delegation of tasks
The delegation of tasks is essential in the running of a business. A clear description and assignment of duty to each employee ensure timely completion of the business tasks. The assignment of particular duties to the employees also creates specialization and efficient performance of tasks. However, one should evaluate the business’ employees together with their responsibilities before undertaking a task division process in the business. The elimination of redundancy in the individual business duties of the employees not only creates time efficiency but also saves the business’ resources.
In delegating some of his duties to the employees, Petr Sobek should consider the necessary steps of task delegation in a business. He should begin by interviewing the current employees to understand the current responsibilities of the employees. He should seek their suggestions on how they work in the business can be divided to create efficiency in the running of the company.
The manager should create a list of the primary tasks that he wants the employees to complete. The list should be the guideline while assigning the specific duties to the employees. The redundancy in the current business work responsibilities should be identified. The manager should carry an analysis of the employees to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses. The alignment of the individual employees’ skills with the current work responsibilities should be determined. The manager should identify the employees that are capable of performing extra responsibilities on top of their current ones. By trusting the staff with greater responsibility, the manager motivates them. When assigning the tasks to the employees, the manager should consider the strengths and weaknesses of the employees from the past conversation. The decision to assign a certain task to a certain employee should be guided by the manager’s initial evaluation of the individual employees. Finally, the manager should review the job descriptions to ascertain their concurrence with the employees‘ activities.
The division of work among the employees in business creates efficiency in time and resource management. The practice also creates specialization, thus improving the production of goods and the delivery of services.