Could it be that body fat has more to do with biological processes than personal choices?
It is worth noting that for a long time, fat has been identified as the enemy as far as our health is concerned. Human beings have demonized fat as a cumbersome health risk describing overweight people as too gluttonous or even lazy to make healthy decisions. It is essential to realize that fat is life as it is one of the largest organs in the body that we cannot live without. However, most people think of it as an evil substance hence looking for ways to get rid of it. Fat is good, but the problem is, too much fat can kill someone slowly without even realizing it. It may result in illnesses such as diabetes (Robinson, 2020). The big question is, do we control our fats? As far as this is concerned, it is imperative to note that scientists are coming to understand fat as a dynamic organ and one whose size may have more to do with biological processes than personal choices. There are homes and genes that, to a great extent, act on the brain, influencing our size and shape. Biological processes are described to be beyond will power, something that implies that we do not control how much fat we have. Everything that happens in our bodies seems to be complex, with the brain and genes working together to respond to signals coming from the entire body. Therefore, the size of fat in the body is not more based on how much food people eat.