “person” is employed as a legal term to attribute blame and merit. Notably, “man’ is taken as a reference to…

ANCIENT CULTURES Objectives: Use mental maps to visualize the location of an ancient civilization Use research to compare mental maps to actual locations You have studied a little about oceans as a geographic feature. This lesson includes rivers, which are another water geographic feature. You have, no doubt, heard of Ancient Egypt, the Tigris River, the Nile River, and the Mayan Civilization. However, many people cannot really “picture” where these civilizations were located. Can you? Think about how people who lived along the Tigris and the Nile Rivers depended on the rivers for their living. Directions: Use mental maps and research to answer the questions below. Part A Ancient civilizations developed around the world. [unique_solution]Using your mental map, answer questions #1-4. 1. Mesopotamia, the region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, is on which continent? 2. The Nile River is on which continent and empties into which body of water? 3. The Yucatan Peninsula, seat of the Mayan civilization, is on which continent and separates which gulf from which sea? 4. The Huang Ho River (once known as the Yellow…

Causes of world war one Politics and Alliances European nations were continuously struggling for control and forming associations towards the years that will lead up to the world war one. These countries were like Germany, whereby it made alliances with nations such as Italy and Australia in the year 1881. The reason for the partnership is because they wanted to defend each other in case France attacked them. Nonetheless, Italy betrayed Germany and made friendship with France.   In 1892 France andRussia made an association in responding to Germany alliances. Also in 1984, a settlement was signed between France and Germany. In the year 1907, an association formed which was known as the Triple Entente. It was between Russia, France and Britain. Due to this alliance, Germany felt a threat to their power and existence since it was more potent than Germany itself. Imperialism Imperialism is when a nation enlarges its power and effect into a more massive society. Countries such as Britain and France had made empires which were large worldwide, and this made them very rich, hence leading…

Benchmark – Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs. Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.[unique_solution] Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings. Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout…

Clients and Helpers in Human Services The individual self wellness model is a strength-based and choice oriented approach that reflects on the intentions of one’s lifestyle decisions. The method is theoretically grounded, and one can be able to understand their client’s problems, especially by evaluating and asking relevant questions. The methods comprise three levels that can be used to understand thewell being of the clients; creative self, social, and coping self. Kisha’s strengths related to her creative self is controlling what she says to her teens; she makes sure they are not aware of her being home. In this case, Kisha uses control, thinking, and emotions to handle her situation. Kisha’s strength related to coping self is the ability of her managing stressfrom people who once accommodated her, then they got tired of her. She has not also been in a stable home, and therefore she stays in one school for a more extended period. She has also been through different hands out of living with different people, in this case. Kisha uses stress management and self-worth to handle her…

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