{How to Prepare Your Computer for Sale|How to Safely Prepare Your Pc for Sale|Primary Preparations When Selling A Computer}
{It is common for people to donate or sell their computer when they are upgrading.|When people are upgrading their computer, they tend to sell or otherwise donate it.|Donation and selling are the two choices that a person has when they are upgrading their computer.} {You are going to get extra cash that will assist you to afford the premium device.|You will receive additional money that will boost you in upgrading.|From the proceeds of the sale, you will make money that will assist you when you are upgrading.} {There are numerous cases of leaked information when one sell a computer.|Many cases have been reported of the people whose data have been accessed by the unintended person after selling.|If you are not careful when you are selling your computer; your data is likely to leak.} {Preparing your laptop is vital to ensure that you do not give your personal information to the strangers.|The following are some of way to prepare your computer for sale.|Before you sell your computer, read the following info.} Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
{Ensure that you have backed-up all the essential data.|Before you embark on selling your computer; it is vital to first back up the information on the machine.|Back up the information on your computer before you start the process of selling it.} {If the data that is in your computer is several GB, then you are only required to copy and paste it in your desired backup location.|Copy and paste to the external drive- the method is suitable when you are only storing few GB.|If the information that you are planning to backup is only few GB, then the best way to transfer the files is by the copy-pasting method.} {If you are backing up hundreds of GB, then copy and pasting will take you days.|However, the copy-pasting way is not ideal when you are dealing with a massive amount of data.|When data is a big number of the files that need to be transferred, then the copy-pasting method will not be suitable.} {To make the process faster, you should clone the partition that contains the vital data.|Cloning the partition that has the sensitive data will provide you with a solution.|The best way to deal with this issue is by cloning the disk that has the confidential information.} {On the web, there are many cloning software than will significantly assist you in backing up your confidential information.|Visit the web, and you will see many cloning programs that will significantly help you.|There are many free and premium cloning programs on the internet that will help you to back up the data.} {The beauty of the cloning software is that you save not only the data on the hard drive but also the browser passwords.|The benefit of the cloning programs is that will not only backup the hard drive data but also the password on the browsers.|All the passwords that you have saved on the browsers will also be backup by the cloning software.}
{In the next step, you are supposed to erase everything from your computer.|The next and the most crucial step to erase every data on your computer.|Cleaning data from your computer is the next and most vital step.} {For many people, just deleting a file and clearing the recycle bin is enough.|Mere deleting and clearing the recycle bin is not enough.|just deleting and emptying the recycle bin will not completely remove all the data.} {However, there is a lot of data stored on your hard drive that may not be visible to the operating system.|When you copy data on the drive; its eco is left on magnetic media.|A lot of information is stored on the hard disk and which may not be visible on the OS.} {If the computer lands on the wrong hands, they can access your data.|If you do not do wiping, the data may be accessed by a malicious person.|A malicious person is likely to recover the data if you do not clean it thoroughly.} {Many recovery software is available free on the web.|If you visit the web, there are many recovery programs.|The recovery programs that are available on the internet are very many.} {Computer geeks can also get access to your information without even using the applications.|IT specialist can also access the information even without using a software.|Some computer professional can access the information even without using a software.}
{Data wiping in a computer can be done using various ways.|Wiping of information in your computer can be achieved using multiple ways.|You can erase data from your computer using numerous ways.} {Most of the operating system comes with a data-wiping program.|A lot of OS has an inbuilt data wiping programs.|Many operating systems have a data-wiping program.} {When you navigate the setting option of a computer, you will find a resetting option.|Go to the setting and find the resetting option.|To wipe your computer, go to the setting, and click on the resenting option.} {The option can also be accessed when you are reinstalling the windows.|You can also do the resetting when you are reinstalling the operating system.|When you are reinstalling the operating system; you will also see the resetting option.} {However, there are some hard drive wipe programs on the web that will wipe the entire information on the hard disk.|Data wiping software is more effective than the OS program.|The data wiping software available on the market are more effective than the one provided by the operating system.} {A program like White Canyon will clear your disk using DOD 5220.22-m.|White Canyon, for instance, uses DOD 5220.22-m method to wipe the data.|To clear the information, a program such as White Canyon uses the DOD 5220.22-m technique to wipe all the info.} {The method wipe your hard drive by overwriting ones and zeros on the drive for several times.|The technique involves overwriting zeros and ones on different location of the disk in a random manner.|DOD 5220.22-m works by overwriting “0” and”1″ on various positions of the drive at a random manner.} {The program will then do the verification to make sure that the initial information is unreadable.|Verification will then be done to ensure that the original data that was on the hard disk is unreadable.|To verify whether the data on the hard drive is unreadable, verification is done.}
{Once you have wiped all the data, it is vital to clean it.|Start cleaning the machine once you have wiped all the data.|After you have cleared all the information from the device; you should then clean it.} {Before you clean it, ensure that you have removed the battery.|Switch it off and remove the battery.|Statrt by turning it off and removing the battery.} {Use a soft and linen free cloth to wipe it.|The cloth that you use should be linen free and must be short.|For the cloth that you shall use, ensure that it is soft and linen-free.} {If water is not removing the dust, mix vinegar and water.|If the water cannot get the work done, mix vinegar and water.|A mixture of vinegar with water will remove the tough stains.} {A hair drier will also be necessary to remove any dust on the machine.|You will also need a hair drier to remove the dust.|All the dirt can be removed by the use of a hair drier.}
{Make sure that you have ejected all the DVDs and other removable media from your computer.|It is vital to make sure that your computer does not have any DVD or removal media.|No DVDs or other removable media should be in your laptop.} {Many people tend to leave disks on their PC for quite sometimes.|People will leave disks on their computer for a long time without even noticing.|it is normal for the people to leave disks on their computer for a long time without them noticing.} {The thumb USB that are used today are very small and are hard to notice.|Remove also the thumb USB since they are very small.|Since the thumb USB are very small to notice, make sure that you have removed them.}