Django Unchained film
The film titled “Django Unchained,” which unravels the story of the main actor named Django and his wife, Broomhilda. Dated as early as 1858, the movie is dominated by the themes of slavery and love. It begins with the intervention of transported slaves in which Django was one of the slaves who had been sold as a slave, an activity that had separated him from his wife. There Django meets a German named Dr. King Schultz, who wanted to buy Django. They walk together after meeting and engage in several wars. After becoming good friends and partners, Schultz agrees to help Django to find his wife, Broomhilda. Through several efforts, they learn about Calvin, who was the new owner of Broomhilda and began on strategizing on how to get to him and get away with Django’s wife. With a plan of buying one of Calvin’s fighters, Django and Schultz manage to escape with Broomhilda. Clavin, however, alters the deal at gunpoint, and after a fight, Django wins, but he is forced to surrender after his wife is held hostage by Stephen. This is followed by torturing of Django, after which Stephen arrives with news that Calvin’s sister Lara has taken charge and that Django will be sold and worked death in the mines. After Broomhilda is released, Django is also released when Calvin’s mourners return from burial. Here, the last fight takes place, and Django kills Lara and sets the mansion on fire, and they watch at a distance with his wife, Broomhilda.