Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a treatment procedure used in the treatment of anxiety disorders more specifically the panic disorders and social phobias (Theirler, 2016). It is used to restructure thoughts and to modify behavior thus counteracts the feelings of anxiety and fear. In addition, Cognitive behavioral therapy seeks to change people’s reaction to anxiety provoking situations and helps people question their thoughts especially when it comes to phobias.
Anxiety disorder is highly related to behavioral disturbances and may arise due to excessive fear anxiety towards something. It is caused by several factors among which include biological factors which include genetic inheritance from parents or close relatives since anxiety disorders are highly hereditary with people having a smaller hippocampus being more vulnerable to developing anxiety disorders following a traumatic event (Theiler, 2016). Anxiety disorders are characterized by pessimistic thoughts, shortness of breath, nausea, insomnia, tingling sensations or numbness among others which are clearly seen I the diagnosis of Mr. T condition. However, anxiety disorders are highly comorbid with other conditions such as phobia disorders and this is clearly seen in Mr. T where he is diagnosed as having agoraphobia besides his anxiety disorder.
Moreover, anxiety disorder can be caused by effects of substance and drug abuse such as use of alcohol and the abuse of psychoactive drugs (Theiler, 2016). Sustained alcohol use induce anxiety and may cause depression levels in some individuals while psychoactive drugs such as cannabis produce feelings of fear when ingested thus is important for psychiatrists to try as much as possible to gather historical information about a client in order to ensure diagnosis of the appropriate disorder especially if the condition is comorbid to other conditions and also to try and assess likelihood cause of the condition from the clients historical information. An example is Mr. T condition could be attributed to his father having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) something that could probably make him more nervous about his condition of having Tachycardia condition.
In conclusion, cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective as it helped Mr. T manage through his condition by achieving a deeper state of relaxation and a stable heart rate (Theiler, 2016). However, the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy was depended on several things like reduced alcohol intake, acceptance of his underlying tachycardia condition and informed consent which made him free to opening up about himself and made him feel safe with the procedure being used. These was achieved by the use of the script which combated his negative thoughts such as death and loss of control.
Theiler, S. (2016). Using hypnosis as a vehicle to deepen emotion focused relaxation and enhance the healing experience in the treatment of anxiety in a client diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, 41(1).