Personality Type The purpose of this assignment is to learn more about yourself and how this might influence your management style and approach to leadership. In this assignment you will look at your personality type and discuss the implications it has for how you develop and work with others. Step 1. Go to this site and take the personality test – . Get your results. Step 2. Read the theory behind this test and your profile to understand your characteristics and your strengths and weaknesses. Step 3. Briefly (in a paragraph or two) present your findings based upon this questionnaire. Step 4. Analyze and discuss the implications of your personality style for how you would manage and seek to exercise leadership among other people in your workplace, citing from course concepts (readings, etc.) to support your analysis.[unique_solution] 1) What surprised you about your profile results and what confirmed what you already know about yourself? 2) What are your strengths and weaknesses based upon the results of the questionnaire? 3) What are the implications of these strengths and weaknesses for the people with whom you work on teams as well as those who report to you? 4) What will you do differently now that you have this information? Set up your paper up as follows: 1. Introduction – Introduce the purpose of the paper 2. Results – Summary of my results (see Step 3 above) 3. Surprises – What surprised me about my results (see Step 4 above) 4. Competencies – My strengths and weaknesses (see Step 4 above) 5. Impact on Others – The impact of my strengths and weaknesses on the people who work with me and report to me (see Step 4 above) 6. Lessons Learned – What I will do differently now that I have this insight (see Step 4 above) 7. Conclusions You should consult and cite a minimum of 3-5 references drawn from relevant course readings and weekly modules on management and leadership concepts to support your work. Scholarly articles from the UMGC library are not necessary or required for this assignment but you may use them to supplement if you choose and you may find them to be helpful. The source website does not count as one of the required references although it may be cited; references from any other websites are not acceptable sources for this assignment. The body of the paper, including an abstract on a separate page, should be no more than six pages. NOTE: The page count includes an abstract but excludes the title page and references. Follow APA style guidelines. Be sure to use headings/subheadings for different sections.