THE PRACTICE OF GIVING CAN IMPROVE HAPPINESS IN THE COMMUNITY Introduction Peace and harmony thrive in our societies today. The most significant force behind this unimaginable relationship is the fact that humans are social beings. We interact and form irresistible solid relationships. People converge to play and have fun together. The coexistence is the community has been brought by a million virtues, but one surprising source of happiness and social connection is a charity, which is an act giving. Giving; primarily mean the act of helping others without expecting a return. Giving can be in the form of money, gifts, and any other voluntary deed. Philosophers and religious scholars claim there is an essential connection between happiness and giving. In China, there is a belief that if one aims to be happy for an hour, then a nap would be best. For one to be satisfied for one day, then undertake activities such as swimming or fishing. To be happy for one year, then inherit a fortune, and if one wants to be happy for a lifetime, then participate…
Gun Control Law solution The topic of gun control is one that is sensitive and controversial in equal measures and has been discussed for far too long. Because of the emergence of tragic shootings that have permeated the media in recent times, people have continued to ask the best way to approach gun usage (Ausman & Faria, 2019). Of utmost interest is whether it is an effective way to control crime. There are those with the view that restrictions placed on gun ownership will help in alleviating crime. The opponents, on the other hand, have the perception that gun control won’t do much in controlling crime. On the average, all citizens who abide by the established laws of the land ought to be permitted to carry guns with them so that they defend themselves against aggressors of any kind and in this way it will help in controlling crime rate. The act of controlling guns and arms will not prevent criminals from owning guns (Gable, 2017). Much as there may be laws that have been passed aiming at restricting…
RE: REMOVING THE PAID WHEN PAID AND PAID IF PAID LAWS Dear Sir, The AIC code of ethics states that constructors must be handled with the highest degree of professionalism and that none of them should be mistreated or treated unfairly. This letter is to inform the Texas state representative that the paid if and paid when legislations should be abolished, for they present major challenges to subcontractors. According to the AIC code of ethics, individuals should be treated fairly when it comes to payment and agreement that they assign with general contractors. The paid when and paid if laws, in my view, do not guarantee equality and fairness. Most of the contractors in Texas work hard for the general contractors but failed to get their compensation within a reasonable time due to the existence of the two stated laws that have persistently denied them timely compensation. Since these laws pose major hurdles to contractors, my plea to Texas Representative is to look at the existing laws and implement various reforms to find the solution to these laws that have…
Healthcare Organizational Cultures The concept of organizational culture is instrumental in the understanding of an individual’s behavior within an organization, given that they are tasked with the management of external demands as well as internal social changes. According to Ball et al. (1995), organizational cultures include the expectations, experiences, philosophies, and values, which are the guidelines of how an individual should behave within an organization. It is prudent to note that it defines what is appropriate in any given situation, the interactions of colleagues at the workplace, and also the extent to which the health care providers within a particular healthcare facility identify with their organization. This paper shall, therefore, seek to analyze a case study concerning organizational structure and leadership. In light of the provided case study, the organizational culture of Central is adhocracy culture, while City’s organizational culture is the hierarchical structure (Sulkowski & Sulkowska, 2015). It is prudent to note that organizational culture can affect the employee’s learning activities, as well as their satisfaction and motivation levels. Additionally, a supportive organizational culture will help an employee to…
Augustin Thierry Thierry argues that a submitted liberal way to deal with history frequently presented a sentimental understanding, even though he engaged in research of essential sources. He, in any case, was perceived as a noteworthy student of the history of the advancement of mutual administration. There was inhabiting this time a commended political, financial analyst, at that point, in reality, darken, yet whom it has since been looked to raise into a divine being. The challenging extent of his perspectives from the start drove away from the emotional brain of the energetic Augustin, who, stopping the college, gave himself with all the enthusiasm of his tendency to the investigation of the loftiest social issues, and appended himself to St. Simon in the limit of secretary, and devotee. It is superfluous to state that at this period, some persons had propounded no clue about building anything at all, taking after another religion. This was a thought which happened to him a lot later, assuming, for sure, it is not by and large an after death crotchet, unnecessarily credited to him…
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Healthy People 2020 is an initiative by the federal government of America to build a nation that is healthier. It offers science-based studies with objectives for the next decade on how to improve the Americans’ health. For over 30 years, the program has monitored and created benchmarks meant to advocate the empowering of people, collaborations between communities and agencies, and measuring the outcomes of prevention undertakings. Healthy People 2020 has multiple overarching goals. Namely: longer lives that are free of injury, preventable diseases, disability, and untimely death; dispel disparity, achieve health equity, and enhance all groups’ health; establish physical and social environments that facilitate good health for everyone; and stimulate the quality of life through sound behaviors and developments in all phases of life. From their website, their plan entails 42 topic areas, inclusive of 13 novel topics. The topics deal with numerous aspects of public health. There is a topic on “preparedness” and others showing the factors that influence public health like the “social determinants of health,” “public health infrastructure,” “access to health services,”…
FEMINISM GLOBALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE The essay will discuss how certain occurrences portrayed in Robert Strayer’s book affected aspects of humanity. The issues discussed in the article include energy/technological change, the rise of feminism, and globalization. What is globalization? In simple terms, it’s the spike in trade activities that occurred in the aftermath of world war two and still takes place in the twenty-first century. World trade shot up from a measly seven billion dollars to figures rising above thirteen billion dollars between 1947 and 2007.1 Originally, countries did not support the import and selling of foreign products. However, in the second half of the twentieth century, most malls and supermarkets around the world carried products ferried from around the globe. The mass movement wasn’t limited to the goods; people also moved around the world in search of jobs. Most Asians and Indians sought work in the United Kingdom, while former French colonies in Africa flooded France in search of jobs; Haitians went to the United States of America and so on. The key to this economic growth was…
Caribbean Global Culture The Caribbean is, according to Richard Hillman, an important part of global culture and the global economy. Many U.S. residents, however, see it as a kind of DisneyWorld with white sands and cheap liquor. What is your impression of the Caribbean as a result of our study and readings for this week? The Caribbean has a global culture that, in most cases, is misrepresented or interpreted. Besides being the provider of sun, sands, and brews, it has other major art and culture that is celebrated globally. The long period of colonization and oppression is always expressed in their music, art, and literature. The writers from the Caribbean islands are recognized both globally and at home. For instance, Derrick Walcott of St. Lucia won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1995. Besides literature, Caribbean music had a major influence on global society. For instance, the Rastafarian movement, which was founded in 1930, has been adopted both globally and locally (Hillman, & D’Agostino, 2009). Singers such as bob Markey, Erick Clapton Beres Hammond, and peter tosh revolutionized the world…
Homelessness in Los Angeles. -What is the difference between crisis homelessness and chronic homelessness? Why do social workers recognize this difference? Chronic homeless can be described as people who have a homeless experience of more than one year while undergoing a problem such as mental disorders, drug and substance use disorder, or any physical disorder (Brown et al. 2018). On the other hand, the homeless crisis is a charity home for homeless people in the UK (Mavridis et al. 2018). A homeless crisis can be solved in several ways, which include housing, integrated health care, through criminal justice reduction, and also fostering educational connections. Social workers recognize this difference since they work closely with the homeless. -what are the two main philosophies that coordinated entry is run under? Explain in your own words. The philosophies that coordinated entry was the VI-SPDAT and also honesty. The VI-SPDAT collected information and identified the needs of the homeless. Honesty was also necessary to obtain accurate information concerning the homeless. The VI-SPDAT. -What is the purpose of the VI-SPDAT? The VI-SPDAT initially was created…
Arm Reduction The two political cartoons below take distinctly different views of détente. Do they both make valid points? Was it a good idea for the US to negotiate arms reductions treaties with the Soviets? Was it a good idea for the Soviets? Do these issues affect Russian relationships with other countries today? (Do not focus on the last question only; provide and discuss the historical basis.) While the intention behind the arms reduction treaties was good for the US, it proved to be excessively complicated, expensive, and cumbersome. Since soviet had hundreds of missiles against the US, the talk released some tension for a short while. Some of the benefits of treatment are that were achieved included the exchange of data regarding the strategic weapons as well as associated facilities (Leonard, Udoudom, & Bassey, 2019). The inspection was conducted to verify data on the technical features or characters of strategic missile s well as the implementation of the provision on test launches and telemetry exchanges. However, the US did not benefit from this effort because the military weapons had…