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            From the mid-1800s, the United States, along with other colonial countries, laid their claims to the South China Sea because of its vast resourcefulness. These countries faced little or no resistance at the time because they had naval superiority. However, different countries, especially those around the South China Sea, have continued to improve their marine prowess. As a result, the superpowers that initially claimed the area are facing resistance from the upcoming countries. This resistance is because these countries, such as China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan, have realized that the area could give them massive benefits that would help them experience significant growth.

These countries demand ownership of the land based on ancestral history and ties. The sea borders their countries, and they believe that they have control over the area because it is part of their country. They claim that the area was forcefully taken from them back when they could not fight for what was theirs. Based on the geographic locations, these countries have more substantial claims to the area than the United States.

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According to the International Law, the owners of Islands have complete sovereignty over the island and the surrounding water space. Consequently, the United States stands to lose much of its control over the sea because of its geographical location. The only way that they can maintain this control is by ensuring that the area remains an international space. It is becoming increasingly difficult to do this as China is currently making artificial islands. The country is making significant progress on this front by constructing military airstrips and bases on the islands. This move gives them dominion over the waters, although many countries strongly oppose these actions.

Politically, the United States firmly holds that the South China Sea is international waters and should not be governed by a specific country. These views receive the backing of different countries through the United Nations Convention on Laws of the Sea. This commission has particular laws that indicate that such high tides are not under the jurisdiction of any country. Therefore, political movements aim towards maintaining the freedom of states to pass through the area without any distractions or restrictions.

The political subject is a universal one and affects all countries in the world in one way or another. World politics has led to the formation of the United Nations, which is responsible for ensuring the welfare of people in different countries all over the world. UN membership is open to any country willing to join, and its members usually have good relations with each other. Owing to the South China Sea, the United States has been able to foster good relationships with various countries as they engage in trading activities. These good relations make it possible for the USA to participate in the activities of the United Nations peacefully. Also, it gives them an excellent political standing with the member countries, and in case of any elections, the states are like to vote for the USA where necessary.


            The South China Sea is a valuable financial asset to many countries all over the world. The United States of America is one of the many countries that enjoy the economic benefits that the vast ocean space has to offer. The area boasts of a wide variety of resources that serve various purposes to the countries that can harvest these resources. Over the years, these resources have been a significant cause of conflict among the different nations that want to have full control over the area and its richness of resources. For example, the People’s Republic of China is determined to have the United States withdraw its activities in the South China Sea because they feel that they are preventing them from making full use of their resources.

The South China Sea is the habitat of many species of fish. The United States has operations in place that harvest the fish and take them to their country. Here, the fish is distributed to the citizens of the nation who buy the food. By doing so, the United States government earns revenue from the sale of fish. Also, the fish provides food security to the country, allowing people to offer more productivity, which in turn results in positive economic growth. Therefore, the sea provides Americans with food and helps other individuals earn a living through fishing and selling fish.  These fish thrive in the area due to its abundance of nutrients.

Fishing in the South China Sea is a complicated activity that requires specialized tools and equipment. Many countries do not have the technological power to come up with the equipment and machinery needed for these fishing activities. Therefore, they look to other countries to provide them with these machineries. Here, the United States takes advantage of the situation and sells the equipment to such counties so that they can also harvest the abundant marine life of the South China Sea. This marine life provides a significant source of food to many countries. Food is an essential commodity to the economy of any state.

Due to the excessive fishing in the region, the quantity of fish in the area has declined significantly. The United States has come up with safer fishing methods that regulate the type of fish collected from the sea. These strides ensure that fishers only harvest mature fish while the little ones remain to grow and reproduce more fish. Such innovative ideas have earned the country a lot of money in revenue.

The United States thrives from trading with other countries all over the world. These trading activities include both importing and exporting products. The distance between these countries is significant, and the transportation of bulky goods may be troublesome. As a result, the trading parties rely on water transport to facilitate the movement of their products from the source to the destination. The South China Sea provides an available route that links these different countries as they go about their trading activities. Statistically, it is the second most traversed sea route in the world today. This statistic goes to show just how important the sea is in providing a link between trading countries.

Therefore, the United States benefits from the South China Sea in that the sea route makes it possible for the United States to transport its goods for trade resulting in earning revenue. Also, the United States obtains the resources that it lacks from other countries through this route. Some resources acquired include raw materials for their industries and food products to help feed the vast population.  Out of the total trade shipments passing through the area, The USA accounts for approximately 20% of the trading activities. Undoubtedly, the South China Sea is significant to the economic growth of the United States in terms of trade.

In the modern world, most, if not all, countries require energy to ensure that their activities run smoothly. Therefore, the growth of any given state depends on its access to a regular source of energy. The South China Sea bed harbors different sources of energy. One of these energy resources is oil. The oil field measures approximately 4.5 cubic kilometers. This field provides an abundant availability of natural oil, which many countries require. The United States harvests much of this oil in its crude form and takes it through the refinery process to come up with several other products. These products include lubricating oils, asphalt, jet fuel, gasoline, and diesel.

By producing and selling these products, the United States government earns significant revenue. Also, the workers involved in the refinery process have steady jobs and can make a decent living. These workers include the drivers of the vehicles used to transport the crude oil and its products, the people working in the refining factory, and those that facilitate the sale of these products. The United States claimed that China blocks access to these fertile oil fields, a clear indication of how relevant the area is to the United States.

The sea bed also houses a rich deposit of natural gas. Estimates indicate that the relative natural gas reserve levels are 7500 cubic kilometers. The United States has the necessary equipment to obtain this natural gas. Gas is an essential source of fuel for many citizens in the United States. The country also exports this fuel to people in different countries. Therefore, the sale of this fuel earns income for the United States. Also, the state saves on funds that it would have spent on providing fuel for its residents.

The United States also benefits economically from the South China Sea by exploiting its diversity of precious minerals. The most commonly available minerals are those located closer t the shores. These minerals include monazite, tin, gold, zircon, chromite, and titaniferous magnetite. Many countries all over the world value these minerals highly and would pay lots of money to obtain them. Given the superiority of the United States in terms of technological development, they can recover these minerals from the bottom of the sea. Once they have them in their possession, they can sell them to buyer countries for a considerable sum of money. This process helps them earn lots of revenue.

Also, some minerals, such as gold, are essential in coating different objects. By coating these products, their value increases significantly. Therefore, the United States can then sell the coated products at a higher price than what the item was worth before. This move is an easy way of earning money by increasing the value of goods by coating them. The mining activities provide employment opportunities to the Americans that carry them out. Several other people make a living from mineral-related jobs such as refining them, melting them, polishing them, and checking for their authenticity.

The area covered by the South China Sea is a hazardous one and requires specialized machinery for efficient navigation. The United States has this equipment in abundance and, therefore, sells them to other countries to help them with their shipping. The sales of this equipment earn the country the much-needed revenue. Also, given that the machine is readily at their disposal, the USA has a significant advantage when it comes to obtaining resources from the South China Sea. Therefore, this advantage makes them a superpower in the economic field.

In other words, the United States, along with other world greats, has found a way to monopolize the resources in the South China Sea. Monopoly gives countries so much power in the economic market as they have a significant contribution when it comes to dictating the prices of items in the market. They have total control over the economic activities, and they can manipulate the conditions to suit their agenda. This power hands them the ability to control the world’s economy, making them stay on top of the proverbial “food chain” because all the other countries look to them to get assistance in this field.

However, in recent years, the Chinese are determined to regain total control of the area. This is a move meant to give China complete control of the region and everything associated with it. This move may see the United States make significant losses in terms of revenue due to the loss of its control over the South China Sea. For example, China may decide to limit movement through this water channel. They may demand payment of taxes for using the route and also impose taxes on the goods that are in shipment. As a result, the trade may become expensive, resulting in reduced profits for the United States.

Also, the other countries may pull out of the trade because of their inability to afford the new charges and rates. The United States will lose a lot of potential customers for their products. Moreover, the country will lose many sources of their natural resources resulting in a decline in their industrial economy. These are some of the scenarios that signify why the United States would like to hold on to the region covered by the water.



            Over the years, different countries have formed treaties over various natural landmarks and resources to enhance their peaceful co-existence. The South China Sea is the home to many resources that would contribute to the growth of any country in their possession. The various states have to work together to ensure that they harvest these resources with minimum fuss. Therefore, there are diplomatic relations between the United States and other countries that obtain resources from the area.

The trade route that traverses the South China Sea sees the United States as the dominant participant in the trade. For trade to occur between any countries, they have to be at peace. Therefore, the control that the United States has over these trading activities has prompted other countries participating in the trade to foster peaceful relations with the land. These strategies include diplomatic solutions to conflicts that existed between them. The calm state that the USA enjoys with other countries is, to some extent, a result of the trading activities made possible by the route on the South China Sea. The sea, therefore, fosters diplomatic relations between the United States and its trading partners.

Other countries that lay claim to the South China Sea do not have a strong military force as that of China. Therefore, the Chinese have managed to suppress any opposition from them due to their military inferiority. In an attempt to keep the Chinese at bay, these countries seek the support of the United States. For this to happen, these countries have to ensure that they establish good relationships with the United States. Before asking for a country’s help, there must be good relations between the country that asks for help and the helper country. This realization fosters diplomatic ties between the United States and other countries on the coast of the South China Sea.

The Chinese are making attempts to get total control over the South China Sea and its islands. This move would be limiting to other countries that aim at harvesting the resources available in the area. The United States has shown its displeasure at this move because of the limitations it would have to suffer. Other international powers share the sentiments because they also benefit from their activities in the South China Sea. To prevent the People’s Republic of China from establishing complete dominance over the area, these countries have to work together to achieve their goal. Consequently, the United States has to work in cooperation with other countries towards achieving a common goal.

When these countries share similar views and interests on the matter, they develop positive diplomatic relations among them. This is good for the United States because they can then trade peacefully with these ally countries. “Unity is strength,” and by standing united, these countries can achieve much more together than they would on their own. The formation of such treaties based on shared goals helps such countries to make gigantic strides towards all-round development.

The United States’ involvement in the activities of the South China Seas has seen them earn several foes and allies. The countries that support the claim that the sea should remain international waters are the USA’s allies. They have a common argument that requires that they work together towards realizing their ambitions. Also, the countries that receive protection from the US Navy patrolling the sea have shown great respect and gratitude towards the USA. Undoubtedly, these countries have become allies to the United States.

However, countries that feel threatened by the presence of the United States in the area are more likely to harbor feelings of resentment towards the land. One such country of notable mention is the People’s Republic of China. The main aim of the Chines is to bring the entire area under their control so that they can make full use of its richness in resource material. Given their vast population, it is only reasonable that they would like to grow their economy further so that they can provide good lives for the citizens. The USA, along with other world powers, has been a constant obstacle towards China’s realization of this goal. As such, the Chinese are not very happy with the country, and this may affect the diplomatic relations between these two countries.

From the look of things, it is only a matter of time before the issue goes out of hand and a war erupts. This would arguably be one of the biggest battles in world history, given the military prowess that each country possesses. Also, the neighboring countries would suffer collateral damage resulting from the activities of the war. On this front, diplomacy is rapidly declining as the Chinese continue to build military bases on the islands despite being advised otherwise by other world powers. At the same time, the USA is unwilling to withdraw its activities in the area due to the enormous benefits that they receive. Without prompt intervention on the matter, things could get ugly.


            China has remained adamant regarding ownership of the South China Sea and its islands. To further express its dominion over the area, the Chinese have put up constructions on the islands and increased military activities. This move has vexed many international powers, including the United States. They are unhappy because they consider the South China Sea to be international waters. The United States continues to sail its navy ships in the region, ensuring that the area is under constant protection. As a result, the military operations of the United States have to switch some of their focus to the South China Sea, leaving some other aspects of the country exposed to security threats.

The clashes resulting from claims and ownership of the South China Sea have resulted in severe conflicts between the associated countries. Several people lost their lives in these clashes. Besides, many people sustained severe injuries, in addition to losing the valuable property. The United States’ involvement in the activities revolving around the sea puts them at risk of facing similar calamities. There is an increasing possibility that things might heat up and explode, resulting in a significant war for the control of the region.

Given that the Chinese army has grown tremendously in the past decades, the USA will not like the possibility of a war erupting. The People’s Republic of China has a powerful navy and army force that has been instrumental in keeping the other countries at bay regarding the control of the area. The United States also has a robust military operation, arguably the strongest in the world. Nonetheless, the Chinese military force is almost just as strong, and a war between the two will be catastrophic. The USA may have to deploy more troops from the country to act as reinforcements. This would put a strain on the country’s military operations.

By switching their attention to the emerging war, the security of the country will become weaker. Therefore, the country will become vulnerable to attacks from enemy countries due to reduced military personnel in the country. This lack of protection against external aggression is a dangerous state because the country could lose everything in an attack. Once the barracks and other military headquarters are destroyed, there would be no military training in the country. This scenario could result in many difficulties in the long run.

“An enemy of my friend is my enemy.” Regarding this quote, there is the possibility of the formation of alliances in case of the eruption of a war. These alliances would be formed based on country allies. This would mean that any country that is China’s partners would automatically become the USA’s enemies. These countries could provide their troops to help the Chinese in their war, further making the task of the United States almost impossible. Wars are never pretty, and those that stand to lose the most are the military personnel that participates in the war.

China’s move to establish military bases on the islands may result in a significant power shift in the area. The neighboring countries cannot oppose China at the moment. Their only hope is the United States of America. However, the USA may not be in a position to intervene as the geography of the area may restrict its powers. The world may view any interventions by the country as an act of provocation resulting in hostile responses. These responses are mainly related to the military, and the surrounding nations may be the most affected by the war.

Based on the current governing laws, no country may engage in military activities over or in exclusive economic zones without the approval of the country that owns the zone. An exclusive economic zone policy gives any specific country total power over the exploration and utilization of natural resources within 370 kilometers of their coasts. With this in consideration, the USA has limited military freedom over this area because countries such as China and Vietnam have power over the South China Sea. This is per the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea.

As China continues to build military bases in the Spratly and Paracel chain of islands, the USA is slowly losing its military control in the area. These island groups are yet to achieve the full island status, and China is doing everything in their power to ensure that they become recognized as islands. Once the country meets this objective, they will have exclusive control over the seawater in a 12-mile radius under the law of exclusive economic zones. As a result, the USA stands to lose most of its military dominion over the area.

The main military threat to the USA is the fact that China is willing to use force to protect what they believe is theirs by ancestral origin. Their claims in the past have been mouthed to different countries. However, China will no longer hold back on these claims and would promptly accompany the claims with force if need be. Therefore, the United States has to be very careful not to provoke the Chinese, as this would result in dire military consequences.

Through one of the busiest trade routes in the world today, the United States can obtain specialized weapons from different countries through trade. This feature enables the state to assemble the best weapons from all over the world and assemble them for their military force. As such, the US military has a wide variety of weapons in their arsenal to choose from. This fact makes the US military one of the strongest in the world, if not the strongest. Also, the mineral resources obtained from the sea bed are valuable in developing weapons. The United States boats of one of the most advanced technologies in the world. They have the necessary equipment and skillset to create lethal weapons from such resources. Therefore the United States has a significant advantage when it comes to going to war with any given country. This feature makes most countries in the world fear the state. It has also earned the title of a world superpower thanks to its strong military standing.

Given that the area is under constant surveillance of the US navy, this military personnel is separated from their families for extended periods. This distance may affect their psychological and social well-being, thus affecting their ability to carry out their duties efficiently. A soldier that is unable to concentrate on his work is very unlikely to yield positive results and may die in the heat of battle due to a lack of concentration. Once these protectors die, the number of people in the military reduces gradually, affecting the ability of the country to protect itself from external attacks. With a weak military force, it is almost impossible to enjoy significant growth because of the constant fear that there might be an attack at any given moment. An attack that the country will not be able to defend itself from. Therefore, the South China Sea has severe implications on the US military. It is essential to consider these implications to come up with a suitable plan for moving forward.

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