Svaralankara Presentation The Svaralankara music represents a conservative culture among the Indians, and the musical instruments used are a pure reflection of the commitment of the community to preserve their conservativeness. Using the light devotions songs, the Indians sing their classical music connoisseurs to relay an important message to their target audience, especially the elderly Indians. The Svaralankara have strong traditions with the Carnatic and Hunudstani being among the popular cultural traditions that the musical presentation safeguards. Further, it is worth noting that the Svaralankara presentation plays its instruments in a slow-motion accompanied by lovely songs form the musicians. Key among the selected songs that the Svaralankara presenters sang include; tukkadas, bhajans among them, and the audience enjoyed every bit of their presentation. By singing the devotional songs in tunes that are deeply rooted in the Hindu tradition, the presentation was vital in helping engage their audience and invoke nostalgic memories to the listeners. Besides, it is worth noting that the presentation heavily relied on the varkari sampradaya traditional tunes to get the attention of their audience and relay the…

Theoretical Paradigms And Ethnic Inequality  The structural functionalism illustrates that in a designated society, exist a major deal of unanimity about the importance of values and the essentiality of norms. The ethic inequality stems from the notion that some races are less intelligent than others and possess innate flaws that hinder them from attaining a good education and performing optimum to be at the same level as others. The white race believes that they are superior to other races and biological inferiority makes blacks and other ethnic types are incapable of having intelligent quotient that supports them to function as the whites. This low intelligence is considered to be the source of poverty and other related problems. A society is generally composed of integrated parts where is one component altering; those consequently the other components will be altered in response. Therefore society seeks stability and evades conflict since it is unreasonable and dysfunctional. Structural functionalism considers the society in contexts of structures and their various functions. It also focuses on the aspects that bind a society and how alterations in…

Technology Affecting Teens According to Boyd, the society has created an inaccurate perception that the teens digital literacy than the adults.  She argues that since teens are born to the age of technology invention, most people have promoted the idea that the young generation is highly equitable with technology knowledge. The society has created a generational divide between the youth and the adults. The teenagers are perceived to be digital natives and the adults seen as digital immigrants. However, Boyd puts up the disagreement that teens only have technological knowledge but lack the essential critical skills and experience they need to poses. Her view is that the generation gap can not determine critical skills and experience. Teen’s technological skills have been facilitated by quick access to internet information. Boyd agrees that a large population of youth have access to technological resources through school and other public facilities. Although young people have extensive access to online information, their knowledge is limited to the quality of access (Khurshid & Ahsan 2015). The quality of access depends on economic status, which determines how…

Research in nursing Introduction Research in nursing is aimed at developing knowledge on health and health promotion over the full lifespan, nursing actions, and care for persons with disabilities and health problems to enhance the effective response by the individuals to actual or potential health problems. The advancement in research has helped establish the ground for a longer life for people with lifelong health problems in getting the care. Most of the nursing researches involve studies to establish interventions in solving nursing care needs. The article “Improving quality and safety of care in nursing homes by team support for strengths use: A survey study” was set in the Netherlands. The study was to establish the relationship in workload, quality of care, team support for the strengths use, and the safety of patients in nursing homes. Balzac-Samardžić and van Woerkom takes a dig at the nursing homes to evaluate the patients’ safety from the nursing homes. The study had control of the team size, tenure, organizational tenure, age, nursing homes, and multilevel regression analyses. There was support from the respondents, and…

Summary of Driven by Desire  The essay “Driven by Desire” is written by Krista Bremer. The author is a lady who is a mother of a preschool girl. On one cold winter day, she encounters a mother in her new Volvo station wagon. In contrast, she drives an old 1992 Honda Civic, which is hard to glide down its window to talk to the lady. On seeing how she struggles with the old car, the other lady wonders that such a car still exists. Her statements make the author thinks of an alternative vehicle whose windows close effortless. She feels that such a vehicle can probably save him quickly in case of danger. However, the hurdle is convincing her husband that a new car was necessary. Her husband is a miser who prefers buying cheap assets to expensive ones. He purchased the current old car after arguments about the safety of their daughter. His character is founded in her background. He was born and raised in a poor village in Libya with water scarcity. Medication, too, was poor. His mother…

Risk Assessment One of the risk assessment instrument or tool for the 55-year-old female Asian will be the practical guide. A practical guide refers to a report that is provided by the patient to provide background knowledge about their environment and other social determinants of health, and, how these surrounding influences their overall health outcomes. Data collected using this tool are then used by the practitioner to develop a framework of intervention or a plan of care. These care plans developed are informed by the needs identified during the assessment process using this tool. Based on the age and the residential place, the identified client in the case study is at risk of several health problems. The potential health problem includes respiratory condition due to overcrowding. Overcrowding increases the risk of air pollution. With a high population, sanitation and waste management are not easy. As a result, the client is at risk of developing the infectious disease. Overcrowding also results in limited space for people to engage in physical exercise hence increasing the risk of non-communicable diseases such as heart…

Soul of a Nation Soul of a Nation is an art collection that existed in the era of Black Power between the year 1963 to 1983. They have shone a perky light on the vital role of Black artists’ involvement in more than twenty years, starting in 1963 at the rise of the movement of civil rights. The art examines how those movements, as well as aesthetic advancements in visual art,  were sturdily conveyed in the effort of artists including Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Alma Thomas, and others. The artists reside in Los Angeles and have appeared throughout the Soul of a Nation. They have particularly been involved in the art and history of the civil rights’ movement and the following activist age. They have influenced and maintained the originality of the artists, which many of whom have no recognition. Betye Saar reflected how the African American was assaulted and racially abused by the white through the use of artistic images. The images portrayed disparaging imagery as a method of protest and mark of black women empowerment. The medium consist…

STEP BY STEP PROCESS TO GET A BETTER BUSINESS LOAN It is undoubtedly a problematic affair trying to start and run a business straight up from the ground. Other factors kept constant, you need serious capital for this venture to successfully pick up. Normally, a business doesn’t pay back immediately, at least in the initial months where you have to pay for the lease on the premise, get stock, purchase equipment, pay for the advertising costs and get your business registered as well. All these expenses need to be met even before you start operations. Without a financier or an investor, the proprietor is likely to struggle in this investment. And, this is where you may consider a loan to shelter some expenses. The only drawback is that it is not easy to obtain credit for this particular purpose. Most of the loans in the market end up being so expensive in the long run, which defeats the whole purpose of borrowing. Your loan will become much of a burden to the business that it is likely to get overwhelmed…

Problem Solving Decision making within an organization is a crucial function that helps an organization in tackling the challenges it faces and ensuring it stays relevant while competing within the industry.  Several intangible elements are always involved in decision making while addressing a problem within an organization. These intangible elements always a trade-off with measurable, tangible elements in ensuring the best solution is arrived at (Khan et al.2018). Fast Food Company recently witnessed a decline in its sales volume, which has been attributed to poor design and software malfunction within. As a manager of the sales department, I have to solicit the causes of this problem and generate the viable solutions in tackling the same and arrive at the best possible solution, in doing so I will have to involve everyone within my department. Analytic hierarchy process is a multicriteria decision-making tool that will I will utilize in this case to address the problem. Analytic hierarchy process is a multicriteria decision-making process which utilizes pairwise comparison judgment in ranking the available alternatives. The comparison made in an Analytic hierarchy process…

Redlining in the United States of America Redlining can be described as a process whereby banks, real estate lenders and other organizations refuse to provide mortgages or even offer housing loans for worse rates to customers within specific neighborhoods depending on their race as well as ethnic construction. Redlining is considered to be one of the most comprehensive exemplars of institutionalized racism within the history of the United States of America. Despite having strong credit qualifications that would permit any individual mortgages or housing loans, African Americans were denied mortgages and even also loans of building improvement to the current proprietor within designated areas. Although the practice of redlining tends to be formally outlawed with the passing of the Fair House Act in 1968, it continues to exist in the present time in various forms. The term redline happens to be also applied where most considerable supermarkets neglect low-income communities, thus leaving individuals within the designated areas with limited access to quality and affordable food products. Redlining and Shaping Communities Redlining involved the act of outlining regions with sizeable African…

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