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leadership and management theories while examining their similarities and differences

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leadership and management theories while examining their similarities and differences



There exists a controversial debate linking the concepts of leadership and management especially in the context of organisational background. Most individuals use both terms interchangeably without understanding their differences in the real situation. In a close perspective, academic theories helps scholars and philosophers to recognize the differences between leaders and managers either in the political or economic settings. According to Goleman, a psychologist, the concept of leadership to largely entail the attribute of “emotional intelligence”, which makes it distinct from management. From the Goleman school of thought, “emotional intelligence” comprise essential elements including but not limited to motivation, self-informed, empathy and self-regulation (Goleman, 2017). The psychologists emphasises that without such traits it is difficult for individual to be good leaders upon their followers. Also, leaders should have the vision regarding their company and anticipated results at hand. It is a reflection that leaders inspire, motivates and encourage their counterparts in efforts to achieve the intended goals by the firm.

Different scholars have come up with subtle definitions regarding the concept of management in the organisational stand point. Managers as personnel for planning and offering directions to their subjects in a workplace (Kaplan and Sorensen, 2017, p.12). More importantly, managers serve the role of supervising and again using authoritative or company set rules upon their juniors. It is worth noting that leaders nurture their followers to become heroes while manager anticipate to rise as heroes by themselves. However, just like leaders, managers have good ideas, which seeks to improve work conditions affecting their employees or staff. The paper seeks to explore the concepts of leadership and management theories while examining their similarities and differences. The project will further evaluate the literature under Mary Sea Cole Programme as an emphasis to the topic of discussion.

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Leadership and Management Theories

The concepts of leadership and management constitute a couple of theories and frameworks that help learners comprehend various aspects of the two terminologies. The advantage of using theories especially in matters reflecting on leaders and managers, it aid to learn skills, personal traits and ambitions behind their careers. For example, some theories such as behavioural explains why some individuals can act as good leaders while others cannot assume that line of duty (Cherry, 2019).In the case of behavioural theory, individuals tend to acquire leading skills rather than exhibiting them right from birth. On the same note, managerial competency comes from studying and practising acquired knowledge either in a public or private firm to develop commendable managing traits (Kaplan and Sorensen, 2017, p.12). Therefore, organisations use models as part of examining the best fit career task either as a leader or manager before assigning them particular responsibilities. The section will define and explore two theories that is; transformational and charismatic frameworks respectively.

Transformational Leadership Theory

Transformational leadership involves a character who portrays clear vison, goals and reveals the passion for work in a group of people. A transformational leader is an individual with ability to trace areas needing changes, brings on board clear vision to help achieve the change and fully commits to benefits all group members (Oakleaf, 2017). Transformational leaders primarily focus on positive inspiration towards their followers in an organisational environment (Cherry, 2020). The scholar further identifies transformational leaders as subjects with dedication, energy and passion to guide followers. The proponent of this theory, MacGregor Burns James, reveals that transformation occurs when leaders and their followers assumes greater scales of motivation and moral wise together (Cherry (2020). As an expansion of Burns reasoning, Bass Bernard later included the attributed of respects, trust and admiration transformational leaders gain from their followers. According to Bass, the four critical components comprising transformational leadership include as explained below.

Intellectual Stimulation

Transformational leadership consider promoting intellectual capabilities of followers in their tasks while in work. A leader in this case allows followers or group of individuals within the organisation to apply their critical thinking to develop new ideas for effective problem solving. Precisely, transformational leader encourages creativity both at the individual and team level while attending their organisational responsibilities (Dong, Bartol, Zhang & Li, 2017, p. 02). One of the characteristics under this domain involving a transformational leader include encouraging followers to devise ways to deliver goods to customers to their premises. Here, the followers can suggests their answers following new technologies within the scope of the organisation. For example, followers can consider using drone technologies as technique to deliver commodities such as food, beverage or material assets to their clients as the newly thought option (Kadda, 2019). It implies new way of solving problems facilitated by the transformational leaders at the organisational scale.

Individual Empowerment

Transformational leadership focus on supporting and improving working conditions and creativity of each follower in group (Dong, Bartol, Zhang & Li, 2017, p. 02). That is to say, the leader takes time to learn each follower strengths and weaknesses to establish support mechanisms aimed to boost their operations. For example, the leader might consider interrogating factors affecting an individual follower fail to register commendable performance in the organisation after some time. In such a scenario, the leader will improvise ways like private discussions to acquire challenges affecting the follower performance. It is an approach that makes the follower feel valued and ready to share opinions regarding their worries, problems and anticipations in a workplace. Thus, transformational leadership offer support to individual follower as a technique to boost the overall productivity of the group members.

Motivation-based leadership

Transformational leaders portrays clear vision necessary to guide their followers in matters affecting organisational daily operations (Muchiri, McMurray, Nkhoma & Pham, 2019, p.04). Motivation is a fundamental tool aimed to create a sense of capability, renewal of hope and way of attaining targeted goals in a company settings. Again, following the clear vison from the leaders, followers ought to remain motivated for achieving the intended results in due time. analysis depicts that motivated workforce performs better compared to non-motivated peers in a working set up. Precisely, leaders keep motivating their followers both in sorrow and happy moments witnessed in the organisational surroundings. It is through motivation that followers recognises they have potential to handle their responsibilities as assigned by their leaders.

Idealised Influence

Transformational leaders has unique features that are worth emulating by adjacent followers in a group. According to Bass, transformational leader possesses character traits like respect and trust, which make them responsible to individuals under their followers (Cherry, 2020). As a matter of fact, transformational leaders become role models via leading their followers in a respectful and trustworthy pathways within the firm. Followers are quick to notice these attributes defining their leaders character wise and morally in the realm of the company. Thus, transformational leaders create a significance influence via trust and respect evident while serving their followers.

Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leadership denotes a form of interaction involving leaders who have eloquent and skilled communication strategies to convince their followers in a positive emotional approach (Riggio, 2012). Charismatic leaders seeks to use their powerful communication talent to articulate their visons but again arousing active emotions towards the followers. It is good to get it right that charisma entails a process, which takes into account the leader’s qualities, followers needs and mechanisms employed by the leader to solve such shortcomings. Steve Jobs represents a charismatic leader from a corporate society who had outstanding communication qualities towards Apple fraternity (Rushe, 2014). However, one attribute evident in the charismatic leaders include their effective communication that helps to attract followers trust, conviction and influence within their areas of work. Some of the potential qualities evident in charismatic leader include as discussed below.

Communication Competency

Communication is one of the crucial skills individuals observe to cultivate especially from a leadership view point. Basu (2020), implies charismatic leaders possess exceptional communication skills oriented to capture and convince their followers in an organisation. Charismatic leaders in the world of business such as public or private corporations employ distinct communication approaches as a way to motivate their followers within the work jurisdiction. The trait of effectiveness while communicating, helps charismatic leaders to pass technical information in a simple and appealing manner without compromising the reasoning of the followers. A good charismatic leader must reveal competency in communication to persuade the followers.


The context of maturity broadly define the skills and abilities of charismatic leaders in a political or economic organisations. Maturity does not imply the leader should have attained a specified age to conduct themselves in the reasonable way towards the subjects (Basu, 2020). In other words, maturity in charismatic leadership takes the shape of personality and behavioural traits governing an individual character. From a business perspective, charismatic leaders master factors and duration in which their premises suffer losses but again derive working solutions together with their followers. It shows charismatic leaders need to reason to address the challenges either facing the followers or the firm to prove mature in their conduct.


The composure and approach in which leaders assume while carrying out duties such as addressing their subjects exposes their level of humility. Charisma is an attribute that can occur concurrently alongside humility since they are mutually inclusive attributes in the life of a leader. Charismatic leaders’ reveals humility via actions such as active listening to their followers needs and allowing them to devise appropriate measures without complicating them by any chance (Petrenko, Aime, Recendes & Chandler, 2019, p.02). For instance, in an organisational set up, charismatic leaders can persuade their employees to initiate ways they would wish the firm to reward them on long-term basis. Giving employees such opportunities increases their loyalty and sense of belonging from the company dimension. In reality, the humility of charismatic leaders’ avails via such deeds and freedom directed to the followers.

Substantial Impact

A good leader not only use the words of mouth for the purposes of existence but also engages active actions to touch the lives of followers. Apart from effective communication inherent from the charismatic leaders, they need to possess functional actions and thoughts to transform the company (Meier & O’Toole, 2017, p.48). The contemporary business arena seeks to employ individuals who are creative, innovative and plays active role in the company. Charismatic leaders proves to be capable on delivering substantial effects via helping employees realise their potentials in the organisation. In essence, the followers are immediate reflection of their leaders regarding communication skills they use and level of reasoning deployed to impact firm’s sectors.

Similarities between transformational and Charismatic leadership

One of the similarities between the two versions of leadership formats is the element of followers linking both styles. Both transformational and charismatic leadership has followers who depend on their existence for guidance in an organisation (Darke, 2020). Depending on the background of the leadership, followers might various but they adhere to the directions from their leaders. Again, ability to serve as the role model unites both transformational and charismatic leaders under the same roof. In other words, both leadership style traces leaders to possess trust and respect attributes, which followers emulates and observe daily.

There is no doubt that both transformational and charismatic leaders motivates and inspires their followers depending on the nature of situations (Muchiri, McMurray, Nkhoma & Pham, 2019, p.04). For example, if the followers are going hard moments while in the workplace, the leaders offer their support and comfort. The eagerness to inspire employees is to induce positive change not only at the organisational unit but also individual wise. Both transformative and charismatic leaders sacrifice their time and resources to listen and address the employees on appropriate solutions to solve their problems. Thus, motivation is a significant factor connecting both transformational and charismatic leadership style.

Differences between transformational and Charismatic leadership

Transformational leadership emphasises on the role played by a single follower or employee in the organisation. Here, a leader will dedicate time and efforts to understand weaknesses and strengths experienced by an individual follower to help them improve upon their conditions. On the other hand, charismatic leaders focus on addressing the needs of the followers on a whole and not at the individual disposal (Darke, 2020). It is worth noting that charismatic leaders focus on the larger group of employees while bringing positive change unto their challenges. Another potential difference is that intellectual creativity emanates from transformational leadership unlike charismatic style. Charismatic leadership only requires leaders themselves to remain substantial in words and actions directed to the followers.

Leadership Development Programme

Importance of leadership training and development for organisations

Nurturing employees talents and capacities

Different organisation conduct leadership training initiatives to nurture the potentialities exhibited by their employees (Shimoon, 2019). Indeed, the majority of individuals have ability to lead at the corporate levels but they need adequate information that makes a good leader in the marketplace. Both public and private firms take front seats to train their workforce regarding leadership traits to nurture their skills for smooth running of events in their midst. In cases where the firms most experience leaders retire or get dismissed, they require replacement for such positions. For example, global automotive companies like Volkswagen require aggressive and character oriented leader with broad base knowledge in technological innovation affecting their manufacturing units. Thus, offering adequate training would help such organisations to remain competent in leadership and management techniques.

Employee satisfaction

Leadership training is a primary programme that facilitate employee satisfaction in their docket while in the organisation (Shimoon, 2019). The training initiative does not imply individuals are incompetent for work assigned by rather to check on the multiple factors affecting a working place. For instance, effective leadership development is essential for both employees and their seniors to improve the performance and productivity. With effective leadership at hand, the management presents the employees with appropriate working conditions that are efficient and fruitful. Also, well-grounded leadership gives employees opportunity to choose a wide range of rewards from the company premises. research indicate nearly 55% of employee prefer career growth than remuneration programmes (Westfall, 2019). Thus, adequate leadership training and development help employee to remain productive.

Organisation success

Good and effective leadership is a reflection of success regarding company goals and objectives. The essence of developing leadership programmes is to mentor and raise responsible leaders in the scope of firm management (Hall, 2020). Companies conduct training initiatives aiming to transform, equip and sharpen their leaders with developing leadership traits necessary in the industrial platforms. More interestingly, employees will feel secure and motivated via working under informed and understanding leaders in efforts to achieve the anticipated company vision. For example, training reminds leaders they are personnel for guiding their followers or employees and not objects for causing chaos or frustration in the workplace. Companies conduct leadership and mentorship programmes for their success in the industry.

Striking balance between company operations and employees

Companies promote leadership training events to allow their leaders acquire knowledge on ways to manage firm’s operations and employees. Primarily, leadership development enables individual leaders to strike balance how they supervise employees without compromising their rights at workplace (Shimoon, 2019). For instance, the training is useful observing employees’ behaviour, working conditions and necessary skills as the company advance from one phase to another. In such a scenario, it take well-experienced leaders to place different employees on the critical units like processing or packaging depending on the level of expertise. In return, the efforts to induce such measures reflects in either success or failure of the company. It means leadership development events plays a greater role in balancing of activities from both leadership and managerial orientation.

Mary Sea Cole Programme

It is an initiative for facilitating leadership and management skills to improve confidence at individual and success rate in an organisational level. The collaboration between NHS and international experts like Korn Ferry Hay Group contributed to this programme for leadership and management concerns (NHS Leadership Academy, 2020). The programme package comes in a duration of nearly six months to equip individuals with all aspects of leadership in a healthcare. The method takes into account individuals enrolling in the first formal jobs that demand effective leadership capabilities to be productive and aggressive. Kate Ward, a beneficiary of this programme terms it to be professional and useful in equipping individuals in all aspects of leadership for life. The clinical team manager implies the programme changed her positively right from speaking and listening skills. The next section discusses Mary Seacole programme eligibility criteria, structure, training techniques and final intended results respectively.

Eligibility criteria

The programme design allows individuals to acquire leadership skills regarding healthcare platform. The initiative applies only to the first time individuals willing to learn leadership strategies and skills on healthcare sector. Of relevance significance, the programme permit leaders intending to work under formal sector like healthcare arena with duties involving provision of customer-based services (NHS Leadership Academy, 2020).. Mary Seacole programme emphasise leaders ought to relate their skills and the workplace to eliminate any form of doubts. For example, an individual leader cannot enroll under this initiative with intentions to gain skills on automotive or political segments. The programme is open for all health related cases but does not specify the age limit for successful candidates.

Programme structure

Mary Seacole initiative allows leaders to undergo at least a hundred hours studying online in six months period. The learners also pertake behavioural workshops, which are face-to-face and locally based (NHS Leadership Academy, 2020). They are two approaches in which potential individuals can undertake the programme. Firstly, an individual can opt to use the nationally multiple intakes available through the year. Secondly, the management gives room for learners to enroll via locally-tailored initiative guided by their immediate primary care or healthcare organisation. The programme structure provides two techniques of accessing learning activities across the institutions. One way is through NHS leadership measures like use of films, interactive content and online resources. Also, there is use of workshops involving face-to-face with facilitators across the country.

The total units for this programme are twelve and each goes for more than five hours within the online platforms. The twelve units comes in two shifts, to break the bulk and ease learning during sessions. From unit one to eight, it entails all matters pertaining leadership but again build on the subsequent modules. The other units that is nine to twelve are a little bit flexible and can originate from any part of the programme. However, they must serve the needs of the core management expertise in areas such as finance, Human Resource and recruitment and selection. They can also cover content on appraisals and aspects on annual review constituting the programme. Of greater importance, the assessment occurs online with priority given to expert workshops who supervise a project of two thousand words for leadership skills competency and approval.

Training methods

There exits different healthcare platforms in the United Kingdom, the training techniques tend to vary from one place to another (NHS Leadership Academy, 2020).. Mary Seacole programme rolls out particular cohort dates in which experts offers training to the potential registered members. Of worth noting, the training comes in form of workshops in different regions. Some of the areas within the UK that host these workshops include but not limited to Cohort 94 in London, Cohort 95 Birmingham and Cohort 96 in London respectively. Both Cohorts dates comprise three workshops session for facilitating the training per region. The workshops mentioned in this segment are usually face-to-face with the healthcare experts.

Intended outcomes

One of the expected results after undertaking the Mary Seacole Programme include ability to put learned theory into practise in matters pertaining healthcare. The individual leaders who complete the programme develops effective communication and listening skills for conversing with clients within their workplace. A typical example comes from Kate Ward, who developed incredible personal skills in term of speaking and professional handling of formal responsibilities in healthcare settings. The overall programme outcome is to nurture responsible leaders in the field of healthcare for consistent success upon individual and organisational wise.

Benefits of Mary Seacole Leadership Programme

Individual benefits

Mary Seacole Programme equips individuals to emulate and practise right leadership formats and not comparing themselves with their peers (NHS Leadership Academy, 2020). Here, the programme advances an individual with specific skills in line with healthcare arena. It equips an individual to recognise the particular leadership style the fits their abilities and strengths while serving under formal duties. For example, an individual with anger emotions will avoid revealing such traits while dealing with the patients or customers in the clinic perspective. The programme gives an individual the mandate and capacity to direct and implement critical changes in healthcare-oriented field. In other words, leaders who have passed via this module, can call for necessary changes affecting healthcare organisations. The initiative focus on improving emotional intelligence and individual awareness on work environment to avoid confusion and embarrassment.

Organisational benefits

The programme prepares individual leaders for succession purposes at the organisational scale. Considering the programme runs countrywide, it helps healthcare departments to outsource competent leaders with particular abilities and skills without any shortage (NHS Leadership Academy, 2020). The programme offers a couple of professional skills across the units scheduled in various workshops. For example, leaders are able to learn professional skills on matters pertaining finance, Human Resource and Appraisal Reviews vital in daily organisational operations. Despite effective communication and listening skills shaping a leader, professional background of the organisational activities is critical for running events. It is the reason why Mary Seacole offers broad knowledge on the organisational skills from units’ nine to twelve to the registered candidates.

The better aspect encompassing the Mary Seacole initiative it provides evidence-based results for making positive decisions. Unlike other firms, healthcare settings requires personnel to follow evidence-based programmes and practises that can apply to verify the anticipated results observing high levels of accuracy. Evidence-based approaches enable leaders to impact the organisation in a positive manner. One way include providing their results and outcomes basing their argument under the established facts (Aloini et al., 2018). Also, leaders are capable provide working solutions especially in matters of healthcare affecting organisation at all levels. Mary Seacole increases organisation potentiality to arrive at powerful strategies via intelligent leaders. Healthcare organisation benefits extensively as a result of using highly qualified strategists leaders for achieving intended objectives.


Leadership and management concepts have a huge role in an organisational set up to lead the followers and daily activities. However, right from the discussion, there exist various differences between the two concepts in organisational perspective. Leadership is all about using emotional intelligence as portrayed by Goleman. Again, leadership involves listening to the followers and not leaders opinions. On the contrary, management entails professionalism procedures employed by individuals to direct employees according to the organisation rules. Unlike leaders, managers serve as the supervisors of the junior employee authoritatively. However, leaders and managers have the spirit of helping their followers and subjects perform better within their workplace.

Transformational leadership theory depicts clear visionary and goal achieving technique of solving problems affecting a group of people. The theory also emphasise on individual empowering of the employees to realise their capabilities. Charismatic leadership involves professional way of persuading employees in an effective communication. Charismatic leaders portray maturity in handling the firm technical aspects like addressing employees’ ways to improve the company growth. Both frameworks encourage employee motivation and inspiration for higher performance. The difference between the two theories is the nature of empowering employees in developing their talents and capabilities. Transformational leadership reaches individual employee unlike charismatic approach that focus on the entire group members.

Mary Seacole Programme is a useful leadership development initiative that shapes leaders healthcare wise. The programme structure allows learners to undergo a hundred hours of online study for six months. It entails twelve units each going for five hours facilitated in the online sites. Workshops are part of this programme for assessing the leadership capabilities gained by individual leaders. The programme prepares leaders to transform theoretical narrative into practical realities in the healthcare fraternity. The initiative helps healthcare organisations to absorb competent successors within their system.






Aloini, D., Cannavacciuolo, L., Gitto, S., Lettieri, E., Malighetti, P. and Visintin, F., 2018. Evidence-based management for performance improvement in healthcare. Management Decision.

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Riggio, R., 2012. What Is Charisma And Charismatic Leadership? [Online] Psychology Today. Available at: <> [Accessed 21 March 2020].

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Westfall, C., 2019. New Survey: Nearly Half Of Workers Unsatisfied With Learning And Development Programs. [online] Forbes. Available at: <> [Accessed 21 March 2020].











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