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Career Goals

Employee Development Plan

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Employee Development Plan

The company is growing very fast, and we plan to attain more goals in the coming few years; that is why we have developed an employee development plan to enable them to know the strategies of the organization. Everybody working in the business should know all the organizational goals then ensure they work hard to achieve the same goals. There are rules and guidelines to all the employees; this gives them a clear picture of what they are expected to do and behave while doing their daily activities in the company. The main objectives of the company that our workers should be aware of includes:

  1. Getting more knowledge and skills that will improve the company
  2. Attracting new talents that will help in innovations within the organization.
  3. Planning our training and development with our deliberate requirements that will help us attain maximum profit.
  4. Aligning the organization’s welfares with our workforce priorities to motivate and encourage them to work hard.

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  5. Establishing proper measures that will help improve worker’s satisfaction
  6. Staying updated and keeping up with any possible change in the industry to continue making more profit.
  7. Ensuring that our workers are properly groomed according to our succession plan.

Both the workers and managers are expected to meet organizational goals according to our development plan. Both the teams will work together on self-development plan ideas for their career development in the future. All our workers should take charge of their growth plan and career advancement; they should do more research and stick with their training timetable while the managers act as their supervisors and give them more guidance on what they are supposed to do. Our employees should meet with our managers to discuss what they are supposed to accomplish and their abilities. The supervisors should ensure that they assess the workers properly; they should listen carefully and know their capabilities and how they will work effectively in the company. Employees should be aware of what they are expected to do and the roles they will play in the organization in advance. They should know about the following things:

  1. Skills that are required by the organization for them to perform their tasks
  2. What are the things that will help them to perform better and enhance their performance in the company?
  3. Their career targets they plan to achieve in the future while working in the company
  4. Other departments that they can work within the company and perform better.
  5. The motivating factor that will make them proud of doing and accomplishing their current tasks in the organization.
  6. Career objectives and how they will work effectively within the organization.
  7. Obstacles or challenges they face in accomplishing their career goals within the organization and what are the steps they are taking to ensure they solve this issue.
  8. The way they will work together with others within the organization, this includes the managers and other employees.

The supervisors know the employee’s situation depending on the evaluation questions that they ask them; it is necessary for the workers to corporate with the managers then set goals that they can achieve in the organization. They should understand more about development plan ideas such as how they carry out the cross-training within the organization and job rotation; this will help to break the monotony and employ gain diverse skills to work in different departments. The development plan will also include how the managers and supervisors mentor the employees and have a good succession plan. It will also include a group training where people will have conventional training in some specific areas within the organization. The organization will also have conferences and seminars that will help improve our employee’s skills at work. We will form membership with other companies in the industry to get more networking and training chances for our staff. The managers will be meeting with our employees to review their work continuity and determine whether they are making progress or not. The company will have an employee development plan department which will be discussing the performance of all the workers and organizing for training programs that will help them improve their skills at work.


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