Egyptian mythology Introduction A myth can get defined as a traditional story that has no author, and its primary intention is to teach a lesson or explain a natural phenomenon. Also, a myth can get used when it comes to explaining one of many of life’s mysteries. Therefore, for the event to be understood, myths got created to serve as explanations for many life’s mysteries, and they exist in every country and culture. The majority of myths tend to involve heroes or gods exploits who possess god-like qualities. Ra, Egyptian mythology, is among the myths examples. He got considered to be an Egyptian god and the most important one among the other gods as Ra got regarded to be the sun god. The god emerged from the beginning of time chaos and created the world. Also, he ruled as Pharaoh besides being a god. Many of the rulers from Egypt claimed to have been the descendants of Ra. It was because these gave the rulers credence to the seat on the given throne. According to the above myth, Ra grew…

ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY Introduction Economic diplomacy glories the utilization of economic tools to conduct international negotiations with foreign traders for a more integrated approach of the business.  Samsung is planning to maintain economic diplomacy in its foreign affairs. The economic diplomacy of Samsung for the Expo2020 will be discussed in the study with all its possible aspects. Currently, the strategy is utilized to maintain high integrity in foreign negotiation to attain the international market more efficiently. Economic diplomacy is presently being used by the policymakers of Samsung to conduct business negotiations with foreign delegates. The economic diplomacy generally focuses on negotiations and counter negotiations regarding international affairs. The governments of both countries play the role of communicating cord between the two business entities. Economic diplomacy will be used as conflict negotiation techniques between Samsung and other business organizations to improve the existing standard of business in the UAE.  Both the business entities come at a certain point of negotiation during their business dealings. The entire study has evaluated all the absolute possibilities of economic diplomacy to maintain the ethical structure of…

 growth of accountability system in a class Assignment Accountability is needed to create good rapport in a classroom. Students always need to be in good terms for them to be productive in class and for excellent performance. All students should be held accountable for their behavior and poor performance. The accountability system helps in protecting and building trust in students. Students should be morally upright and be people who can be depended on by their teachers and their fellow students. Trust builds good interaction among everyone in school and society. Countability is achievable through redefining group work where every student should engage in group discussions and projects — correcting behavior among students through punishment because that sets as an example to others.  Other things that grow accountability system in a class are contest and challenges between teams and reviewing of exam results. More to that, encouraging students to engage in classwork and building different forums over the internet to interact with students also grows accountability among students. From my observation, both the students and teachers uphold their roles, and everyone…

Cloud Computing Cloud computing refers to the on-demand of computing services. The services provided by cloud computing include storage, networking, databases, analytics, software, among others. Organizations demand cloud services mainly for reasons such as reduce costs, faster innovations, and balance economies of scale. Cloud computing resources are very flexible since one needs to pay for the service they use (Sharda et al., 2015). Cloud services enable businesses to operate at reduced costs and run IT infrastructure efficiently. With the use of cloud computing, a business can change their perspectives on IT resources from traditional ways to modern methods. The performance and global scales associated with cloud services have led many businesses to adopt cloud computing. Cloud computing concerns providing services, and therefore is classified into three categories, that is, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Cloud computing delivers software as one of its service, which links to PaaS (Labes, Hanner & Zarnekow,2017). PaaS consists of IT infrastructure development tools, and thus users can access the service through software or web portal. The PaaS model mainly is used for software…

Is abortion ethically right? Since the English parliament voted in favor of the Abortion Act in 1967, the central issue that dominates the abortion debates has not changed since then. Since the Act was enacted, the central issue that has concerned many scholars is the moral status of the human fetus. In many cases the debate that ensues at the mention of the word abortion is not a moral debate; rather, it is a theological and a times metaphysical debate which has immense moral implications. In this paper, we are going to discuss whether abortion is ethical for those who consider carrying it out. In many countries over the world, it is considered illegal to kill another person if they are non-aggressors. If one happens to kill another person, one faces major legal and moral prohibitions and sanctions as a form of punishment. This means that killing someone is ethically wrong before the eyes of many. A human being develops from a fertilized ovum to a pre-embryo, then to an embryo to a fetus and lastly to a baby. Before…

African American History Trade was the most important economic activity in West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, with the main item of trade in this region being gold whereby these respective kingdoms controlled the transactions involving it. As part of their culture, the people of West Africa have been practicing trade, with this cultural practice still being embraced in America, whereby some of the international traders who are practicing various trading practices originate from West Africa. The implication of this is that the people from this region have reproduced themselves in America through trade. On the other hand, it is also noted that the people from West Africa had their skills transferred to build and develop America through slave trade, with this still being the case today, though not in the form of slavery. The transfer of critical skills from the region to America is through the process of brain drain, whereby America has been found to lure or attract the best professionals from West Africa to offer their professional services there (Kingsley, 2010).  

African Americans Of the many ethnic groups in the United States, African Americans are one of the largest, and they are mainly from the African ancestry, although some have nonblack ancestors as well. Because African Americans were primarily the descendant of slaves, their rights were limited severely, and they were long denied their rightful share in the political, social, and even the economic share of the united states. However, when it comes to American history and culture, African Americans have made both necessary and lasting contributions. In this paper, we look at the historical laws that affected human service delivery for African Americans. Additionally, it describes the law in detail and also explains the impact the law had on African Americans. Despite the Supreme Court rulings that outlawed the exclusion of African Americans or other minorities from individual sections of cities, by the late 1960s, race-based housing patterns were still in practice (, 2018). In most cases, those who challenged them ere met with hostility, resistance, and even violence. The fair housing act of 1968 prohibited discrimination concerning the sale,…

Sky-Watcher ProED 120mm Doublet APO Refractor Telescope Link: –   The Sky-Watcher ProED is a paradise for all astronomers. This device gives cringe-worthy images of outer space. Expert stargazers and space lovers are sure to give this device a thumbs up for its excellent performance and ultra-clear images. Bright stars, distant galaxies, stars through million hidden stars; it can beautifully exhibit all of them and more! Product Features:- The Telescope has a classic black and white finish. The Dimensions of this Telescope are 44 x 20 x 14 inches. It weighs 36.7 pounds. The built of the Telescope involves a 120mm Doublet APO refractor with ED Schott Glass. This extra aperture gives the images a 3D High Definition look. Due to its high focal length of 900mm(f/7.5), it can delve deep into space and can provide crisp images.   The Telescope subsists of an adjustable Dual Speed 2″ Classic Crayford style focuser with 1.25″ adapter resulting in immoderately clear and excellent images with high contrast and a flat black background. Through this Telescope, distant stars shine as bright as…

Small personal loans What should you watch out while applying for a small personal loan? Credit comes in many forms during the times of need, and small personal loan is one good option you can look at during the times of emergency. You can stick on the option after comparing different options like financial assistance from friends and family, conventional loans credit cards, and much more. Small personal loans have different benefits when compared to other types of credit available. You can gain full freedom over the approved amount deposited into your account. The loans are approved in no time, asking few or no reasons for issuing the loan. However, when you choose to go for small personal loans to fund your emergency needs, here are few factors to watch out while availing the small personal loans. What should you know? Amount you avail Small personal loans are issued and processed online. The processing of these loans is free of cost. Before you decide to go with the particular lender and avail the amount needed for meeting emergency needs, you…

Pull Chandraketu up ‘Bhairava, ‘Pull Chandraketu up we do not have time, ‘Dev shouts to save Chandraketu from Bhairava, ‘There are sounds of falling rocks from all four directions. ‘Bhairava pulls Chandraketu up, ‘Chandraketu’s heart is beating loudly, ‘Come on stand up and open your eyes, or else no one is going to save you now, ‘Bhairava knows the importance of time, ‘And at the same time, he remembers that even death cannot touch Dev, but until Shukracharya gives him Mrit Sanjeevani, he cannot become immortal. ‘Come soon, we have to walk from here, where the sun never sets, there is just a feeling, but as this activity increases, the turmoil here also increases. ‘As soon as the sun goes down, the whole mountain will go into the hell, ‘So now the response of going down in the hell is on, ‘Dev is moving quickly, ‘And Chandraketu and Bhairav are also following him. ‘When we know that this reaction happens every day, and all this is an illusion, then what do we need to be afraid of, ‘Chandraketu. ‘But death…

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