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Effective and Productive Communication in Company

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Effective and Productive Communication in Company


It is through communication that issues affecting the company will be raised and channeled to the right person(s) who will give the feedback (solution). For example, complaints from customers about poorly prepaid food in a hotel will reach the manager either when reading the notes dropped in the complaint/suggestion box or the waiters reporting the matter. Upon receiving the information, the manager will take action by convening a meeting with the chef to discuss the complaints before coming up with the solution. Therefore, effective and productive communication is characterized by open channels when information is sent and feedback given for immediate action. The purpose of this research is to examine the significance of effective and productive communication for a company to achieve the objectives and goals set. The importance of the research will provide recommendations for improving effective and productive communication within an organization.

Literature review

According to Agarwal and Garg (2012), communication refers to the process of exchanging information, thought, and emotion between the sender and the receiver, see appendix 1. According to information theory, effective communication should consist of the encoder (sender) and decoder (receiver) in terms of both their functional roles and their contribution to the achievement of a given objective (Babatunde, 2015). Agarwal and Garg (2012) claim that communication is the cornerstone of a success full business since it helps in balancing individual and organizational objectives. Since the management team holds the senior position in an organization, their intervention is required to help achieve the organizational objectives without compromising the individual objectives. Bucăţa and Rizescu (2017) suggest the structure of an internal corporate communications process that entails informing employees, engaging staff in dialogue, and obtaining feedback, see figure 1.

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Figure 1: The internal corporate communications process

Source: (Source: Miller, 2012)

The components of the internal corporate communications process in figure 1 show that effective and productive communication with an organization should focus on people. Communication can be used as a medium for developing teamwork among employees with an organization. Therefore, a good manager is expected to use careful and effective communication as a tool for establishing bridges between the members of the organization (Bucăţa & Rizescu, 2017). Research has shown that Managers use as much as 80% of their time in verbal interaction with a member of the organization to give and receive directives, take part in conferences, receive phone calls, issue instructions, among others (Babatunde, 2015). Once all the members of an organization are connected through teamwork, an organization will be able to meet its objectives. Sharma, Kansal, and Paliwal (2012) argue that successful organizations rely on the team to achieve their objectives. It, therefore, means that effective and productive communication brings people together, thus making it easier to realize organizational goals and objectives.

Methodology and source of data

Mixed methods will be used to guide the proposed research since it uses both qualitative and quantitative data to describe the research variables. Qualitative data, comprised of non-numerical information, will be used to gain an in-depth understanding of the research variables. On the other hand, the quantitative data consist of numerical information will be used for the statistical description of the research variable. The primary source of data will be an individual interview with a hotel manager (preferred his name and that of the hotel remain anonymous), appendix 2 shows the interview transcript. On the other hand, the secondary source of data will be research papers from previous studies. The data to be collected will focus on the significances of effective and productive communication for a company to achieve the objectives and goals set.


Results collected from the interview the manager revealed eight significances of effective and productive communication. These include: building teamwork working environment, improve level of innovation, encourage all employees to voice their opinions (the hotel implement least 75% of the recommendations proposed by the employees), improving the level of production improve efficiency and the overall quality of work within an organization, increase employee loyalty with the organization, enhancing employees’ skills, and seek amicable solutions to the problems.

Previous research studies also revealed different significances of effective and productive communication. For example, a study by Kelvin-Iloafu (2016) claimed that effective communication is strongly correlated to the level of organizational success. The results of the study by Kelvin-Iloafu (2016) shows that 88% the respondents attested to this claim, a small number represented by 7.8% of respondents, believed otherwise, while the remaining of respondents 3.3% were given a different opinion about the role of effective communication, see table 1 and 2.

Table 1: Relationship between Effective communication and achievement of organizational goal

(Source: Kelvin-Iloafu, 2016)


Table 2: Correlation between effective communication and achievement of organizational goal

(Source: Kelvin-Iloafu, 2016)

Exciting results from research by Bucăţa and Rizescu (2017) shows that effective communication creates job satisfaction, which motivates employees to work towards achieving the set organizational goals and objectives. Second, the research shows that effective and productive communication prevents the occurrence of conflicts and helps to solve them faster. The authors argue that resolving disputes through effective dialogue enables employees to develop mutual respect, which leads to their development, both professionally and personally (Bucăţa & Rizescu, 2017). It is through mutual respect among employees that will enable reach a common agreement to strive towards accomplishing the set organizational goals and objectives.

The research by Bucăţa and Rizescu (2017) concurs with the hotel manager’s remark that effective communication improves the level of production in an organization. The authors argue that managers are expected to communicate the responsibilities as well as the duties expected of employees and make it clear how they should be executed. The communication will give employees, and they will know exactly what is expected of them and focus on that, thus leading to increased productivity (Bucăţa & Rizescu, 2017).

Moreover, the research shows that effective communication results in the effective use of resources. Bucăţa and Rizescu (2017) claim that ineffective communication leads to unnecessary delays in resolving problems, crises, and conflicts when they arise in an organization. As a result, resources may get wasted and eventually reducing the overall productivity of an organization. Adu-Oppong (2014) reiterates that any organization seeking to better utilization of its resources and increase productivity should focus on creating a working environment with effective communication.

Adu-Oppong (2014) agrees with the hotel manager that effective communication helps in seeking conflict resolution in an organization. The author argues that conflicts at the workplace can quickly be resolved through open and transparent dialogue, along with mutual discussions. Similarly, Adu-Oppong (2014) agrees with the hotel manager that the level of production in an organization can be increased through effective communication. Adu-Oppong claims that there are set of clearly well-defined goals, objectives, and vision in each organization, which can be achieved when all employees can deliver the same to the best of their abilities if the manager makes clear communication (Adu-Oppong, 2014).

Conclusion and Recommendations

Results from the interview with the hotel manager and research papers have confirmed that effective communication is strongly correlated to the level of organizational success. From the results, I have learned that the manager plays a critical when it comes to implementing effective and productive communication and achieving the set organizational goals and objectives. In my opinion, I agree with all the results that any organization wishing to have its set objectives and goals be accomplished should focus on effective and productive communication. I would recommend that such organizations should consider building teamwork through dialogue, seek an amicable solution to conflicts, enhancing employees’ skills, allow employees to voice their opinions, and build trust with employees. In conclusion, effective and productive communication is the best medium for achieving organizational goals and objectives.










Adu-Oppong, A. A. (2014) Communication in the workplace: guidelines for improving effectiveness. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, 3(5), 208-213.

Agarwal, S., & Garg, A. (2012) the Importance of communication within organizations: A research on two hotels in Uttarakhand. Journal of Business and Management, 3(2), 40-49. Available at:

Babatunde, O. (2015) Importance of effective communication in public organizations. Issues in Social Science, 3(2), 78-89. doi:10.5296/iss.v3i2.8596

Bucăţa, G., & Rizescu, M. (2017) the role of communication in enhancing work effectiveness of an organization. Land Forces Academy Review, 22(1), 49-57. Doi: 10.1515/raft-2017-0008

Kelvin-Iloafu, L. E.  (2016) the role of effective communication in strategic management of organizations. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(12), 93-99. Available at:

Miller, K. (2012) Organizational communication: Approaches and processes (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson-Wadsworth.

Sharma, R., Kansal, M., & Paliwal, P. (2012) Effective and efficient team work: makes things happen more than anything else in organizations. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 1(8), 154-171. Available at:


Appendix 1: Communication process

(Source: Adu-Oppong, 2014)


Appendix 2

Interview with the hotel manager

Me: Hello sir. (The interview began with greetings).

Manager: ……….. (Clearing throat)……hello to you too, happy to see.

Me: I am a student at XXXX doing a project aiming to investigate the significances of effective and productive communication towards the attainment of organizational goals and objectives.

Manager: You’re highly welcomed. First, I would like to let you know that effective and productive communication has been used as a tool for driving our hotel towards excellence.

Me: This is I quite interesting, would you mind sharing some of the benefits of effective and productive communication in your hotel?

Manager: Mmmmh……. (Meditating)…… yes, we can discuss some of them. I will begin with its contribution to building teamwork. Effective communication has helped in developing cooperation amongst the employees. As a result, the collaboration has made our employees more engaged and self-driven towards achieving the set company’s goals and objectives.

Me: Wow! That is great for your employees. Has the teamwork has an effect on innovation in your company?

Manager: Ahhhhh….. (Nodding head)…….yes, it has. All the credits concerning innovative ideas the organization has received go to effective communication. All our employees are accorded the opportunity to express their thoughts openly. This has created room for the employees to present their innovative ideas without fear of ridicule or retaliation.… (Pausing) …, as a matter of fact, the introduction of biometric technology to enable our customers buy food or book rooms through biometric authentication wa an innovative idea proposed by one of or employee during a staff meeting.

Me: So, how has the biometric technology helped the hotel meet its set goals and objectives?

Manager: Mmmmh………… (Thinking) ……yes, one of our goals is to be time conscious while serving the customers. We came to realize that customers we wasting a lot of time leaving the room to go and order for food over the counter. Although they had the option of making a call to order the food, sometimes they would find when there was congestion of phone calls from other customers, thus forced to visit the counter physically. … (Pausing)…….., therefore, biometric technology has helped us save time in our service delivery.

Me: This is wonderful. I can now understand why you value effective communication in the operation of this hotel. Does this suggest that all employees are given voice to speak what is in their mind?

Manager: ….. (Nodding head)…..Yes, of course, having effective and productive communication is one way to encourage all employees to voice their opinions. …… (Pausing)….. I came to realize that a working environment that is giving employees the audience, whether they want to voice their ideas or raise a complaint, has helped the company a lot achieve its set goals and objectives. As a matter of fact, we try to implement least 75% of the recommendations proposed by the employees.… (Pausing)… this has helped the hotel make changes that would see us thrive in this completive industry.

Me: This sounds nice. At least I have learned the value of listening to employees in an organization. I hope effective communication has a close link to improved productivity in your hotel?

Manager: Aaaaam…..yes, I would say that effective communication has contributed immensely towards improving the level of production in this hotel. Generally, interaction with employees has enabled me to comprehend their talent and competencies. This has always made it easier to allocate all employees to their areas of specialization.….. (Pausing) … effective communication has helped to create a good rapport among the employees, thus increasing productivity at each level of production.

Me: That is a fantastic job, indeed, in your interaction with the employees.

Manager: Thank you.

Me: You are welcomed. Now, what do you say about the relationship between effective communication and increasing efficiency in an organization?

Manager: Well … (Meditating)… I would say that ineffective communication compromises efficiency and the overall quality of work within an organization. Mistakes are likely to happen when instructions aren’t issued. On the contrary, there is no need to clarify and correct any issues if there are clear instructions. Therefore, effective and productive communication helps me to issue clear instructions, which, upon implementation, will result in improving our work efficiency. Attracting more customers due to efficient services is one of our set goals and objectives.

Me: It sounds good to hear how you strive to improve the efficiency of the services offered at the hotel. Now, what measure have you put in place to increase employee loyalty in this hotel to motivate them to work wholeheartedly while serving the customers?

Manager: This is quite an interesting question… (Clearing throat)… through effective and productive communication, our employees have found it comfortable discussing any professional or personal issues, thus becoming more committed to the company. This free line of communication also builds trust between a manager and an employee, which results in a loyal relationship. As a result, all employees have built trust towards the hotel and agreed to wholehearted work towards meeting the set organizational goals and objectives.

Me: That is a wonderful idea. I did know that effective communication can help in building trust between the manager and employees. I hope this is closely related to enhancing employees’ skills?

Manager: … (Nodding head)…… yes it has. In fact, a loyal employee is much willing to enhance his or her skills. Managers can recognize hidden talents when their communication with employees is evident. This creates an opportunity for tapping into these skills and help enhance them, which will contribute to the overall success of the business.

Me: Finally, do you agree that effective and productive communication can help an organization solve its problems amicably?

Manager: … (Nodding head)… Any organization with ineffective and nonproductive communication is likely to be characterized by conflicting opinions within any working environment. …. (Pausing)…. Therefore, effective and productive communication stands to be the best way to solve those problems. Effective communication is hardly related to who’s right and wrong; it is related to having open, honest, and positive discussions to ensure all pressing needs affecting the employees are satisfied.

Me: Thank you for spending your time to share with me how effective and productive communication has helped you achieve the organization goals and objectives. I have learned a lot, and this will help me gather enough data to develop my project. Goodbye!!!!!

(The interview ended with shaking hands as I leave the manager’s office).


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