Health Insurance Options for The Unemployed People
{If you are unemployed, you are not only worried about when your next paycheck will arrive but also about your health insurance.|If you are unemployed, you both worry about the next paycheck and the health insurance.|You worry about when the paycheck will arrive and the protection of your health.} {You will no longer be covered by the employer’s insurance if you are no longer working.|After losing your job, you will not be covered by the employer health insurance.|The employer health insurance will no longer cover you after losing the job.} {There are few ways that you can cover your health cost if you are unemployed.|When you are not working, there many ways that you can get health coverage.|There are several ways that you can get health coverage even when you are not working.} {You can either choose the government assistance or health coverage from a private company.|You either opt for the government coverage or from a private provider.|You can choose to either get protection from a private insurance company or the government.}
{Many insurance companies are offering insured coverage for the people who are not in employment.|Many private companies are providing the coverage for the people who a not imployed.|For the people who are not employed, you can find coverage from a private.} {There are different insurance plan that you can opt for.|The coverage comes in different plans.|The insurance plan has different policies.} {The main benefit is that you can choose a package that will meet your budget and needs.|The primary benefit is that you choose the one that is tailored for your needs.|You are going to find a plan that will meet your need and budget.} {The cost tend to be lower than the one sponsored by the employer.|The price of the health insurance will be lower than the employer-sponsored insurance. Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
{If you think that the transition from one job to another is short, then you should consider short term health plan.|You should consider the short term health plan if you are sure that the transition between one job to another.|For the people who are guaranteed that the transition of one job to another, they should consider the short term health insurance.} {It is suitcase for the people who have less significant health expenses.|The plan is usually suitable for the people who have less medical issues.|The plan is ideal for the people who have less medical issues.} {You will pay less money but will cover fewer health issues.|However, you will pay less for the coverage.|The coverage will cost you less money.} {The plan usually does not cover the preexisting condition.|It will not cover those people who have a preexisting condition.|If you have a terminal illness; the insurance policy will not cover you.} {The plan usually last can for one year.|The program will last for only one year.|The protection covers you for one year.} {However, you can only renew it for a maximum of two times.|You are allowed to renew the policy for a maximum of two times.|The renewal of the plan is allowed for a maximum of two times.} {The regulation of the short term health insurance varies from one state to another.|However, the regulation varies from one country to another.|The provision of the short term health insurance, varies from one state to another.}
{Keeping the employer coverage is another option that you have.|If you recently lost your job; you should consider keeping the employer health coverage.|For those people who have recently lost their jobs, it is wise to keep the employer health insurance.} {The COBRA health insurance will ensure that you are going to get the same coverage that you are used to.|COBRA health insurance provides that you get the same coverage that you are used to.|A program such as COBRA allows you to continue enjoying the same coverage that you are used.} {It is very suitable for the people who have a preexisting condition.|The program is very suitable for the preexisting condition.|If you have terminal illnesses; the plan is very appropriate.} {To qualify for this policy, you must be working for a company that has a minimum of 20 employees.|You must be working in a company that has a minimum of 20 employees to quality.|The person who qualifies for this program must have been working in a company that has a minimum of 20 employees.}
{You may also apply for the COBRA health insurance within 60 days.|You are also required to apply for the program with a span of 60 days.|People are required to apply for the program within 60 days.} {You will, however, pay more money.|However, you will be required to pay more.|You will have to pay more money.} {While you are in the employment pay half while and you contribute the other half.|When you are in the employment, employer contribute half while the employer contribute you.|The employer will provide half while you will have to provide half.} {For the COBRA health you will pay the total amount.|COBRA health insurance allows you to pay the full amount.|The COBRA health insurance allows you to pay the full amount.} {The service provider will charge you less administration fee of about 2%.|You will also be charged a small administration fee.|Applicants will also be charged a small administration fee.}
{You can opt for the government health coverage.|Another option that you may have is the government health coverage.|The government coverage is another option that you have.} {If you earn a modest income, you should investigate to find out if you qualify for the government health coverage.|The program is suitable for the people who have decent income; you must examine whether you are eligible.|The program is mostly applied by the people who have modest income; you should research to determine whether you qualify.} {The eligibility varies from one state to another.|The criteria for qualification differs from one state to another.|Different states have different criteria of qualification of this health coverage.} {Some state will only provide the coverage to the people who have the income that was twice the state poverty level.|There are some countries that only offer the insurance to only the people who earn twice the state poverty level.|For example, some states will only provide coverage to only those people who used to earn twice the country’s poverty level income.} {If you have a pressing condition, then the state will classify you as a high-risk individual.|You are going to be classified as a high-risk individual if you have a preexisting condition.|For the people who have a preexisting condition, the state will be ranked will classify you as a high-risk individual.} {You will, therefore, have to pay a lot of money for you to be covered.|The coverage will be more expensive than average.|The coverage will be lower than the standard coverage.}