Political/Economic Interests around non-renewable energy In a paper written by Burke and Stephens (2018), they theorised connections between democratic political powers and energy systems. They found that even though renewables as sources of energy creates opportunities for the development of democratic energy, there are tensions surrounding energy governance, competing agendas and technologies. These individuals say that in today’s era of fossil-fuelled economies, civilisations and societies are experiencing dangerous moments and anomalous for contemporary humanity. The researchers highlight the increasing trends with regard to global warming evidenced through increased migration, unrest, hunger, droughts, ice melts and storms which are calling for countries to end the use of fossil fuels. However, despite the increasing concerns about the dangers associated with the use of fossil fuels, the deployment of technologies of renewable energy is still slow and is being frustrated. These individuals say that the main frustrations on the adoption of renewables are through democratic procedures. The frustrations also come from local conflicts concerning the installation of renewable energy, particularly solar and wind facilities, which have delayed the adoption of technologies for producing…

Starbucks Matrix Structure Starbucks is a global American coffee company and coffeehouse with operates in over 21,000 locations all over the world. But to function globally as a unit, the perfect organization structure is needed to enable the smooth flow of operations. An organization structure elaborates on how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are appropriately managed to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Starbucks adopted the matrix organization structure. Despite its shortcomings like long and unclear decision paths, ambiguous responsibility to managers is the right structure to achieve global continuity and success in all its units. Starbucks operates in different countries and locations globally. Different states have differing and unique consumer tastes and preferences. What was a success at one branch may not a success at another? So the matrix structure allows the organization to meet different demands and preferences from multiple environmental settings. This is because decision making is decentralized. Each geographic division and product-based divisions are given authority and flexibility to adjust products, strategies and policies to meet specific market needs and conditions. Starbucks is, therefore, enabled…

Response to the Film “The Hunting Ground” The film demonstrates the challenges the society is facing regarding matters of sexual harassment and abuse, especially in colleges and universities. Therefore, despite criticism for institutions and society, the laws need to provide mechanisms and methods to control the rate of sexual assaults. The universities and respective administration need to report rape cases to the immediate authorities for respective actions. These need to be done despite considerations of the public image regarding the activities and status of institution in society. The protection of human dignity and right is fundamental as compared to corporate image. Thus, the institutions need to enact laws and policies to communicate the impact of being involved in sexual assaults. The approaches include involving federal authority to investigate and determine the reported cases. By doing so, the institution will provide an opportunity to prosecute victims of sexual assault rather than protecting the individuals. The administrations, to some extent, have a critical role in reducing the cases reported by students and other members of the community. As a result, the systems…

SQL commands             The first command that I learned was the ‘CREATE’ command. It creates a query. After clicking on it, there are various commands under it. Clicking on the ‘Query Design’ command. It helps in creating a new and blank query in the design view. The ‘View’ command on the left top side of the screen helps in viewing the results in either Datasheet view, SQL view, or design view. Therefore, it prompts the view that the user wants at any given time. The ‘Run’ command helps in viewing the query results. The results come up depending on the query input in the software. Therefore, it becomes easy to analyze large amounts of data using Ms. Access. The ‘relationship’ command, which is the second last command under the table section, brings out the relationship between the data in the table. However, a user has to prompt this by defining the ID relationship and names in the different tables. All of them should match. The ‘total’ command creates an additional row to the design grid. The row can give the…

 provision of services to students The project I engaged in was the provision of services to students, faculty, and staff of the university by providing volunteer services to help complete fire systems inspection to determine their integrity. The project also encompasses the education of the community and my fellow students on the importance of understanding the essence of fire security systems in various buildings. Asset management is also an element of the project as I try to evaluate the integration of fire systems and management into different residential buildings. The project was implemented initially through the drafting of a work plan and schedule that I have followed dutifully. The initiation stage of the project was where identified as the significant areas that were at risk of fire systems breach and also a majority of buildings in the school. I also got approval for the project from my professor and other relevant officials, which after I then began to participate in various fire system inspections and evaluating the protocols that were in place. Through the help of fires systems or experts,…

State Terrorism It has been a habit of many governments across the world to use repression against their people and other nations. Some governments have used different forms of restraints, including terrorism. Despite these widespread actions by governments, there has been little research on state terrorism done in the discipline of international relations. State terrorism, by definition, refers to acts of terror committed by a government or sponsored by a government (Magen, 2018).  State terrorism is committed for various reasons, including gaining control and power. State terror is used in causing mass movements of people from the regions in which they are located to other places. The consequences of state terror include an influx of refugees into foreign countries. There are few examples of countries that have sponsored terrorist activities against their populations and external forces, including other states. Some of the terrorist groups that have caused problems over the past few decades have had the backing of some governments. Governments disguise behind such terrorist groups to achieve particular agendas against other countries or within their countries. Jackson (2011) argues that the definition…

Ring of Gyges Abstract The ring of Gyges is a tale belonging to Glaucon, and it is about a magical ring. In the mythical story, Glaucon is attempting to obtain a better definition of justice from the Socrates. The Ring of Gyges is demonstrating that human beings only show justice because they are weak, and those who have power are not likely to show justice. This work highlights the mythical tale of the Ring of Gyges and gives my reflection of the same. Body The “Ring of Gyges” is a magical ring as presented by the great philosopher Plato in his Republic book II. This is displayed to be a source of power that can make whoever owns it to be invincible. In the Republic Book II, Glaucon tells the tale of a shepherd in service of the ruler of Lydia named Gyges. In the aftermath of an earthquake, the shepherd enters a cave and is lucky enough to pick the magical ring of Gyges from one of the corpses. Having realized his ability to become invincible, Gyges takes advantage…

Serbia Nation’s Keynesian Theory of Consumption Introduction Typically, the lion’s portion of GDP in every nation goes to consumption. Bogovic (2014) claims that individual use contributes to at least 59% in the overall world creation. The Consumption could be a dynamic force of a Serbia’s financial growth bearing in mind the multiplier outcome on the rate of GDP. Nations striving to enhance and increase their progression in the brief term and to prompt an expansion in the lengthy run, without a rise in government outlays and consecutively budget shortfalls, want to rise their collective consumption. In Keynesian financial side, the rate of aggregate demand in the budget have been measured as an essential feature in rational in Serbia Nation business sequences and variations (Jakopin, 2018). Question 1 As the data gathered was presented as board information the initial phase was the measurement of board ID adjustable and period variables. The following graphical shows consumption variables and GDP, which was used in comparison with the Serbians consumption level between the years 2005-2014. Ultimately, the data for examination was summarized in numerous…

Support employee and industrial relations procedure Nature of the Grievance The grievance presented by Steve in an economic issue that is usually experienced by employees in workplaces. Such complaints are typically serious since they affect the employee’s economies and level of commitments; hence, they should be addressed as soon as possible. Every employee is entitled to overtime payment, which they can also achieve through requesting time in lieu. It means that if Steve has been working overtime to be provided with time in lieu, then he is undertaking to secure some of his needs, such as family needs and other economic requirements. Therefore, he has the right to be granted the offer. Organization’s Policies, Procedures, and Legislation Relevant to the Grievance The organization recognizes the provision of time in lieu of employees working overtime. The employees have the right to choose between receiving payment for the overtime or time in lieu. Based on workplace legislative acts, failure to provide such employees’ demands is considered a violation of their rights that usually results in grievances. The grievances can be solved at…

Request for Information (RFI) RFI is a standard business process which aims at collecting written information about the different capabilities of various suppliers. RFI is commonly used for the comparative purpose for diverse candidates, which have an impact on later negotiations. Specifically, an RFI identifies the detailed expectations of a project hence request specific vendors to respond to how they would achieve the project requirements. Request for Quote (RFQ) RFQ is a solicitation for service or goods in which a business application suppliers to provide their price quotations and bid to fulfill specific projects or tasks. RFQ is never publicly announced because business considers sending it to contractors that they trust. However, RFQ reduces competition, and the company might miss out on receiving the lowest bid with quality service. RFQ minimizes the amount of time needed to procure goods and services. Suppliers can respond to the RFQ with a firm quotation in which the lowest bidder is awarded the contract. Request for proposal (RFP) RFP is a document by the business or organization send to various vendors requesting them to…

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