– Bahrain role in human rights organizations The Kingdom of Bahrain established the National Human Rights Institution in the year 2010 to reaffirm its commitment towards protecting and maintaining human rights across the country. This institution had representatives from all over the Bahrain society and giving the opportunity for the people to voice their opinion about human rights through their representatives. This institution conducts periodic reviews as per the guidelines laid down by the United Nations Human Rights Council to ensure that the highest level of regards is given to the human rights in the country and also to ensure that there is maximum protection given to the people and institutions in the country, especially women and children. As a country, Bahrain plays an important role in guarding the rights of its citizens. It partners with many human rights organizations to ensure that human rights are well protected. For instance, there is a human rights organization called Bahrain center for human rights (BCHR). The institution is a non-profit organization that works to promote human rights in Bahrain. BCHR was founded…

The battle of the little Bighorn The battle of the little Bighorn was an armed engagement between the forces of Lakota, Arapaho thrive and the Northern Cheyenne. The battle resulted in the defeat of United States forces, and it was one of the significant action of the Great Sioux war of 1876. It took place in 1876 which happened at the Little Bighorn River in Montana Territory. The battle of Little Bighorn is important because it proved to be the height of the Native American power, which was in the 19th century. Further, it is said to have been the worst United States army defeat through all their plains wars. The battle was triggered by the breaking of the second treaty of Fort Laramie where there was an agreement between the government and the Lakota and Dakota in addition to Arapaho who had the exclusive possession of Dakota Territory which was at the west of Missouri River. There were key historical figures that were notable in the battle of the Little Bighorn, and they included Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer…

Best Solo Traveler Apps to Enhance the Experience   Gone are the days when people used to demand directions while traveling to an unfamiliar location. Do you know how awkward it is to keep asking for directions in this era? Due to the rapid technological advancements, you can travel anywhere in the world. All you need is a smartphone. Many apps have been developed to help solo travelers reach their destinations without much struggle. However, finding the best app may be very daunting for you. Check out some of the best solo traveler apps below! Backpackr You may not be the only one heading in a particular direction. Many people travel every day in the same direction. Have you ever sat next to someone on a bus only to find out you’re both heading in the same direction?   Backpackr gives you the chance to meet and interact with people heading in the same direction as you.  You can contact someone heading in the same direction as you by messaging them.   This app also gives you numerous ideas on…

Culture and Communication Expressed In ‘Tortilla Soup’ Film Tortilla Soup is a film that shows how people use food to communicate. How people are drawn together by food or pulled apart by food. It is showing us how food is intergenerational and how it changes in agreement with culture. This movie centers on a tourist exploration agenda of experiencing cultures outside the white Middle-Class American. The film target both white and Latino audiences by presenting the film characters being racial typecasts some are beyond ethnic restrictions and other characters as being assimilated The movie is about a Taiwanese widower and a former chef who lives with his three grown-up daughters. Culturally the film speaks about the culture by majoring on the challenges of assimilation that the daughters are facing as they try to assimilate into American culture as first-generation Mexica-Americans. It also communicates the existing pressure for ethnic immigrant communities to absorb in the American mainstream culture. The film demonstrates how the ethnic “others” can become part of the American dream. The use of fusion cuisine over traditional cuisine expresses…

Blockchain Domains Starter Guide: What Are They and How do They Work? Ever since the introduction of blockchain, the world has seen the technology disrupt various sectors and industries. With blockchain having some commendable success in fields such as supply chain management, health care, and others, experts seem keen to explore other areas where the innovation could come in handy. One such area is domain name registration. Although the internet has been evolving over the years, web hosting and domain registration haven’t had many changes over the years. However, software companies are now looking to change the industry using blockchain domains. Blockchain domains are still a new concept. However, given the technology’s success in previous use cases, we can expect the domains to be a hit in a few years. So, what are blockchain domains, and do we really need them? In this starter guide, we will explore all there is to these domains, how they work, and what benefits they present. Keep reading for some insightful information on the same. What are Blockchain Domains? The simplest definition is that…

Tips for choosing a social security disability lawyer Applying for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) can turn out to be an extremely lengthy process. There is already a queue of over a million waiting for their turn to come. On average, one would usually need to wait for two to four years to complete a single case. Though it is not the same for all as there is a history of cases that got completed in God’s speed in general, the SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) cases progress in snail’s pace. And the primary reason behind this lengthy procedure is unclear reasons and incomplete details. And most of the cases which are being rejected by the courts are somewhat for the same purposes. And once your applications get denied, the applicants will need to hire an SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) lawyer who can help them to claim their rights. And when you choose the right SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), it will be easier for you to navigate your case faster. But, with the increase in demand for the…

Book review: Slavery Main arguments of the reading The author bases the chapter on civil war and claims that racial factors did not motivate slavery but economical. Zinn also talks about how slaves tried to resist and the various ways they used. Although they did not succeed, they still found ways of maintaining their dignity as human beings. Throughout history, historians have painted slavery as an isolated evil that was practiced in the southern states. However, Zinn states clearly state that this was not the case. On the contribution of white abolitionists, Zinn claims that black abolitionists were more involved and committed to the cause than their white allies. The author also argues that Lincoln was a skillful politician and a pragmatist, and not a heroic figure as people portrayed him to be. Main evidence He suggests that Americans created racism as a way of covering up for the brutality of African people through slavery. The slaves tried to resist to their owners with no effort. However, they used art, family, and friendship to maintain their dignity as human beings.…

Society: AgeingIssues and perspectives   Introduction  There are more grey-haired people today than in the past. The demographic trends are that the world is experiencing low birth rates, but at the same time, greater longevity. People are growing to be old, and many others are also outliving their pension. In 1997, older adults who suffered road traffic pedestrian casualties at a rate of 21%. Today the figures have increased to 32%; it shows that many more older people are living amongst others in society (Quadagno, 2018). These are people aged 60 years and more. The growing number of older adults relies on the labor force that is already shrinking for assistance and support. It is estimated that 14% of the labor force will be lost in the next 50 years. Section A Q1: Current dilemmas in intergenerational exchange  The baby-boomers are people who are aged between 58 and 70 years. They are the young, old population. Their generation experienced an increased women labor force participation and divorce. It was during their generation that more women began to take up employment…

Are accident lawyers affordable? What are the perks of hiring an accident lawyer for your case? Car accidents can be a fatal situation for you. While passing the road or taking a turn in your car, you might run into an accident. The human negligence and recklessness mostly cause road accidents. Sometimes, the driver causing the accident might be under the influence of intoxicants and while driving, made an incorrect judgment leading to a fatal crash. After running into such situation, it is quite natural on your part to file for necessary compensations to carry out the medical expenses and other issues. These compensations can be of monetary as well as of judicial nature. Sometimes, the person who caused the accident might wrongly file a case against you. You might also need legal assistance to defend yourself in such cases. These legal cases might end up being too complicated and time-consuming. Using the help of a Bensalem Truck Accidents Lawyer can prove quite beneficial in these cases. Whom to hire?  It is better to hire a lawyer who has experience…

Book report,‘Tooth and Claw’ by Jo Walton Introduction: ‘Tooth and Claw’ was written by Jo Walton and was first published in November 2003 by Tor Books Publishers in the U.S. The book is classified under the genre of fantasy. It fits in perfectly as the characters used are imaginary. Walton uses dragons as the characters in the book, but the setting represents a human society of leadership, the church, servants and retainers, among other themes. The book won the best novel of World Fantasy Award in 2004. Plot The book is a tale of a family of dragons. It begins by the death of the father dragon, Bon Agornin, who confesses to his son Penn, before he dies. Confession to any local parson was against the rules of the current religion. Therefore, if anyone knew that Penn had heard the confession, he would be thrown out of the church. He gets confident when he realizes that no one will come to know of it if he does not speak about it. According to Walton (2003) fantasy novel, dragons were known…

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