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ethical considerations in the process of abortion

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ethical considerations in the process of abortion

There are various ethical considerations in which the process of abortion can be performed to the patient. Further, termination of pregnancy cannot take place without the consent of the patient only under the circumstances when a patient cannot accept or deny and in cases where it is in the best interest of the patient. Various factors must be considered in regards to the consent process, which may also depend on the age as well as the capacity of the patient in regards to abortion (Schenker 2011). One of these cases is through the understanding of competent adults. In medical law, there is an essential principle in which the adults have the right to making decisions on their behalf due to their capacity to act accordingly. However, if the capacity can be challenged, then there is a conflict in bearing the responsibility to prove that they lack such actions in challenging it. Therefore, concerning the medical procedures, it is essential to note that a woman’s sufficient and the right information to assist in making a decision must be given freely and also voluntarily (Mandal, Ponnambath and Parija, 2016). The other issue to factor regarding the abortion is under the mental capacity Act 2005. Substantially, this addresses the issue that an individual is considered to be lacking capacity in making a decision when there is a possibility of impairment or even disturbance in brain functioning. As a result, such individual cannon understands the information relevant to the process of decision making, either retain information regarding the decision or even weigh the information.

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These instances addressed above have elaborated on the need to put forward actionable reasoning when it comes to abortion. In the case scenario provided, it is essential to address the ethical dilemma provided in the current situation and determining the best possible options to ensure there is safety for the best interest of the involved parties. Despite the suggestion for abortion by the doctor in this case study, it was relevant to note that the doctor acted unethically according to the medical law Act (Kim, Han, and Kim 2015). Substantially, this was against the consent of the patient and abortion laws, which provides uncertainties to be followed as a medical procedure. Besides, this also provided a dilemma for abortion since Mrs. K did not want another child, although she did not want abortion as well. Nonetheless, applying different ethical considerations in this situation would be critical in addressing the relevant actions which need to be taken. The ethical principle of deontology or deontological ethics is critical in this case since it provides the system of ethics judging if an action taken is either wrong or right considering the moral code (Mandal, Ponnambath and Parija, 2016). Additionally, the consequences of those actions are always not taken into consideration since it is intended to be precise and follow the rules. Thus, to some extent, the doctor was acting ethically, provided he was on the book by offering an option for the patient to undertake. The other ethical principle which can be considered is the utilitarian approach. It explains that the decisions are made considering the most significant amount of benefits, which is obtained for the most considerable number of individuals (Mandal, Ponnambath and Parija, 2016). Substantially, it is also referred to as an approach of consequentialist because the outcomes often determine the existing morality of the intervention. Understanding these principles of ethics will critically assist in evaluating the established processes in a dilemma for abortion is the best option or whether in this case.

Different parties involved and how they view the dilemma.

There is a broader range of people who are involved in the case, and they are usually seen to be having different perceptions towards the abortion case and so varying opinions. Every individual has got a different feeling concerning the Act of abortion (Shrage 2013). The parties in these cases may include the general public, patients, front – professional line workers, pressure groups, service managers, and assistants.

General Public

The general public has got a different perception in line with the abortion case. There is a given group that is seen to be embracing the beneficence theory while another section is fully following the non – maleficence theory or rather a perception. Beneficence is the section of the general public that is for the idea of balancing various benefits concerning abortion best solutions put in place; this is against the possible costs and risks that may be involved. They are the individuals who have got the feeling that it would be better to ensure there are better alternatives that are put in place instead of abortion. It is a class of people who are entirely against abortion, and they would do anything no matter what it takes to ensure that it is entirely prohibited. Relevant measures put in place to be used as alternatives. A good number of individuals falling under this section are the religious leaders and most of their followers. The professional doctors and a section of the leaders from all walks of life are for this idea (Nie 2011). They would do anything no matter what it takes to ensure that Mrs. does not go for abortion. They would never even want to listen to whatever she will have to say or rather her reason for preferring abortion. These sections of people take this stand since they always want things to be done the right way. They treat abortion as a crime, regardless of the reason behind the Act.

The other section of the general public is embracing the non – maleficence that is the Act of avoiding possible causation of harm. These sections of people are in one way or the other supporting the abortion act. They argue that there are particular health challenges to women that only abortion can be their solution (Nordberg, Skirbekk, and Magelssen 2014). They argue that in as much as it is unethical behavior or acts, it then vital and should be considered.


Patients are also seen to be having conflicting opinions in line with the abortion case. This is following the fact that they have spent so much time in hospitals and witnessed abortion-related scenarios or circumstances. There is a given section of patients who were forced to have a different opinion based on whatever they witnessed practically. There is a section of the patients who are against abortion since they might have seen a woman who goes through abortion and passes away. This is since the child they were aborting was old and had already grown past the recommended and preferred abortion time (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016). There is another case of the post-abortion on encounters that women mental healths are given to change. Some of the common causes may include post-traumatic stress order (PTSD). This is a particular mental health problem that is usually aroused following the sad, terrifying, and ugly event. This is in line with either witnessing or going through it practically. Patients usually see the woman who has gone through the experience having a different behavior that is never friendly as compared to their prior behaviors. It is usually given that a lot of complicated issues are going around their brains, and so the mental health issues. These women are generally psychologically and physically disturbed; they take time portraying a given unfriendly behavior as they adapt to their healthy life as time goes by.

There are patients, on the other hand, that has also witnessed various women going through difficult times due to their means of pregnancies. The behavior may be a mental health problem following the manner that the pregnancy was gotten or health problems due to specific reasons. The patients, therefore, argue that it was even better if these women went through abortion. The debate on abortion has seen people divided into two conflicting groups (Smyth and Lane 2016). Every group tends to believe that their opinion counts as compared to the other. The patients are as well, in this case, having that conflicting opinion in line with abortion-related issues. These patients usually have got these conflicting ideas based on the manner they perceive their daily encounters in their various hospitals.

Front – Line Professional Workers

Front – Professional Lineworkers are having a hard time settling for a decision concerning abortion. These are the characters that should always be acting ethically so that the rest may embrace their good deeds. These characters usually want to ensure that they lead by example and that any decision they settle for must be ethical and up to date. They are, however, also having a different opinion concerning the matter of abortion. A good number of the front – line professionals, always tend to believe that abortion is unethical behavior and should be condemned with the most persuasive words possible (Schenker 2011). It is believed that abortion comes with a lot of negatives consequences that are given to change the lives of a good number of women who go through it negatively. The negative consequences or rather post-abortion on consequences the leaders stress on include bad reproductive health that will ensure that the victims have recurring reproductive challenges. The second consequences discussed were post-abortion on the trauma that ensured the victims are always disturbed and very much stressed.

The third factor was pregnancy loss in that the victims were given to miscarry their next pregnancies if, at all, the abortion never went as required. The fourth factor was post-traumatic stress disorder that applied to both the victim and the doctor who carried out the operation. This is based on the fact that the victim went through the surgery practically while the responsible doctor witnessed the incident by carrying the entire operation successfully (Kim, Han, and Kim 2015). The two parties are given to be very much disturbed and will never have peace of mind for a relatively long time. The leader further argued that it was an operation that had a very negative implication to the general society. It was more of committing suicide that is not only against the set down laws but also an immoral act in the nation. It would, in other words, mean that the society was embracing or instead tolerating related suicidal behaviors. These are some of the positions that the front – professional line managers take based on the fact that their junior staff members are given to take after their actions (Kim, Han, and Kim 2015).

In as much as the front – professional line workers knew deep down that there are certain special times or conditions that call for abortion. They also know that it is a fact that is as well within the law as it is provided based on the challenges that might be encountered. Besides, the leaders are also much aware that there are specific provisions within their regulations and policies that encourage abortion; they never want to accept that fact openly. This is, however, a different case with a few fronts – professional line managers since they freely come out and stand with the entire provisions concerning abortion (Harrison 2011).

They argue that the law should be applied at the right time and in the right manner. This implies that abortion is not supposed to be carried out when the reasons behind the intended abortion are not adding up and evident. However, the reverse is to take place if the conditions call for abortion practically. Essentially. this is concerning the terms and conditions. They finally argue that the victims of abortion that went through the Act under the law are to be counseled or instead talked to concerning the manner they will be handling their post – abortions encounters. They say that these victims should be accepted as part of society and accorded the necessary assistance where required.

Service Managers

The same case has usually been applying to the service managers, as well. Service managers and front – professional line managers are almost reading from the same script based on the manner that they relate to their junior staff at the workplace. Service managers are as well usually doing their very best as far as portraying a positive image to their juniors is concerned. The service managers also must act ethically since society is counting on their decisions in one way or the other (Stephenson, Mills, and McLeod 2017). Society tends to believe that its managers are much educated. For that reason, they are in the position of making the relevant and recommended decision for not only the firms they represent but also the society at large. The service managers, therefore, have always had a challenge towards their take on the matters of abortion.

There has always been a given section that does not embrace the Act of abortion. They argue that the various nations globally are much advised to ensure that there are medical solutions initiated in seeing that all the medical challenges that may require abortion are all attended to. They argue that there are a good number of institutions and individuals who are better placed concerning coming up with the much-recommended techniques to the health challenges (Ofori-Atta, and Jack 2015). In as much as there has been a conflicting opinion from the service managers, a good number are against abortion, and they have come out to condemn it with the most persuasive words possible. A section is still for the idea that there is nothing wrong with abortion provided that the actions are within the set regulations. The service managers settle for these decisions following the positions they are holding in the society and what they would always like to portray to the general public.

Potential Conflicts and points of agreement in terms of ethical arguments

There has always been a conflicting opinion in line with the Act of abortion. There are various opinions regarding the need to undertake abortion within society. Human rights and different groups of religions also have their opinions towards addressing the issue of abortion. In most cases, these people view it as illegal action which should not be undertaken. Furthermore, they argue against abortion is that the right to life must always override the right of a person to control their own body or equality (Ofori-Atta and Jack, 2015). Similarly, they state that abortion does not liberate mothers and instead allows the society to cater to various mother’s needs (Harrison 2011). More importantly, this though or argument can apply the ethical principle of utilitarian that could lead to harm to some individual with the expectation of the overall outcome being maximizing the benefit. The concern is to calculate the benefits or even the harms for the actions or interventions taken based on the evidence. Substantially, this is not appealing to this case study and should not be considered as a solution to the situation. The medical approach to the procedure addresses the issue regarding the uncertainties under avoidable circumstances that cannot be avoided if it the only way to save life or under medical complications. Some are for abortion, and they have reasons enough supporting their opinions. The other section that is against abortion has also been having their reasons enough for being against the Act (Shrage 2013). Additionally, under this abortion Act, termination of pregnancy can be an option by a registered practitioner if they practice good faith in the medical decision and procedure. In this case, the doctor acted unethically following section four of the Act that objects to allowing doctors to participate in the termination process when the treatment process can be provided (British Medical Association, 2018). Similarly, despite this action, the patients also have the right to receive the objective and non-judgmental medical treatment and advice from the patient. It is also a belief, according to the law, that these objections of conscientious should be clear as much as possible to enable the patients to see another doctor as advised (British Medical Association, 2018). Regarding this opinion, it might be conflicting, but the doctor, in this case, was in his right to provide an opinion to the patient. Therefore, the use of the deontology approach is vital in solving this case. Substantially, this is because it provides the need to uphold the morality of an action based on the real nature of the action (Mandal, Ponnambath, and Parija, 2016). The expected harm is unacceptable despite the consequences, and the relationship of doctor-patient is considered to be by nature, and breaching the context of this ethical approach leads to an increase in negligence. As a result, this provides the drive for healthcare providers to do good to patients and also to strengthen the bond of patients and doctors (Mandal, Ponnambath and Parija, 2016). Nonetheless, individuals using this approach of deontologists are driven by a utilitarian approach to accommodate and achieve the best health care for patients. The doctor, in this case, acted in the right way to promote and maximize the health concerns for the patient. However, according to medical laws, it was unethical to make abortion suggestion.

Different factors that may influence the manner that people respond to the dilemma.

There are a good number of factors in the public domain that might affect the manner that people feel about the dilemma. Some of the elements may include ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexuality, henceforth. From a religious perspective, no one will be for abortion rights. Every individual, in this case, will be against abortion regardless of the World’s Abortion Laws (Nie 2011). These, however, may never apply in the case of ethnicity since there is a group that will fully embrace this Act, while another ethnic group may find it against their social beliefs regardless of the World’s Abortion Laws. The same might apply in the case of sexuality as different individuals are given never to read from the same page based on the same. Individuals usual have different characters that make them react differently concerning various issues (Nordberg, Skirbekk, and Magelssen 2014).


The abortion dilemma has ensured that there are two different classes of thoughts. There is a section that is for abortion when the need arises while the other section is against the Act. The two conflicting classes of thoughts are not reading from the same script, besides there is no possibility of coming to a consensus-based on the same. It is also evident that there are the World’s Abortion Laws that are for the women and girls abortion. It broadly defends women and girls to abort when the need arises. The consequences of abortion are also evident as they are very severe.

The Act of abortion is also an awful picture to portray in society since it appears the nation encourages committing suicide or taking people’s lives in one way or the other. What I would stress in this case, as my opinion is that the set down laws for abortion should be revised for the sake of our society. There should be measures put in place to fully attend to the health-related issues that may call for an abortion. The globe should instead come with much-recommended actions to be taken if women’s and girl’s health are threatened to the extent that they opt for abortion. Until then, the issues of abortion shall have been partly resolved. The globe is, until then, much advised to instead come up with specific laws that are against abortion for the betterment of the entire globe. Finally, abortion should always be treated as a crime and condemned with the most persuasive words possible.


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