critical analysis paper
You will submit two critical analysis papers during the semester. The papers must be submitted on Blackboard no later than 11:59pm on the due date. Each critical analysis must be a minimum of 2 double-spaced
pages. Instructions: Find a recent news article (within the past week) that relates to prejudice. First, provide a link to the news article. Second, write a critical analysis (using the guidelines below). Your critical analysis will address how the article is written, assessing the word choice and way the article is written. You must consider each of the following components: Point: What are the main points of the article? Evidence: What evidence does the author use to support the main point? [unique_solution]Think about evidence as supporting arguments. This does not have to be data, but is what the author offers to convince the reader of the validity of the main point. Reliability: Is the evidence consistent with the main points, or is there another way to interpret it? Persuasiveness: Is the argument persuasive? Why or why not? World View: What general assumptions does the author make? What world view does the author have? Finally, you may provide a brief reflection on the article (discuss and whether you agree or disagree with it, relate it to your experiences, etc.) but the significant portion of your paper should focus on the critical analysis of the article.