are all wars caused by politics and do all wars end in political decisions?’ Research Question A basic description of war is a presentation of the conflict between or among political groups. However, there is a sociological definition of war that defines war as a series of battles or disputes that are conducted according to some pre-defined procedures. This research is about the different types of war that have occurred over the many past years. There has been many and heated debates concerning the causes of war. Many scholars and politicians have argued that politics is the main cause of wars that have happened in the past. This introduces the research question for this paper which is ‘are all wars caused by politics and do all wars end in political decisions?’ The above research question will be answered by answering an hypothesis which states that ‘all wars are caused by politics and end in a political decision’. Literature Review Politics are as old das the earth itself. Since time immemorial, human kind, as a social creature, has existed in groups…

Counseling Approach Today more than ever, the need for observing what one eats is the concern of various nutritionists. The health concern is due to the increase in cases of eating disorders affecting 21st-century humans due to social and economic changes. Dietitians are concerned with how food and nutrition affect health advocates for a more pragmatic approach of treating the disorder or its related effects. Some of the practical and theoretical approaches include various psychotherapies treatment modalities. The study focuses on neuro-associative -physiology in the treatment of stoutness caused by binge eating disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic treatment modality for many poignant and demeanor health issues. The pattern of demeanor therapy was first developed after the 1950s experimentally based on the proposition of behavior that was applied to the modification of maladaptive anthropoid behavior (Hazlett & Craske, 2004). They later became integrated with the cognitive therapy modality to form the cognitive-behavioral treatments used in a variety of mental abnormalities. CBT is rendered effective in dealing with psychological disorders since it can deal with the issue of the mind,…

. In what way does Frederick Douglass’s slave narrative embody a striving for freedom through a journey toward self-definition? Frederick Douglass was born around the year 1818, a time which legal slavery was being practised in America. He was born in Talbot County, Maryland. He did not know the exact dates for his birth, something common to people born during the era of slavery. During his early life, Douglass lived with his maternal grandmother after the death of his mother when he was around ten years of age. He got separated from his mother at a very young age, and he narrates that he only saw his mother about five times in his life, something common among slaves. Douglass narrates how he saw brutal beatings of slaves in the plantations of his owner Colonel Edward Lloyd. He slept on the floor with his head placed inside a corn sack while his feet exposed out to the cold, as was also the case with the other slaves, old and young, female and male. When he was around seven years old, Douglass…

Capitalism on economics Capitalism refers to how one can indulge in a business opportunity of his own will without disturbance by other people. Other than that, it refers to the freedom on is given that entails his / her free will to make decisions about something. In society, it is usually said that consumers have the right to purchase whatever they want in the community. This usually entails the buying of many goods such that they do not lack anything. Companies usually have different inventions that involve the business. This means that the designs attract so many customers who are not obligated to buying these goods and services. A customer should nicer be forced into purchasing ant goods or services from a company. Other than that, the intrusion of the government into people’s lives has become so limited. The government people no lone r meddle into people’s lives.  Many people lately have their own private companies in the United States. This has resulted in so many advantages to the citizens such that do not depend on the government so much.…

 Cost reduction opportunities Cost reduction is an essential way to cut the expenses to enhance organizational cash flow and profitability. The policymakers use to find out measures to reduce to ensure more profit.  Cost reduction opportunities can be as follows: Offering to what consumer demand: The organizations need to provide customers to the services they want instead of giving a large number of irrelevant services. It helps to save money from any additional cost. No extra cost should be attached to the services to avoid consumer dissatisfaction. A sequential approach of objectives, strategy and tactic: the management needs to ensure a sequential method of purpose, strategy and tactic. The goals should be driven by the strategy, and tactics should drive the strategy. The sequential approach eliminates most of the additional and overhead costs. Thus, the supply chain of the organization must be adequately formed to increase the opportunities for reducing any extra cost. Sales operational budget and planning: Management of an organization must plan and budget for its sales operations and should allocate money according to the budget. It should…

How to control pests in the car? When our passion is driving a car, then our interest should be to keep it clean and tidy. Keeping the car neat without any pests inside the vehicle is the most tedious job for all the car owners nowadays. Below are few commonly found pests inside the car, which create an unpleasant driving situation for the drivers. Cockroaches Spiders Bedbugs Body lice Flea from our pets Rats & Mice The list goes on, depending upon the surroundings of the car. We might have heard a few accidents even, due to the pests in the car which caused damage to the car parts, and sometimes drivers get scared seeing the pests in the car which cause accidents. There are few pest control methods followed to get rid of the pests in the car. The techniques are quite simple and easy to follow in our day to day life with small efforts to it. Parking area means a lot Considering the parking area is a vital point to keep in mind when we think about…

Is it true that Warren Buffett would average 50% annualized returns if he had less than 1 million dollars to invest? Warren had various strategies that enhanced his business. The plans include investing in what he understands, buying the entire company investments, and finding quality companies. Others are sticking with long-term value investing strategies, compounding, and patience Warren mostly used to spend a considerable amount of money because he saw more investment opportunities on such massive amounts. If he can make 10-30% after investing $ 20B for few small investment deals of one million dollars, he can get good returns. He would concentrate more on many potential investments to earn more. There is no doubt that Warren can double the placement of one million dollars annually. Even if Warren did not go for the highest risk investments, it is possible to make huge profits by use of his strategies. It is thus possible for him to make 50% every year on $ 1m and the returns without any struggles. For Warren, after a few years, $1 M investment becomes $10M…

Functions of payroll management   Payroll management is essential in spite of the number of employees you may be having in your organization.  Proper payroll management comprises various functions that help you comply with the government regulations and pay your employees on time. Processing paychecks Even though payroll management is more than just paying employees, Proper paycheck processing is a vital function to the business. Employees do not take paycheck errors lightly. Thus, payroll managers need to keep verifying details that pertain to employee’s compensation. The details a payroll manager needs to verify related to an employee include working hours and overtime hours. Handling payroll taxes Paycheck errors can be a costly mistake for the organization. The government collects the highest percentage of the annual revenue from payroll taxes. Thus, failure to pay payroll taxes as expected can cost an organization payroll tax penalty.  Payroll managers should consider some factors when determining tax deductions. A region determines tax deductions an employee combined with the salary of an employee receives. Employees are also requested to fill some forms which determine the…

residence weekend research project Research is a method of getting to know about a specific topic in detail. Through research, one understands different author’s views regarding an issue. At the same time, one gets to use different means of gathering data and making a conclusion from the analysis. One thing for sure, it is not one easy task to come up with a detailed and well-written project paper within a concise period. That is exactly what I felt during the residence weekend research project. We were to come up with a topic, research about the topic and compare and contract finding with other students. This was to be done not only on one weekend but within a few hours. This was the most challenging part for me that weekend. Finding appropriate scholarly document to use within a short time was not easy. Additionally, combining a single document among five people was tough. Regardless of these challenges, one thing I realized about myself during that weekend is that I have good leadership qualities. I was the group leader for our research…

“We Should Never Meet”  The novel “We Should Never Meet,” which was written by Aimee Phan, explores the lives changing in Vietnam before the operation of Babylift that removed nearly two thousand children without parents, right before the falling of the Saigon. The stories in the novel are interlinked, showing the scars left due to the war are evident throughout the book. War split characters apart, children became orphans, and there was no purpose of safety for these children to live on. In this study, the main focus is on Mis Lien, a character in the novel “We Should Never Meet” is faced with challenges, the shame of the reality behind her pregnancy knowing that the child is an outcast, and she leaves the child in an orphanage. It is painful to leave a beloved person your blood to unknown forces and life. Desperation and life pressures cause her to leave her unnamed child with strangers, in the orphanage and shows how Lien is contributing to the challenges that orphans face in their lives. Young women face many ups and…

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