DEVELOPMENT TOTAL   DEVELOPMENT 30 Marks LEVEL 1 0-5 LEVEL 2 6/10 LEVEL 3 7/10 LEVEL 4 8-10/10     FOCUS AND ACCURACY                           10 Marks ·         Soliloquy has all required aspects ·         Unity is maintained  through coherent development ·         All required parts are labeled ·         Topic and opinion are very obscured or absent ·         Material always lacks relevance to topic ·         Information is vague, inappropriate or absent ·         Topic and opinion are often obscured ·         Material often lacks relevance to topic ·         Information is general ·         Topic and opinion are fairly relevant most of the time ·         Material fairly relevant to topic ·         Information lacks some exactness ·         Topic and opinion are always fully evident ·         Material is highly relevant to overall topic ·         Information is exact ·         All aspects included and are effective   MEDIA CONNECTIONS 10 Marks ·         Exploration of image is complete, detailed, and meaningful   ·         Incomplete ·         Major omissions of valuable material ·         Partially complete ·         Several major omissions of valuable material ·         Almost complete ·         Connections are explained well ·         Connections add…

Cultural Sensitivity and Cultural Competence Owing to the rising instances of diversity, there have been developments on the need for cultural sensitivity and cultural competency among the nurses and the healthcare practitioners in general. Cultural sensitivity in healthcare revolves around the deliberate attempt by the nurse to improve their ability to provide patient-centric care through reflecting on how the patients’ values, cultures, and beliefs influence the health outcomes (Yilmaz et al., 2017). Cultural sensitivity is measured in the nurse’s ability to understand, listen, respect the needs, values, ethnocultural beliefs, and opinions of the patient based on the cultural dictates in a bid to meet desired healthcare outcomes. Therefore, in cultural sensitivity, the nurse integrates the cultural elements that the patient holds close to the care plan in a bid to meet the specific health goals of the patient (Yilmaz et al., 2017). A classic example would be taking into account the religious beliefs and the role it plays on the well-being of the patient. The nurse is expected to formulate a care plan that would seamlessly integrate the aspects of…

What is a compound miter saw? A miter saw is an indispensable part of any workshop. This tool is specially designed for chopping down window casings, crown moulding, picture frames, and door frames. There are various woodworking projects which a miter saw helps you to get through quickly. However, it is equally important to finding the right piece of compound miter saw which justify its price. With the wide range of miter saws available in the market, each saw comes with the saw blade and pivot axis, allowing cutting different angles. However, there are specific features which one must mainly look for, to comply with particular needs. So, let us explore what a compound miter saw is and what are the specific features which make it an ideal piece worth considering. What is a compound miter saw? A tool which helps you to cut from a variety of angles is termed as a miter saw. A compound miter saw has blades which facilitate pivot right and left angled cuts. It also let the tilt for bevelled cuts to cut in…

Fennel flower Introduction Fennel is a flower plant species that belongs to the carrot family. Fennel is a perennial and hardy herb with feathery leaves and yellow flowers. Even though it grows in different regions, it is a native of the Mediterranean shores. It grows ideally near the sea-cist on dry soils and the river banks. The scientific name of fennel is Foeniculum vulgare. Fennel is a highly flavorful and aromatic herb that is used in cookery. The plant is erect and bright green. It grows to a height of nearly eight feet and hollow stems. The leaves are finely dissected, and they grow up to forty centimetres. Fennel is produced both in the foreign and it’s native land due to it’s strongly flavoured and edible fruits and leaves.   One cup of sliced raw fennel only contains one and a half grams of fat, twenty-seven calories, without even a single gram of saturated fat. Fennel provides eleven per cent of RDA of fibre, seventeen per cent of vitamin C, and about ten per cent calcium. What are fennel seeds?…

Does Rubbing Alcohol kill Bed bugs? (Rubbing alcohol is a handy solution to keep the bed bugs away. It helps in restricting the growth of bed bugs. However, it is equally important to do it in a right way as it comes with certain limitations and side-effects as well) Bed bugs are one of the miserable issues especially with the old mattresses. People frequently change their mattresses to avoid bed bugs. As these nocturnal insects soon develop resistance against the chemical pesticides, dealing with them is not easy. There are several DIY treatments available and the best among them is rubbing alcohol. But it is frequently asked does rubbing alcohol kill bed bugs? Well, let us explore the answer in this article. Does rubbing alcohol kill bed bugs? Alcohol acts as a solvent which dissolves the outer cells of insects and kill them. It is a drying agent which kills the eggs of bed bugs as well as dry-out the adult insects. Thus, rubbing alcohol is effective in killing bed bugs and restricting their growth. So we can conclude: Rubbing…

COMPARISON OF ODYSSEUS AND AENEAS Introduction Odysseus is a heron of the Odyssey and Aeneas is the Aeneid both in opposite armies during the Trojan War. Odysseus a king of Ithaca and was considered the smartest warrior and also king in Greece. On the other hand Aeneas was a fighter who was from Troy whose fate was in the Roman race situated in Italy. Considering the fact that the two individuals were considered heroes in their respective community, they have similar experiences in relationship to their struggles in life, virtues and backgrounds. Despite their similarities there is also presence of differences considering innate disposition, nature of their quest and societal status. Both of the individual are considered to have possessed exemplary courage, leadership skills and perseverance. Odysseus expressed courage in several of his actions when saving his men and Aeneas on the other hand exhibited courage when he encountered Turnus who was the leader of Rutuli. Odyssey was able to demonstrate perseverance in his effort to reach home in Ithaca while Aenaeas exhibited his virtue through not giving up looking…

What things to consider to buy the best battery for motorcycle The only reason you are reading this article is because of the love you have for bikes. Taking a trip on a motorcycle is one of the things you love doing.  The two-wheeled companion needs to be taken care of to avoid frustrations. Having the best battery for your bike is one of the essential ways of taking care of your bike. The battery is a crucial accessory; it will not only smoothen your ride but also contribute to tuning up your motorcycle. You will need to put a little more effort when finding the right battery that will meet the needs of your bike. Going for the cheap batteries in the market is not a wise thing. Cheap is synonymous with poor quality and inferior functionality. Spending a little more on the battery is something you should instead consider as a valuable investment. Below is a guide that will help you have a more understanding of the factors to consider and the best types of motorcycle batteries. Choosing…

brand competitiveness in the Arabian market 3. Abstract Factors that affect brand competitiveness in the Arabian market are features of the product, number of sellers, entry barriers, availability of information, and location of the brands.  All five factors depend on the way the brand treats its consumers. Thus, the study has evaluated the importance of organizational behavior to discuss the factors affecting market competitiveness among Arabian brands. The entire study has depicted the purposes of Arabic brand competitiveness. The importance of both qualitative and quantitative methods has been used to analyze the facts that affect the brand competitiveness in UAE. A direct interview session has been arranged to justify the qualitative research approach. On the other hand, an online survey among the consumers and business entities has been conducted to predict the expected result and possible outcome of the factors which affect competitiveness. Significant findings of the analytical study have been demonstrated, stating the issue of the impact of the factors affecting competitiveness. 4. The purpose of the entire discussion  is to find out the importance of product, the number…

What is Droneport Project? The concept of Droneport was first brought forward by Jonathan Ledgard, who came up with it in Ecole Polytechnic in Switzerland. He approached Norman Foster for the project since he had experience in airport design and knowledge as a pilot of aircraft, helicopters, and sailplanes (Heathcote, 2016). In this project, a new typology in the building is presented, which is expected to grow into an ambiguous presence in the future. It is expected to be more like petrol stations which are now dispersed all over for road traffic. The infrastructure has a strong sense of civic presence and is based on the use of knowledge sharing platforms. What it entails Droneport allows for the safe landing of drones in densely populated areas. It also includes a digital fabrication shop, health clinic, e-commerce trading hub, and a post courier room, making it become part of the local community (Heathcote, 2016). Initially, the project was aimed at helping in the delivery of medical supplies in addition to other resources in areas difficult to access. In areas with poor…

Black Eagle Business Plan Executive Summary The development of Cannabis business in the last few years has been monumental, and the past year 2018 was the most important period for the industry. For individual investors, the ‘weed’ sector is highly speculative and somewhat exotic. It is difficult to verify individual companies, hence, to obtain a diversified exposure to Cannabis share, GACGI may be a sensible solution. To be able to succeed in investing in the industry, it is necessary to understand the basics of this industry and know the business structure of companies and their actual participation in industry. Cannabis is one of the treatment trends as it has been proven to be a remedy to many diseases and disorders. Marijuana is a term used to describe the psychoactive substance obtained from the cannabis leaf and flower-seed tips (Cannabis sativa). Hemp has a long history of human use. For centuries they have been used as an important source of fibers for the production of fabrics, ropes, nets, bags and clothes. They are known in the history of the use of…

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