Plato’s Opinion and its Relevance to Present-Day US Plato’s Republic presents and interesting discussion as to what a ‘just’ state is. In the scripts, Plato explains the intricacies of what such a state might constitute going to great lengths to discuss its organization, governance, education system, and other aspects that are central to any nation. While most would perceive evidences of democracy in Plato’s teachings about a ‘just’ state, such as his description that of an education system enshrined in egalitarianism, some modern scholars perceived the lectures as immoral, unwise, and even impractical. Popper conceives Plato’s plan for an ideal state as totalitarian, with limited liberties, as much diversity, and a perverse inclination to Spartan regulation of social life (Lewis, 2012). This paper discusses the extent to which Plato’s vision of a ‘just’ state is applicable in the modern Unites States of America. It debates whether it is truly fair, whether it is entirely pragmatic, and the adequacy of the theory of justice it proposes. To begin with, Plato’s dim view of democracy is consequential to his insecurities regarding…

  PHAMACOLOGY The seminar took place in University of Washington mainly tackling on Biotechnology Commercialization focusing on use of stimuli responsive polymer to recognize the control of protein ligand presentation given by Patrick S. Stayton. The speaker mainly spoke about two main issues The first issue was about Therapeutics Company that develops drugs using RNA medicines which is a technology used in curbing diseases like cancers and genetic disorders by regulating proteins in human cell. In responding to changes in environmental factors like temperature and PH the stimuli- responsive polymers shows reversible changes. When stimuli responsive polymer is conjugated to proteins and antibodies molecular systems are obtained. These applications include immunoassays, affinity separations and enzyme recovery. Protein ligand can be controlled when temperature sensitive polymer is conjugated to genetically engineered site on a protein. Secondly the seminar explained the journey of forming a company UW OTT, mainly on carrying out a research to find out its viability. The commercialization process was to undergo the process of research to find out more information on the product to be produced, development process…

Response to Questions In response to the first argument, having open-ended questions that only show the positive or negative effect of the setting is not satisfactory. The questions should also give a room for individual reasoning and feelings. They should add another question like, “what is the best way to solve the problem?” Next, the description of how to create concept mapping lacks elements to link the idea with the basic units of the concept and its flow of omitted. The term “bubble” is confusing and should rather say, “The words or phrases of the idea are typed in a text field that resembles a bubble.”

  Paris Gentrification The concept of creative city is a popular idea that lingers in the discussions among the urban policy-makers as well as the researchers. Ideally, the concept is two-fold; academic and literature explain the pertinence of creativity in planning of cities with emphasis on the innovation strategies, while the other side practically implements the plans set up the creative schemes. In the real sense, there is little to no link between these two levels of the creative city concept which is rather extemporized. Most early cities experienced the challenge of gaps between hypothetical cities and the practical implementation of the plans. It all comes down to the conversion of conceptual intuitions into an intricate operative methodology that is suitable for local practice. This paper walks us through the gentrification of Paris, which is one of the earliest cities founded on the concept of creative city theory. It analyzes the theory on three levels in relation to the city of Paris: (a) the positioning of Paris’s present creative spaces and the communities within that region in the context of…

structuring the maximal intermitted handgrip practice convention Discussion The essential objective in structuring the maximal intermitted handgrip practice convention was to upgrade availability by being straightforward and easy to execute. Conceptualization of maximal intermittent tended for three specific handgrip show arrangement features: i) practice power, ii) work-rest timing cycles, and iii) complete exercise range. Direct agreed with the fundamental arrangement objective; maximal hold control was picked as the maximal intermittent exercise power due to its straightforwardness and ease. Additionally, maximal hold practice self-modifies after some an opportunity to the individual’s changing handle quality, ideal for postponed times of at-home getting ready. (Firth, 2018) Past composing using maximal hold power practice for at-home getting ready has included different and clashing handgrip shows with work-rest timing cycles of 1:1 second,14 10:20 seconds,15 40 handles/min,15 and 1:1 minute,13 and hard and fast exercise ranges of 30 minutes,14 10 minutes,15 and 40 minutes. None of the past research has likely estimated actual hold execution about the embraced maximal power, a massive idea while evaluating the extreme cardiovascular responses. During the last exercise session, the…

Supporting travelers never think that they are foreigners I agree with the statement that travelers never think that they are foreigners. Tourists often believe that the countries they are visiting have weird traditions. They do not feel that their practices are the ones that seem to be strange to the natives. I believe this is due to human nature, where people assume their ways of doing things are right, and everyone’s else way is weird. Travelers often marvel at the unusual customs they find in the places they visit. However, the cultural practices only seem strange because it is foreign to the visitors (Festa, 2011). I believe once tourists get accustomed to the culture shock, they should strive to understand the reasons behind why the locals do what they do. Adjusting to the new environment is not always easy since it involves researching their history (Festa, 2011). Additionally, one may have to make acquaintances with the natives to find out their cultural beliefs. Travelers also do not think of themselves as foreigners because of their reasons for an expedition. For…

Sociology within “Prison Break” Section 1:Introduction Sociology is the art of studying collective behavior development, structure, and functionality of the social institution and other organized groups in society.  In general, sociology studies various social problems the behavior of the individual groups, their cross-cultural relation to each in their daily interaction in their respective lives, and their related ethical issues.  Application of the sociology appears to apply in every respect, for instance, as portrayed in various movies. One of the movie series that typically mirrors and illustrates the social standings is the  “Prison Break.” Like any other movie about colonialism and slavery, this movie explains what prison life is like through the experiences of Michael cornfield who is the main character, Lincoln brother to Michael, T back, Sucre who is room to Michael, Be lick who is the prison warder, Twinned, Purse and Sarah.  This series revolves around one character that is Michael Cornfield, the conflict occurring in this series is that Lincoln, who is the brother to Michael, is imprisoned after he was accused of crime and murder.  His brother…

Political/Economic Interests around non-renewable energy In a paper written by Burke and Stephens (2018), they theorised connections between democratic political powers and energy systems. They found that even though renewables as sources of energy creates opportunities for the development of democratic energy, there are tensions surrounding energy governance, competing agendas and technologies. These individuals say that in today’s era of fossil-fuelled economies, civilisations and societies are experiencing dangerous moments and anomalous for contemporary humanity. The researchers highlight the increasing trends with regard to global warming evidenced through increased migration, unrest, hunger, droughts, ice melts and storms which are calling for countries to end the use of fossil fuels. However, despite the increasing concerns about the dangers associated with the use of fossil fuels, the deployment of technologies of renewable energy is still slow and is being frustrated. These individuals say that the main frustrations on the adoption of renewables are through democratic procedures. The frustrations also come from local conflicts concerning the installation of renewable energy, particularly solar and wind facilities, which have delayed the adoption of technologies for producing…

Starbucks Matrix Structure Starbucks is a global American coffee company and coffeehouse with operates in over 21,000 locations all over the world. But to function globally as a unit, the perfect organization structure is needed to enable the smooth flow of operations. An organization structure elaborates on how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are appropriately managed to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Starbucks adopted the matrix organization structure. Despite its shortcomings like long and unclear decision paths, ambiguous responsibility to managers is the right structure to achieve global continuity and success in all its units. Starbucks operates in different countries and locations globally. Different states have differing and unique consumer tastes and preferences. What was a success at one branch may not a success at another? So the matrix structure allows the organization to meet different demands and preferences from multiple environmental settings. This is because decision making is decentralized. Each geographic division and product-based divisions are given authority and flexibility to adjust products, strategies and policies to meet specific market needs and conditions. Starbucks is, therefore, enabled…

Ritalin Should be Banned Ritalin, a stimulant drug, used to treat attention deficit syndrome as well as hyperactivity disorder. It is mostly administered to children suffering from these conditions. While the medicine is useful in the management of the disorders, its chemical composition have adverse effects. Additionally, those who experience its feel good effects as result of altering dopamine levels may opt to use it as a stimulant. Ritalin is banned in Kuwait based on the side effects it has on the body, but it is allowed in UK, but as the last resort. Considering the adverse implications that Ritalin has on an individual’s body, including risks to myocardial infarction and psychological and physical problems, banning it is beneficial as opposed to allowing its usage. Claim: Considering the adverse implications that Ritalin has on an individual’s body, including risks to myocardial infarction and psychological and physical problems, banning it is beneficial as opposed to allowing its usage. Points in Support Psychological Implications One of the adverse psychological effects of Ritalin is that it causes addiction, which give rise to other…

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