Lessons from Previous Leaderships Making of mistakes is common in organizational leadership since I have never seen a perfect leader through the mistakes should be minimized to avoid high production costs and loss to the organization. From my experience from the workforce, I have learned some aspects from the human resource department based on hurried recruitment in order to fill a position which is critical in the organization since it cannot operate without that vacancy being filled. This results in inconveniences in the workplace due to the hiring of ineffective, incompetent and unproductive personnel. The organization will be subjected to offer additional training slowing the operations of the business. Additionally, precious resources and time are lost in the process of finding a replacement. Being too friendly with the employees in the workplace is a mistake that I have learned from other leaders and will never tolerate in my leadership process. This triggers lack of respect from employees who sometimes disobey some tough commands and decisions imposed on them by taking advantage of your friendship. I have witnessed mediocrity emerge in…

Leadership in IT (Discussion Post) Leadership is a key element which is essential in the IT management which is bound by rapid changes and upgrades. The leadership discipline is more concentrated not only on the immediate effects of a technology but also the long-term impacts it will have in the future (Davenport, 2014). IT leaders play a core role in providing a strategic framework to increase efficiency and availability of information in the ever-changing technology world. Effective leadership in IT is determined by quality traits in leadership the leaders have (Andrew, 2012). The senior IT leadership is responsible for making decisions and system planning through analyzing opinions from their subordinates. Moreover, the leadership is responsible for budgeting and provision of resources necessary for IT projects. In IT effective leadership is determined by how effective are the IT strategies the leader is imposing having impact on the organization. Also by ensuring efficient technologized means of handling information in the workplace. CIOs and CTOs are visionaries and inventors and their critical thinking traits are essential in the planning process (Davenport, 2014).  …

Modern Age of Rights   Modern age of rights is used generally to refer to the bill of rights enacted or created during the time period after post antiquity era, which is the era characterized with expansion in civilization, development of world’s great religions and the development of networks of trade between civilizations. A bill of rights is a list of basic rights to citizens of a specific country for their well-being.   Before the passing of the bill of rights in Canada in 1960, the society was characterized Injustices such as discriminations among natives, French- Canadians among other immigrants also there was need to create rights for individuals right to life, right to speech and association which were threatened at the moment. All these violations against humanity compelled members of parliament such as John Dienfenbaker to draft their own bill of rights. Therefore before 1960 what really existed in Canada was bill of rights until a decade before 1960 when they became the country’s first laws to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens Similarly citizens legal rights…

Culture and Leadership Culture is a cognitive element in a business organization since it is part of the macro-environment having a strategic impact on the direction of the business. Business culture entails understanding and conceptualization of the people’s norms, values, and their acceptable traditional behaviors. However, it doesn’t only incorporate national culture but also business culture inclusive of giving directions on handling social media, internships, meetings and also formalities. Being brought up in a state in the United States where diversification of culture was rare, I grew up understanding only a single culture which may be a challenge in dealing with the other cultures of the globe. Leading a group full of diversity of culture is accompanied by a lot of dilemmas due to lack of knowledge on interaction with individuals from different cultures. Leaders should always cross-cultural type of leadership to help them sort the issues of the cross-cultural environment. Moreover, abolishment of ethnocentrism should be exercised to combat the dilemma since it will assist in equalizing all the cultures. Also, a leader should understand the cultural values of…

Factors to consider when starting a restaurant and challenges facing the restaurant sector Introduction Restaurants have dominated the streets of our country in the recent years. Due to a lot of competition in the market, the entrepreneur should scale his job higher so as to make profits and expand. Some are lavish while others are known by the local vicinity. Being born to parents who owned a restaurant, I developed the passion by becoming a chef. Unfortunately, my parents had to close down the restaurant due to lack of capital and mismanagement of the funds. I decided to visit Adele, who owns a restaurant near Amtrak train station in Chicago, to research on the story behind her success. The following are some of the factors she narrated when she was considering before opening her business and some of the challenges she was facing too. Capital The amount of capital determines the size and type of restaurant. One can save for the capital or take a business loan to cover the expenses. Wise decisions are to be made since capital should…

Disability Discrimination   In this tutorial we will be looked at some specific issues that arise when we examine the coverage of the ground of disability under anti-discrimination law.   Standards, guidelines and action plans In this context we will look at the operation of what are generally referred to as proactive measures.  We will look at how Standards in particular offer a different regulatory approach beyond proscribing certain conduct and setting up a complaints mechanism.  These are a distinct feature of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth). [unique_solution]   We will focus in particular on the education Standards and the Public Transport Standards.  You need to look at these Standards before the tutorial on the website of the Australian Human Rights Commission – http://www.hreoc.gov.au/disability_rights/standards/standards.html   Questions:   How would you describe the regulatory approach used in the Education Standard as opposed to the approach used in the Public Transport Standard? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Do you think the types of changes brought about by the Standards would have occurred without the Standards? Why or…

 Introduction of Turkey Meat Exportation in the Oracle Agro-Expo company Background Poultry farming in the United Stated has enjoyed a trammedous growth in the business world and has dominated the global market for decades. The USA has accounted over 20% of the world’s production, of which 17% is exported. Oracle Agro-Expo company is an agricultural oriented investment located in Florida which aims at provision of organic fruits and vegetables which include peaches, apples, broccoli, cauliflower and all sorts of pomoculture and olericulture (Hansen et al, 2017). Since diversification is the key to manage risks, the marketing management proposed the need of introduction of organic turkey meat exportation in order to increase its global market. After conducting a comprehesive research on the demand and supply of turkey meat in the world, it was found that global broiler production has increased by 40% between 2002-2015 signifying that the consumption of poultry products has grown rapidly. With the above poultry market trend, there is a great business opportunity in developing and developed countries’ market. According to the limited growth opportunities in the developed…

Leadership in IT Management /Discussion Forum +Two Students Responses IT Management: • Leadership in IT Management /Discussion Forum +Two Students Responses How does leadership play a role in IT management? How does leadership need to be aligned to the company’s goals for IT management? This final course module discusses the leadership aspects and traits needed in IT management. Students are presented with an overview of the ever-changing role of technology leaders and their impact on organizations. Additionally, discussion is also included on how effective leadership is determined in IT. Lastly, planning is considered from the lens of how senior IT leaders impact the planning process.[unique_solution] During the last week of this course, you can add some ideas about the future use of your new knowledge. Be sure to respond to at least two of your colleagues and cite your references using Guide to Be Writing and APA Requirements. Format and Requirements: • APA Format • One of the materials that you may need to use to write this discussion is provided in the book link in the first page and…

Passing of bill of rights – Canada The bill is national ruling enacted by assembly. In Canada the bill was passed by assembly on 1960 10th in the month of August. Was the first manifestation of Canadian human civil rights at the civic level which has been recognized by common law in Canada. For the bill to develop to law, it must be introduced in either senate or assembly(Ostberg,1998). It has to go through stages before it can be enacted to become law. There are three main stages in the process the bill goes before it becomes law in Canada which includes First reading, second reading and third reading then royal Assent. In Canada the modern rights of age were now developed in which all constitution was now in place which was now a law defending all human and civil rights to Canadians in 1960.In Canada before the bill of rights was enacted there existed other laws. Canada recognized their nationality in law with the presentation of act in 1946, which procured in 1997.These are the acts, laws and principles…

Philosophy of Sport Question 1. (A)    Perspectives of cheating and fair play in sport according to Leaman and Delattre Positions of cheating and fair play in sport as argued by Leaman Leaman says that it is not easy to define cheating in a sport as thought initially and that it is just difficult to specify why such behavior is wrong. He offers the right definition of cheating in a sport as the act through which the conditions for winning that are agreed manifestly or latently change in favor of one side (Dixon, 10).  As a result, the principle of equality of chance that may occur beyond the difference between skills and strategy is violated. However, the problem with this definition from Leaman is, it omits any consideration. He claims that if a boxer possesses an unlawful substance that can damage the body of another player when applied without his or her knowledge, the boxer has not cheated. This is an act of breaking the rules of the game which the boxer does to his own advantage yet Leaman does not…

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