Communications among Different Generations 1.0 Executive summary The purpose of this paper is to analyze and offer recommendations to the top management of process Leadership Company. The company is located in North America and typically works on one to six projects with different companies working towards establishing a collaborative working environment. Based on collected data regarding the information on communicational challenges, the paper will critically analyze and come up with a conclusion and give recommendations towards this challenge. 2.0 Introduction Effective communication within an organization is essential since it enhances the smooth operation of activity within an organization. Process Leadership is experiencing poor communication, which is hurting the organization. Several factors have been pointed out as the leading causes of information breakdown. These factors include changes in communication systems and generational differences. In the company, there are three types of generations who have different communication preferences. Robert Murray, who is a Canadian business strategy consultant, suggested that the three-generation have a different view on various forms of communication. The research paper is therefore developed to critically analyze the poor communication…
Continuing impacts of traditional gender Gender role is defined as the human character encompassing a series of attitudes and behaviours that are amicably considered appropriate desirable or else acceptable for people that is based on their sex. Gender roles are centralized under the concept of femininity and masculinity despite variations and specifications of these gendered expectations are seen to vary substantially among cultures. At the same time, other traits may be mutual throughout a series of cultures. Traditional gender roles have in the living today lost impact in some scene and others not. The discussed scenarios happen to support or criticize the statement based on the lives of men and women today Culture the acceptable behaviour defines it according to gender, which is variable among cultures and era, with some aspects of the same receiving extensive attention compared to others. It happens that in some cultures it seems to be healthy, not rare to find men having same-sex relationships with the modern lifestyles having no issues with the cases where men show interest on their fellow mates in the…
Gender Violence Breaking the silence in gender-based violence involves learning how to share and talk about it to initiate ways and movements to an end. Cultural attitudes and beliefs contribute to the silence of gender violence. The breaking of silence is achieved by forming strong activism movements and has raised awareness, but challenges are still there. According to Hamby, women report cases of violence to enforcement agencies than men. Women are likely to street harassment that is likely to result in sexual assault and rape. The #me too movement in the US was started as a movement against sexual harassment and assault. Women empowerment helps in helping a woman to know their rights and able to fight the sexual harassment and assault in the workplace and also helps end the victimization on women about gender violence. The rape myths are there to maintain a male advantage in the male-dominant culture with the assumption that those men involved are deviant and lack a sexual partner. Women are victimized by the myths that they exaggerate and makeup account of rape.
Freedom of Speech Issues touching on free speech are the most contentious in the contemporary liberal world. The contention arises from the conflict on whether there is value on the freedom of speech. In cases where freedom of speech is not highly valued, then there is no conflict. However, in cases where the freedom of speech is highly valued, then controversies arise on the grounds of the limitations that arise from the limitations that are placed on the freedom of speech. Noting that there are limitations placed on the freedom of speech, it befits to state as Stanley Fish did, that there is no such thing as freedom of speech (Shiffrin, 2014). This discourse shall seek to address the university’s policy concerning free speech. It will also present the arguments that are present for the promotion, preservation, and limitation of free speech. Lastly, it will name the critical values of the university and describe how a particular policy will uphold these values. In satisfying these values, this paper shall seek to prove that there is no freedom of speech in…
Zerophilia Film-Gender and Identity Introduction Gender identity is a phenomenon that, when raised carelessly in a contemporary world, would perhaps result in constant debate. The formation manifests itself at an early stage of one’s lifetime based on the subjective feeling of leaning towards baby-girls/ baby- boys. Boys would prefer to play with boys. Similarly, girls would play with girls, and so is the assigned tasks. Basing on the film Zerophilia, the essay will explicitly discuss how each one is defined by gender and whether it shapes the way humans react in so many concepts. Later, the study will emphasize how different groups in the community view gender. Gender definition Human beings tend to belong to specific gender formation based on a personal realization of being either male or female. The concept is generally derived from the early stage of sex orientation by the community. The outward manifestation is probably seen from the behavior and the tasks they are assigned to perform. ‘Zerophilia’ is a film production released in October 2006 in North American which tried to explain ‘Zerophilia’ as a…
Gender Equality versus Equity in the Border Protection of Bahamas As far as many nations are struggling in building a nation that has zero discrimination between humans, discussions, and debates on what is the main goal of having equal opportunities to all genders and how the objective should be achieved has risen in many meetings. The concept in which men’s and women’s rights, responsibilities, and opportunities do not rely on whether they were born male or female is referred to as gender equality (). However, achieving gender equality is very hard since, in many discussions about gender equality, people will talk about gender equity. Gender equity is the concept men and women are treated fairly with respect to their needs. The needs are comprised of education, personal development, job, and many other needs. In this essay, I will examine gender equality versus equity in the border protection profession of Bahamas. Out of 187 countries ranked by World Bank, Bahamas is ranked position 62 hence showing that men’s and women’s responsibilities, rights, opportunities are not based on whether they were born…
The discrepancy in leadership between genders The discrepancy in leadership between genders is diverse, and all leaders deliver their skills of leadership in different ways. Many factors affect leadership style. No one can conclude that men’s leadership skills are better than women’s abilities or vice versa. The experience and exposure people have to influence leadership skills. Therefore, this paper will discuss how men and women differ in their leadership styles as it relates to power and the approaches to the latter. Women’s leadership has advanced, and many women have been on the rise in direction. Women’s managerial skills are prudent, possibly because of responsibility duties bestowed to them by society. Also, some research has shown that female leaders are more willing to make an extra effort to deliver quality skills. Women teams are more efficient in most cases in comparison with the male manager. However, male leadership is more authoritative compared to women’s leadership. What matters is the passion for leading and the intrinsic motivation to perform duties. Therefore, contextual guidance is dependent on the attitude of the leader and…
Gender Roles in Mr. Clean Super Bowl Commercial: Essay Outline Introduction Lead-in Imagine a world with no stereotyping? The future of the cultural environment extensively depends on the ideologies and cultural practices that are being fostered. The media and other social platforms consistently promote discriminatory ideologies (Shibuya 2); there should be counter initiatives to eliminate discriminatory norms that could be classist, sexist, or racist. Background This paper presents an outline for the roles of gender in the Mr. Clean Super Bowl Commercial. The thirty-second commercial fosters the discriminatory ideology that cleaning the house is the responsibility of women. The act of cleaning conducted by Mr. Clean is so fascinating that the woman becomes sexually attracted; such stereotyping is not appropriate. Thesis The Mr. Clean commercial promotes a discriminatory ideology that belongs to a precise albeit population, that is culturally dominant; in a bid to eliminate essentialist stereotyping, the society needs to adopt the strategy that addresses females and male differences in a much less discriminatory manner. Body Paragraph Topic one: The woman in the advertisement cannot control…
A global health issue -incidence, etiology, and impact Global health initiatives mainly involve humanitarian efforts aimed at collaborating with regions and allocating surplus resources, particularly funds for infectious diseases and other global health issues- such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, immunization programs, maternal and child health, among others. HIV/ AIDS has remained a challenging global epidemic. HIV infection is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus that gets transmitted through infected body fluids, including blood, vaginal secretions, and semen. According to UNAIDS (2019), it was estimated that 37.9 million HIV/AIDS known cases were reported globally in 2018. Among them, approximately 36.2 million cases were adults, and the remainder were minors below the age of fifteen years. The annual HIV infection incidence was 1.7 million cases in 2018. During the same year, approximately 770000 deaths as a result of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses got reported worldwide. Regionally, the impact of HIV/AIDS is more rampant in developing countries. A Global Health Agency to manage the issue The International AIDS Society (IAS) is known to be the world’s largest agency dealing with HIV/AIDS. IT includes…
Genome-Wide Association Study Online Our main Objective in the Project The intention of genome Wide Association studies (GWAS) has brought a controversial debate. Many people have been asking themselves whether the GWAS will work for research. The discussion has been centered on the question as well as the advantages and disadvantages aimed at displaying the strengths and weaknesses of the Genome-Wide Association Study. Based on the GWAS advantages shows that genetic variations associated with disease risk exposure are possible. According to these pros, the current genotyping platforms are proved to be efficient. They include good imputation methods that enhance the easy coding of data. As a result, global assessment is likely to be a success, irrespective of whether there are any identified significant associations. Moreover, the genetic effects will be possibly substantial since humans have not yet transitioned into the drug therapy environment. The disadvantage side of GWAS is that there is limited information on the complexity associated with the genome. This is because there are limited compromise research studies on this study subject. Some of the limitations include the…