Overview of What Happened May 10, 1996, remains to be one of the darkest and worst days= in the history of climbing Mount Everest. The expedition involving two commercial outfitters Mountain Madness from the United States and Adventure Consultants from New Zealand. The team from the United States comprised of the guides Beildleman, Bourkreev, Fischer, and eight clients. The team from New Zealand commercial outfit comprised guides Groom, Harris, and Hall with eight clients. The morning incident claimed the lives of eight climbers. Each team assembled his clients, and the on 31st Hall team set to the Base Camp while Fischer’s team arrived at the Camp on 8th Aril. The tragedy occurred as a result of human errors such as non- adherence to turning around times, failure to utilize supplementary oxygen as well as proceeding with the expedition amid the oncoming severe weather. Amid several challenges en route to the summit, such as bad weather, turnarounds due to illness, strong winds, and so forth, the team arrived at the summit on May 9. On descending, storm clouds began to move…

Reasonable Accommodations Reasonable accommodations refer to any adjustments to the recruitment process, the position in question, the physical environment, or the organizational processes that allow a person with a disability to perform essential functions of the given job (ADA National Network). In this manner, qualified individuals who may have disabilities get afforded the opportunities to enjoy the benefits of employment while also fulfilling their roles and responsibilities as expected. Thus, an employee should examine the necessary qualifications of an applicant, and then review their stated disabilities and how the company can bolster their chances of success in that capacity. According to the law, every employer with a labor force exceeding 15 individuals should provide reasonable accommodations to eligible members to ensure the comfort of the worker in that environment. Qualified individuals, in this case, refers to those persons with the right educational background, skills, and experience, and who can perform those required duties even without accommodation. Persons with disabilities, here, are those employees with a mental or physical impairment that could hinder them from performing one or more activities of…

Roots of the U.S Empire The United States went through a period of economic growth and massive production in the market. There were fears of a decline in the prices for food products in the American market as well as concerns about excessive unrest among employees. That prompted the necessity to focus on markets outside the United States. Politicians, citizens, and policymakers used the need for more exports to justify the expansion of colonies. That was needed in order to reach nations that are far from the United States. Due to the changes, the United States needed offshore territories in order to enhance the economic, cultural, and political influence around the world. Colonial expansion seemed to violate the nation’s traditional form of governance, especially on the conservative culture that was stable in the country. The citizens perceived the United States as a protestant nation that should not be compromised with foreign cultures. Some colonies did not share similar religious values with what the Americans regarded as the right one. In addition to that, the opposition also argued based on the…

Pride and shame Pride and shame are self-conscious emotions that define an individual’s personality. Notably, these emotions are triggered by external stimuli, and their description depends on the behavior of an individual. Davidson also states that people are keen on expressing the aspect of pride due to the conclusion that they possess an object of high value (745). Nevertheless, pride and shame become unreasonable when they alter a person’s judgment due to feelings of rage and loneliness. Thus, pride and shame dictate the behavior of an individual and his relationship with society. The emotions of pride and shame are influenced by other factors, such as humility and faults. Humility, according to Isenberg, consists in understanding one’s limitations, whereas pride entails understanding one’s merits (7). However, the understanding of both contexts results in knowing one’s place in society. For instance, an individual may know his or her place in the society as a renowned scientist, but must also realize that his achievements do not trump the rights that others “enjoy merely in virtue of being human” (Isenberg 7). A reasonable man…

Stakeholders vs. Shareholders Shareholders and stakeholders are two business terms commonly used. Although the words are related, they are not similar in the way people use them interchangeably. There are distinct differences between the two times, and the difference is used to manage shareholders and stakeholders in an organization. One similarity is that in a corporation, a shareholder is always a stakeholder. However, not all stakeholders are shareholders. The difference arises in how the two are related to the organization and their priorities (Pearlson, Saunders, & Galletta, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to differentiate shareholders with stakeholders, especially on privacy and ethical consideration in information management. Shareholder A shareholder can be a person or a company that owns shares in a private or public institution. Shareholders are part of the members of a corporation. They have a financial interest in an operation related to the institution. Shareholders have the right nominate directors, sell their shares, buy new shares, receive dividends, vote for members of the board, access information on publicly traded companies, and sue the company for fraud…

Technology Affecting Teens According to Boyd, the society has created an inaccurate perception that the teens digital literacy than the adults.  She argues that since teens are born to the age of technology invention, most people have promoted the idea that the young generation is highly equitable with technology knowledge. The society has created a generational divide between the youth and the adults. The teenagers are perceived to be digital natives and the adults seen as digital immigrants. However, Boyd puts up the disagreement that teens only have technological knowledge but lack the essential critical skills and experience they need to poses. Her view is that the generation gap can not determine critical skills and experience. Teen’s technological skills have been facilitated by quick access to internet information. Boyd agrees that a large population of youth have access to technological resources through school and other public facilities. Although young people have extensive access to online information, their knowledge is limited to the quality of access (Khurshid & Ahsan 2015). The quality of access depends on economic status, which determines how…

Research in nursing Introduction Research in nursing is aimed at developing knowledge on health and health promotion over the full lifespan, nursing actions, and care for persons with disabilities and health problems to enhance the effective response by the individuals to actual or potential health problems. The advancement in research has helped establish the ground for a longer life for people with lifelong health problems in getting the care. Most of the nursing researches involve studies to establish interventions in solving nursing care needs. The article “Improving quality and safety of care in nursing homes by team support for strengths use: A survey study” was set in the Netherlands. The study was to establish the relationship in workload, quality of care, team support for the strengths use, and the safety of patients in nursing homes. Balzac-Samardžić and van Woerkom takes a dig at the nursing homes to evaluate the patients’ safety from the nursing homes. The study had control of the team size, tenure, organizational tenure, age, nursing homes, and multilevel regression analyses. There was support from the respondents, and…

Risk and Resilience             Pham (2014) conducted a study aimed at examining to enable school psychologists to understand the model and be able to apply it when assessing the academic and behavioural functioning of children at school. This framework can be helpful for school psychologists as they address the mental health needs of linguistically and culturally diverse children who have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The study features a case study of Alejandro, a 6-year-old 6-month Hispanic child with ADHD who recently moved from Puerto Rico to the United States with his biological father and stepmother. Alejandro presents several issues that can be primarily attributed to the adaptation of his new environment as well as leaving his mother in Puerto Rico. The main issues presented by Alejandro as expressed by his stepmother include aggressive behaviours such as hitting his friends, depression, difficulties with maintaining attention, and learning difficulties as he is unable to identify numbers and letters in Spanish which is his first language.  Furthermore, a recent neurological report revealed that electroencephalograph (EEG) of Alejandro was abnormal, indicating a sign of cerebral…

Request for Proposal A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that offers details about a project. It also solicits bids from contractors who will assist in the completion of the project. RFP guides bidders on how to prepare proposals. The majority of RFP’s are submitted to the government who choose the lowest bid to make their competition with the private sector fair. When writing a Winning Executive Summary, one should consider being relevant to the audience, back up your claims, know your differentiators, follow the proper instructions, and use simple language. It should also be noted that the way a company responds to an RFP summary will influence your organization potential to win. Discussed are the ways to write an effective RFP Executive summary. Firstly, remember the issuer, the person reading the executive summary will be the one to decide whether you are the solution to their problem. Secondly, state the criteria upfront. Your buyer wants the requests to be accommodated, so avoid deviations from the list of requests. Thirdly, high-level ideas should be kept. Due to inadequate space,…

 summary the first chapter of the book The World’s Newest profession: A theory of management of consulting In the 20th century (1930) business week brought forth a new skilled service to its readers: management consulting. A writer with business week echoed, the current system of business professional had become intricate. Based on views from James Mckinsey at the University of Chicago, a new type of profession was scaling up in figures and influence. Even though business week would proceed to record the growth of management consulting over the subsequent seventy years, advisors had a hard time explaining to the general public what service they performed. On the other hand, the world’s newest career was growing contrasted to the broader American economy. Even after 1930, onlookers have had time and again gotten surprised by the expansion of management consulting. Business Week in the year 1965, remarked with surprise that there was one consultant in every hundred salaried managers. Towards,1995, the ratio changed drastically to one in every thirteen. Concerns whether the growth of consulting come to adjournment rose. Also, whether each…

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