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Laboratory report to show the difference between dominant hand and non-dominant hand when using a forehand shot with practice

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Laboratory report to show the difference between dominant hand and non-dominant hand when using a forehand shot with practice


This report is to show if there is any difference between the non-dominant hand and the dominant hand when partaking in sport activity with a racket. The way in which this is going to be tested is by doing tests with students at university which have limited experience playing tennis and with those that have experience, this will be done with a tennis racket and a ball to see how many successful shots they can get in to a hoop with use of separate hands. The way it’s ultimately going to be tested to see which hand is more effective with the forehand is to the hypothesis that is that the dominant hand will be more effective with the forehand shot than the non-dominant hand will be with practice. This will hopefully show that when performing the forehand shot the domain hand will always be better to use even with practice. When reviewing another literature review and study by Armstrong (1999) he states in his intro that ‘Schmidt and Toews (1970) found grip strength of the dominant hand was, on average, 10.3% stronger than the non-dominant hand’ this statement that he has incorporated back up my hypothesis when it states that its proven that the dominant hand is stronger by a marginal %. Furthermore, in the report Armstrong (1999) states that ‘strengths are significantly greater in the dominant hand’. This also back up my hypothesis which I am going to test as from previous reports the dominant hand is stronger. When reviewing another study to compare against the hypothesis that is being tested it came across of a similar occurrence which backs the hypothesis that I am testing. This is shown by Incel et al (2002) when it states that ‘We concluded that the dominant hand is significantly stronger’ this could show that due to the dominant hand being more significantly stronger that the dominant hand will be more effective than the non-dominant when completing the tasks. Furthermore, Incel et al (2002) states that ‘Recent studies have attempted to provide a definitive picture of the difference between dominant and non-dominant hand’ this also shows that the states of this test are always being tested to see if the domain hand is always better, this can be for a number of reason which independent people always want to study. When going through both of the reports it is seen that the domain hand is mordantly better than the non-dominant hand.(unique_solution)



Before doing the required tests with the participants. It was important to carry out a Par-Q this is to make sure that all of the participants that was being tested where physically fit to do the test and no injuries would occur during the course of the tests, as it is important to make sure nothing occurs during the course of tests to disrupt the data. The method that was used when compiling the study to find out if the hypothesis is correct was using 115 students 18 years and older to complete tasks, where they would use their dominant hand and there non dominant striking a ball with the forehand shot in relation to a tennis shot and seeing how many times they could get the ball through the hoop out of 10 times this will be done after practicing one time before hand. Each person would stand the exact same distance from the hoop which would be about 2m. The way in which this was tested was by using a racket which would be of an average size of ‘29 inches or 73.66 cm’ (Tenniscompanion, 2013). Also, would use a sponge ball as we were doing the tests indoor and in a sports hall and a normal size hoop. The main measurement that we are trying to find is if there is more success with the dominant hand than the non-dominant


Figure 1

 AgeHeightWeightDominant hand

1= right

2= left



Figure 2

After the tests was taken place it came to see that there was some clear results in which can be used to support the hypothesis that was being tested. But before the results were found the mean of the age, height, weight and the dominant hand was all found out. This was determine what the average age range of all participants are the average body types of the people that was being tested. This can be seen in figure 1, with the main outcome of the participant having a right hand dominant. Also it is seen as that the age of the participant on average is 20.67 with a standard deviation of 3.80 which allows for the age to be 3.80 over or under. When looking at the results which would back the hypothesis up, a t test was undertook to see if there was any statistical difference between the non-dominant and the dominant hand. When conducting the t test it came out with a p value of 0.0000000450639 this is under the 0.5 which allows it to be not rejected and shows that there is a significant between the dominant and non-dominant with practice when completing the forehand shot. This can also be backed up with figure 2, which shows that the mean average with the dominant hand was 6.56 shots out of 10 and the non-dominant being 5.29, this shows that overall there is a 1.27 difference in the means showing that the hypothesis that has been tested against is correct and that through the 115 participants in which have been tested there domain hand is better on average





This section needs to explain what the answers found in the results section might imply, and say why that might be important. It should also explain how the results and findings fit in with the results that other researchers have found in the same or similar fields. main argument. It should have a narrative flow that highlights the sequence of the different points in your argument/discussion. You should also consider some of the applied or practical implications of your findings. Use peer reviewed journal articles to illustrate the motor performance theories that you have presented in your introduction/literature review.





The conclusion should summarise the issues that you have raised in the body of your assignment and tie up any loose ends in your argument/discussion. It should emphasise the key elements of your essay and it is often a good idea to refer once again to the question title.

This document guidelines

Be word processed, minimum of 1.5 line spacing on white paper. · Have your student number on every page. · Use appropriate referenced figures to assist with explanations where appropriate. · Have the correct academic writing style, grammar and referencing throughout Include a minimum of 10 different and appropriate referenced sources. These sources should be from undergraduate level text books and/or authoritative/academic (journal) articles · Have a final word count at the end of assignment.

Reference list

Schmidt RT, Toews JV (1970). Grip strength as measured by the Jaymar dynamometer. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 51: 321–327.


ARMSTRONG, C (1999). “A COMPARISON OF DOMINANT AND NON-DOMINANT HAND STRENGTHS”. The Journal of Hand Surgery: Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand 24.4 421-425.


Incel N, Ceceli E, Durukan P, Erdem H, Yorgancioglu Z (2002) ‘Grip Strength: Effect of Hand Dominance’ Vol 43 (5): p234-237



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