Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law Why might the government not want to give lawyers to every single person accused of any crime or of breaking any law, no matter how minor? The rule of law requires that laws be adopted in accordance with established procedures, that they are made known to the public, and that they are enforced. Now about a half-century ago, the American Supreme Court ruled out that anyone too poor to hire a lawyer must be given one free in any criminal case involving a felony charge. However, at times the government might fail to provide alawyertoevery single person accused of a crime; this is because sometimes the cases may be too many. Too many cases mean that the government may lack enough funds to hire competent lawyers that would present each and every criminal. How do you think the government should pay for the criminal lawyers that will represent people free of charge? The American legal system was built on the concept of the rule of law, and all citizens are subjected tobe governed by…
Analysis of Dorian Gray. The picture of Dorian Gray is a book written by Oscar Wilde, which explains the consequences of narcissism. Dorian Gray, a male youth that possessed a beautiful in mind, talent, soul, and body, turns an immoral version of evil. He is so crazy because he captures the imagination of lord henry Wotton, Basil Hallward, and a painter who is always an unremitting pleasure -seekers. Dorian Gray had personal beauty that she had the face of an angle while her actions and mind were filled with evil motives. Dorians went through a complete transformation that leads to the combination of lord Henry influences and BasilHall ward artistic that lead to Dorian into a tragic descent situation. Finally, Dorian’s sins increased over the years, and he lacked conscience until he desires to repent to show that he was still human-like others. Despite all the good things that Dorian had, he is now not able to have any of them. The murder of his friend Basil Marks the end because he feels guilty, and he cannot change the thought…
Critical Criminology Over the tears, there have been quite a number of theories that try to look at how power affects people in society. Of all the theories, three have stood out the most, namely Marxist, postmodernist, and feminist criminologies. These theories the inequality of power is somehow linked to the problem of crime in society. The sources of power, however, differ for each perspective. Marxist Criminology Marxist was brought about by Karl Max. He was of the opinion that power lay in the ownership of means of production. He tried to relate the material forces of production and the relationship of people in society. Marx explained that in the beginning, social relations of production enhanced and were necessary for the progress of material forces of production. However, these two forces were not similar in their levels of growth. While material forces were continuously growing, social relations remained stagnant for a long time. As a result, social relations began impeding the further development of material forces. Therefore, social relations had to undergo a sudden and violent restructuring so as to…
Federal and state government criminal justice The disagreements between the federal and state governments have existed in the United States for a long time. The federal government and California have clashed on many occasions on issues related to criminal of the significant disagreements has been on the subject of immigration laws. Immigration is usually controlled at the federal level, and the Immigration Reform and Control act were chiefly formed in 1952 to prevent illegal immigration. The immigration laws are controlled by congress, while the White House is in charge of enforcing them. The jurisdictions over the rules of migration have been continuously upheld by the United States Supreme Court, who has overruled some of the decisions by state governments to single out immigrants. Control, however, the many states, including California, have passed immigration laws that would allow undocumented immigrants to access public funds and that the local police should protect the arrested immigrants who reside in those states. The Californian government stated that their state does not succeed despite their diversity but thrives because of their variety. They make…
Factors that influenced the Plymouth colony’s views on crime, law and justice Plymouth was one of the first settlement areas of the colonialists who had travelled from England after separation from the Church of England. Although many of them had lost their lives during the journey, in December of 1620,they anchored in the shores of Plymouth to form their first permanent settlement after boarding Mayflower three months earlier. The Plymouth’s colony was influenced by immigrants who were escaping war from their original countries following clashes with other nations. These people came in form refugees while other people were also fleeing religious persecutions. Different religion groups such as Church of England, Martin Luther church and other Protestants were looking for places where they could worship in freedom. These different people formed groups and cooperation and looked for various opportunities. They were then funded by the host governments to go and form colonies. This was probably how the Mayflower landed on Plymouth after breaking from the Church of England whom they felt had not completed the actions of reformation and made their…
Factors that influenced the Plymouth colony’s views on crime, law, and justice Plymouth was one of the first settlement areas of the colonialists who had traveled from England after separation from the Church of England. Although many of them had lost their lives during the journey, in December of 1620, they anchored in the shores of Plymouth to form their first permanent settlement after boarding Mayflower three months earlier. Plymouth’s colony was influenced by immigrants who were escaping war from their original countries following clashes with other nations. These people came in form refugees while other people were also fleeing religious persecutions. Different religious groups such as the Church of England, Martin Luther church, and other Protestants were looking for places where they could worship in freedom. These different people formed groups and cooperation and looked for various opportunities. Stratton also points out that these immigrants were then funded by the host governments to go and form colonies (Stratton, 1986). This was probably how the Mayflower landed on Plymouth after breaking from the Church of England, whom they felt had…
Deaf Culture Report Sign language has existed for over 200 years since the early 1800s. The language has evolved through the integration of different signs accrued over time to form today’s ASL. Children born deaf have grown in a society that has forced them to believe that they live in a soundless world because they cannot hear. The children have no choice but to accept it as the norm and to obey their guardians who were listening and without prior knowledge of ASL (Vpro World Stories, 2017). Sound is common in their lives, and as much as their ears cannot perceive sound waves, they have learned to rely on the non-verbal cues: body language and facial expressions from people around them. People assume that because deaf people cannot hear, they move stealthily like cats. However, this claim is false because they are human and are expected to make sounds when in motion for others to respond (TEDx Talks, 2012b). It is actually the expectation that deaf people are clumsy and make so much noise when moving. They have, however, had…
The Effects of Technology on Oral and Written Culture Folk material delivery, especially storytelling and other folk sculptures like drama, in the past few decades, has writhed proper perceptions and in-depth analysis. This is because they were grim to comprehend or convey contextually or even manifest the same information to printed text and still maintain their efficacy to the informer. Due to this, they suffered from a lack of sophisticated electronic devices like cameras and videotapes, which could be used to record the performances. Most of the traditional activities are only based on the existing environmental circumstances, which were beyond storage and retrieval. To maintain cultural beliefs and customs, it’s essential to ensure such information is passed from generation to another. Failure to create storage materials, traditional ideas are rendered meaningless. The development of electronic devices has created an enabling environment for highlighting the intricacies of contextually centered performances aggregated to the artistic roles in oral narratives. The urban legend is a genre of folklore comprising of the stories assumed as accurate, especially if it has happened to a…
Gyn/affection Discrimination is an ever-present threat to gyn. “Gyn/affection” is a term that has been used to refer to the strong yet complex relationships between females (Raymond, n.d). My research on the claim has been done through readings such as Libra Bray’s “Beauty Queens” and my previous essay on female friendship narratives. Female friendships have widely been regarded, by females and males alike, to be the most open, honest, relationships in existence. The notion, to some extent, is true, as women have developed a sense of oneness with each other over the years due to the similar challenges that they all face in society. Discrimination, objectification, assault are only some of the multitudes of societal obstacles that women have had to encounter to enable them to fit in a society that holds men to a much higher regard, without proper reasons as to why. The shared struggles have brought up, within themselves, a bond strong enough to enable them to fight for their rights in an increasingly unfair world, and possibly acquire equal recognition as men in the current world.…
Communications among Different Generations 1.0 Executive summary The purpose of this paper is to analyze and offer recommendations to the top management of process Leadership Company. The company is located in North America and typically works on one to six projects with different companies working towards establishing a collaborative working environment. Based on collected data regarding the information on communicational challenges, the paper will critically analyze and come up with a conclusion and give recommendations towards this challenge. 2.0 Introduction Effective communication within an organization is essential since it enhances the smooth operation of activity within an organization. Process Leadership is experiencing poor communication, which is hurting the organization. Several factors have been pointed out as the leading causes of information breakdown. These factors include changes in communication systems and generational differences. In the company, there are three types of generations who have different communication preferences. Robert Murray, who is a Canadian business strategy consultant, suggested that the three-generation have a different view on various forms of communication. The research paper is therefore developed to critically analyze the poor communication…