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 importance of studying the effects of a cardiovascular training exercise on long term memory in children

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 importance of studying the effects of a cardiovascular training exercise on long term memory in children

            Cardio is a type of exercise that is aimed at increasing the heart rate to at least 50% its maximum  (Chapman et al., 2013) . Such activity ensures that the heart  is able to pump blood to the tissues to enable oxygen and nutrient supply that is vital for growth. Furthermore, an added advantage is that cardio exercise enables the metabolism of fat  (Loprinzi, 2019). However, one important aspect of exercise that is not mainly focused on is its effect on cognitive brain function (Antunes et al., 2006). This paper is aimed at discussing the importance of studying the effects of a cardiovascular training exercise on long term memory in children.

Memory Development

Memory is part of the cognitive functions of the brain, in addition to concentration, attention, reasoning, judgment, and problem solving. Memory development is clearly evident by the time one is three years old  With further growth, the child is able to develop better immediate recall, short term, intermediate, and long-term memory. From research, it has been shown that it is possible to get declarative memory  in children as young as below two years (Loprinzi, 2019). However, the key aspect is that memory development is a significant aspect of childhood development . There is rapid brain development during childhood years, and this has a big influence on how a child grows into adulthood. Any interferences  during this period may be highly detrimental to the general wellbeing of the child and future adult (Padilla, Pérez, & Andrés, 2014).

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For children, there is a memory capacity constrain which inhibits them from storing complex aspects at a small age( Loprinzi, 2019). However, with the advancement in age , the capacity continuously increases, enabling to have better working memory and also to develop a robust long term memory. During the pre-school years, children are able to distinguish categories of various objects and determine similarities based on their previous experience. However, there is a great need for repetition at this age to enable proper retention for better recall (Witlox et al., 2019).

Moreover, there is age-dependent memory variation in children. School-age children develop better skills in retention and also the retrieval of information on demand. With an increase in knowledge, the child develops better memory as things begin to make more sense (Loprinzi, 2019). Furthermore, they develop personalized ways of remembering things. Additionally, familiarity becomes a key factor in progressing the development of long term memory. It is thought that long term memory decays slowly, and its potential for storage is nearly limitless (Witlox et al., 2019).

With the increase in age, individuals develop denser connections of neurons involved in the storage of information. There has been a lot of research conducted on the synapses involved with transmitting memory in the brain (Antunes et al., 2006). Scientists have argued that there are specific parts of the brain that are important for memory, unlike the earlier belief nearly every part of the brain has a role to play in memory. Parts that have been shown to have a huge contribution to memory include the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and the prefrontal cortex (Chapman et al., 2013). Research has shown that the hippocampus is responsible for declarative, episodic, and recognition memory. Hence it plays an important role in long term memory.

Procedural memory, which is a key aspect that results from continuous repetition of tasks such as playing a musical instrument or controlling a machine, is housed in the cerebellum (Loprinzi, 2019). It has also been proven that the prefrontal cortex is in charge of semantic memory. This is the memory that helps one recall words, concepts, and numbers, which greatly help in language development. All the brain parts in memory act synergistically to ensure one is able to recall and to retain information for the long term.

Cardiovascular Training and Memory development

The aspects of long term memory development in children has  not been exhaustively researched. There are many new discoveries yet to be made in determining the effects on memory development. Moreover, there has been little research done on determining the effect of cardiovascular training on memory development during childhood (Loprinzi, 2019). Some of the studies that have been done in relation to cardio have been majorly its effects in improving cognitive function in the elderly. It is apparent that with aging, the neural networks undergo degeneration, and thus it has been key to determine ways in which the degeneration effects can be mitigated (Padilla et al., 2014). It is important to further this research because if exercise is introduced at a younger age it may potentially lead to the continuation of regular exercise and a decrease in cognitive illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

There are numerous cardio exercises that include but are not limited to walking, running, bike riding, jumping rope, swimming, high interval training, and rowing (Chapman et al., 2013). Some of the basic cardiovascular training exercises can be performed by children with some modifications to make them simple and enjoyable. Children between the ages of six to nine years like playing games, and this can be used in an advantageous manner as a form of cardio exercise (Chapman et al., 2013). The exercises keep the lungs, heart, brain (structurally and mentally) and blood vessels healthy.

The physical activity guidelines for Americans from the U.S.   t of the children are more alert.

Despite the good effects of cardio exercise that have been proven so far, the statistics on the uptake of the exercises among the children are still low. It has been reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) that less than 24% of individuals below 17 years participate in physical exercise for an average of 60 minutes daily (Loprinzi, 2019). Furthermore, it has been shown from studies that those children who do not participate in physical exercise showcase poorer academic performance compared to those who are active in doing aerobics (Chapman et al., 2013).

Research has been heavily conducted on the importance of exercise in improving brain function.. Exercise brings about vitality in brain function and hence plays a key role in ensuring the proper functioning of the brain. When exercise is started at an early age, the positive effects are bound to be more pronounced in the growing individual. Advances in molecular biology and imaging have proved to be critical in enabling research to determine the effect that exercise has on cognitive function, especially memory (Chapman et al., 2013).

Research on the Effects of Cardiovascular Training on Memory Development

Molecular systems have revolutionized the way research, especially on brain function, is being conducted. Researchers are now able to get better results using animal models, and with advanced research, they can study humans. Furthermore, the improvement in imaging modalities has also brought about better ways to analyze the result of research. A case example is the use of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to assess the effect of exercise on cognitive function in human beings (Witlox et al., 2019).  It is important in influencing exercise-induced cognitive improvements and has been key in the study of memory, especially in the aging population.

Moreover, research has shown that cardiovascular exercise training has a significant effect on the hippocampus that is greatly involved in long term memory. From studies, the brain has been shown to be having a high metabolic demand (Antunes et al., 2006). Furthermore, it has been shown that the hippocampus is one of the areas of the brain with a very high metabolic demand. Neuro-imaging studies have been able to showcase the energy expenditure of various parts of the brain and some implications that they have on human functioning. Hippocampal volume has been measured using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), and it has been compared in different individuals with a correlation to the amount of exercise that they partake in (Loprinzi, 2019).

Research has also shown that with increased cardio exercises, there is a proportionate increase in the volume of the hippocampus. As such, the introduction of cardiovascular training exercises in children will result in increased hippocampal volume that will contribute to better long term memory development (Loprinzi, 2019). It has also been shown that exercise decreases the rate of cortical delay; hence, the memory can be stored for longer even into old age, whereby there is neuronal degradation. The rate of neuronal degradation in old age is decreased with an active exercise regime that ensures the brain is well supplied by the cardiovascular system with the right nutrients and oxygen requirements (Witlox et al., 2019).

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Cardiovascular Training on Memory Development

Importance of the Research in Education

Having cardio exercise for even a minimum of 30 minutes during a day ensures that the brain is better perfused and brings about a significant change in the cognitive function of an individual (Chapman et al., 2013). Furthermore, there are other positive attributes on the brain that result from cardiovascular training exercises. The exercise increases the level of endorphins which result in decreased stress level( Loprinzi, 2019). This is particularly important in children who need to have a peaceful state that fosters learning and development. They are able to explore more when they are at ease, and this ensures they have a holistic growth process (Witlox et al., 2019). Essentially, they enable the proper growth of the vital brain centres and ensure that a child is able to learn faster and perform tasks given better. The education system should care about this research because children spend most of their day at school and learning there. If the child is able to fit in their exercise there there learning and memory improvements could directly transition to their academic improvements.


Importance of the Research in Exercise Science

The release of neurotransmitters is important for brain function during a cardiovascular training exercise(Antunes et al., 2006). Neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine have an effect on the brain  by increasing the circulatory function of the body. Additionally, with exercise, there is an increased release of antioxidants. The antioxidants eliminate free radicals that have the potential to cause brain injury, which may affect the areas responsible for memory (Witlox et al., 2019).  Thus it is important to get research findings on the importance of cardio as it will guide the practices in exercise science.

Importance of the Research in Psychology

Moreover, another important effect of cardiovascular training exercises such as aerobics is increasing vascularity in brain areas such as the hippocampus and amygdala (Witlox et al., 2019). The prefrontal cortex has particularly been shown to gain lots of advantages from the increased vascularity that makes it execute its functions better. With better brain development and good health, an individual undergoes holistic development with good psychological outcomes. With increased exercise, there is a decreased risk of mental health issues in the children. There is good brain utilization that ensures that a child is active and able to integrate it into their life.

Importance of the Research in Policy

Additionally, there is a need to determine the objective amount and type of cardiovascular training exercises that should be conducted by children. The exercises to be prescribed should be tested, and evidence-based practice adopted. It will enable parents and schools to standardize what they put their children through since there is a risk of overdoing or under-doing exercises. Furthermore, the determination of the type of exercises for the different types of children is also important. Children have a different fitness levels and capabilities; hence, it is vital that the level of exercise being subjected is personalized to the individuals. With adequate research information, policy can be formulated that guides the implementation of cardio training exercises on children to enhance long term memory.

Importance of the Research in Sociology

Research is important in the field of sociology to help determine if there are interventions that can be made to ensure that children grow up with better long term memory (Antunes et al., 2006). Good memory development is a crucial aspect that will enable better learning. With better learning, children will acquire knowledge and the necessary skills to bring about global development (Padilla et al., 2014). Sociologist have conducted research and found that children that come from lower socioeconomic families tend to have lower fitness levels. That could be due to parents working late or multiple jobs so they are not able to take them to the after school sport program/ activity, or the family just cannot afford it. Society may think enough kids are getting physical activity in after school and that there is not much of a need to have exercise in the classroom. However if exercise is implement in school it can result in better human interactions and systems.

Importance of Studying the Effect of Cardiovascular Training Exercises on Long Term Memory in Children

            Most of the studies that have been conducted on the effect of cardiovascular training exercises on cognitive brain function have been mainly on older-aged adult cohorts. There is a lack of data on the effects of cardio on young children in the developmental years. Some models that are done on animals have not been extrapolated to humans to find out if they have the same effects (Loprinzi, 2019). The results from the few types of research that have been done on younger subjects have not provided conclusive evidence that can be put into practice (Loprinzi, 2019).

Furthermore, since most of the previous studies related to cardio exercises in children have focused on acute effects, there is no evidence that can back the effects that cardio has on long term memory. Long term prospective studies need to be carried out on the young cohorts to determine the effects. In such studies, the effects of having chronic exercise habits should be determined as they may show a good effect on the memory development of children over time.


            Cardiovascular training exercises have a lot of benefits, especially in improving cognitive brain functions. The effect on memory development in children is an important area of further research. It is essential to study the effect of cardiovascular training on long term memory development in children since memory is a critical part of brain functioning. Rapid growth development takes place in the childhood years; hence, it is important to determine whether cardiovascular training exercises have a positive impact on brain growth, especially influencing long term memory development.




Antunes, H. K. M., Santos, R. F., Cassilhas, R., Santos, R. V. T., Bueno, O. F. A., & De Mello, M. T. (2006). Reviewing on physical exercise and the cognitive function. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Do Esporte, 12(2), 97–103.

Chapman, S. B., Aslan, S., Spence, J. S., DeFina, L. F., Keebler, M. W., Didehbani, N., & Lu, H. (2013). The shorter-term aerobic exercise improves brain, cognition, and cardiovascular fitness in aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5(NOV).

Loprinzi, P. D. (2019). The effects of physical exercise on parahippocampal function. Physiology International, 106(2), 114–127.

Padilla, C., Pérez, L., & Andrés, P. (2014). Regular exercise keeps working memory, and inhibitory capacities fit. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8(MAR), 1–10.

Witlox, L., Schagen, S. B., De Ruiter, M. B., Geerlings, M. I., Peeters, P. H. M., Koevoets, E. W., … Monninkhof, E. M. (2019). Effect of physical exercise on cognitive function and brain measures after chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer (PAM study): Protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(6), 1–9.



I’m not sure I understand what this means.


Is cardio only about heart rate? Does it include duration or anything other factors?


I’m not sure cardio ensures the normal activity of the heart. Maybe rephrase?


This doesn’t really have much to do with your study so you might leave it out unless you are critiquing the limited way we conceptualize cardio.


These are great sentences.


I think this first paragraph should draw the reader into the child, not cardio or memory. Try to really focus on the

“Problem” your research project is exploring. For example, “Children spend the majority of the day in school. Historically, children are taught to sit at a desk when they learn a new skill or lesson from the teacher. It is only after the lesson, that young people are able to go to recess and are allowed to “play” and move their body. Within this structure, young people are through to learn new ideas best when they are sitting still. My project takes up this idea, and pushes back against the notion that children learn best when they are not engaged in body movement. In my thesis, I explore the relationship between cardio and long term memory to consider how young people might learn best in the classroom.”


Something we’re going to have to chat about is how to deal with developmentalism within your project. A lot of child studies scholars reject notions that everyone develops in the same way, and much of your project rests on cognitive development studies. This isn’t to say you can’t cite them or work with those ideas, but you will also need to critique them in ways. We can chat about disability studies and child studies scholars who you can read to help you talk about this complexity.


What is this and how it is important? Make sure to clarify in your discussion of this study. Are there other studies that demonstrate this?




I’m not sure what you mean here.


It’s not necessarily about age, more about brain development


This is a great section


Say a little something here about what you think about this research


Make sure to connect all of this literature back to your own research project. You want to have your reader be always thinking about how this research that you’re citing and discussing relates to your own research project.


Put all the sections below into this header and get rid of all the other small headers. Put these fields in conversation with one another.




Incorporate this into another section, it’s too small all on it’s own. This also goes for all of the small sections below. Try to group all of this research into a discussion and put the research in conversation, and then add your own opinion about it all and how it relates to your project.


Make sure this is in conversation with something. Its confusing as it stands right now

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