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Leadership Evaluation

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Leadership Evaluation

A.    Organization

For the past five years, I have worked for ABC Tech Solutions as a Project Manager in this dynamic technology consulting firm. ABC Tech Solutions is a company that focuses on creating unique IT solutions for healthcare, finance and manufacturing customers. The organization’s overall objective is to utilize advanced technologies to increase operational proficiency, minimize business processes and empower clients with a credible competitive advantage within their industries (Farida & Setiawan, 2022). The core element of the mission of ABC Tech Solutions is to revolutionize digital transformation, build long-term client relationships and ensure customer success at its best. Through its commitment to leading technological innovation, ABC Tech Solutions matches and exceeds client expectations and maintains its reputation as an industry leader. As a Project Manager, my work within the organization entails working with cross-functional teams to push projects toward these goals, leading ABC Tech Solutions toward success and innovation.

Leadership Practices

Integral to the current leader’s strong leadership style is a dedication to a framework for collective decision-making, which fosters an open and welcoming atmosphere that resonates with team members. By focusing on teamwork, the leader not only appreciates but deliberately seeks out contrary opinions and thereby can encourage a sense of belonging and involvement among followers (Maalouf, 2019). With the introduction of regular team meetings and open forums, this approach becomes central to creating structured environments for sharing ideas and opinions. This purposeful transparency provides a broader perspective on challenges and opportunities and guarantees that decisions are enhanced by the knowledge inherent in an organization (Maalouf, 2019). The leader’s ability to consider the input of different members leads to informed decisions, which is reflective of a team that represents various strengths and knowledge, thus providing dynamic innovation at ABC Tech Solutions.

In addition to emphasizing working together, the present leader of ABC Tech Solutions stands out as a strong supporter of transparent communication. This leadership strategy is crucial in creating an atmosphere of transparency, where the flow of information effortlessly passes through various levels within the organization (Masionis, 2022). The leader’s commitment is also established through the routine release of updated information that includes company objectives, strategic initiatives, and possible threats to all members. First, transparent communication ensures that employees have clear information on the broader organizational setting while at the same time cultivating a culture of trust and accountability. Fueled by a deep understanding of the company’s path, team members believe in their responsibilities and see how all individual actions are connected to overall organizational goals (Masionis, 2022). Therefore, transparency becomes the foundation for building a cohesive and well-informed workforce in ABC Tech Solutions.

Moreover, the present leader at ABC Tech Solutions stresses their commitment to supporting professional growth as an essential part of leadership. The leader is very much involved in actively promoting the development of employees by introducing various avenues, which include intensive training programs, mentorship opportunities and capacity-building initiatives (Nadolna, 2020). This strategic investment guarantees that team members are provided with the necessary tools and resources required for their development in the field of labour. Based on a proactive approach to developing talents, it becomes an individual enrichment process that ensures both organizational robustness and responsiveness (Kim & Cruz, 2022). This approach to the view of professional development as a primary influence in developing individual capabilities also helps create an effective, productive work climate that stands by transparency and continuous learning. Using these coordinated leadership practices, the current leader has created a workplace culture at ABC Tech Solutions that celebrates its employees’ professional road and drives the company forward to sustained success in an ever-changing technology consulting scenario.

Current Leader Organizational Culture Effect

Under the current leadership, ABC Tech Solutions has undergone a significant cultural shift, impacting not just the team but the entire organization. Central to this transformation is a collaborative culture instilled by the leader, emphasizing inclusive decision-making and fostering a sense of shared ownership among team members (Bagga et al., 2022). This approach has elevated the belief that every individual’s contribution is integral to the company’s success. Regular team meetings and open forums initiated by the leader have become vital in promoting open dialogue and a collective sense of responsibility, enhancing creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Concurrently, the leader’s commitment to open communication has fostered transparency and sharing at all levels, ensuring that every team member is informed and participating in the organization (Fuertes et al., 2020). ABC Tech Solutions has become a cohesive, communicative, and creative workplace based on trust and accountability, establishing itself for long-term success in technology consulting.

Organization SWOT Analysis


A solid technological framework is at the heart of ABC Tech Solutions’s success. Strategic investments in cutting-edge hardware, software, and network capabilities have put the company at the cutting edge of technological progress. With this dedication, ABC Tech Solutions becomes a leader in its field, allowing it to provide clients with new and effective solutions (Imerman & Fabozzi, 2020). When a company uses technology well, it improves its operational efficiency and shows how skilled it is. Additionally, clients gain from knowing they are working with a dependable, tech-savvy company. In addition to offering that ABC Tech Solutions is dedicated to staying ahead, this wide range of technological skills also strengthens the company’s place as a reliable and competitive player in the constantly changing technology consulting market.

Another key strength lies in the organization’s diverse and skilled workforce. A team with a wide range of technical knowledge is created at ABC Tech Solutions by emphasizing hiring and keeping good employees (Hongal & Kinange, 2020). Employees with various skills help the company deal with complex problems and give clients complete answers. Additionally, the team stays current on industry trends and new technologies thanks to ongoing professional growth and training programs. This human capital strength improves the company’s ability to adapt, which also helps it build an image as a thought leader and innovator in the technology consulting field (Hongal & Kinange, 2020). Two key strengths that set ABC Tech Solutions up for long-term success and market control are its solid technological infrastructure and diverse, skilled workforce.


Due to the company’s rapid growth and expansion, communication silos occur between different teams and departments, which appear to be a significant problem for ABC Tech Solutions. Other operational units, each with its specific purpose, have created separation and communication problems without meaning (Agren et al., 2022). This problem with the smooth flow of information throughout the company could be a threat because it makes it harder for people to work together and increases the chance of doing the same work twice or not feeling like the overall strategic direction is being followed. Implementing cross-functional communication routes is what ABC Tech Solutions needs to do to solve this problem (Agren et al., 2022). Establishing such a program is essential for creating a more connected and cooperative workplace by ensuring information flows easily between departments and teams. This will eventually improve the organization’s flexibility and unity as it works to achieve its strategic goals.

Along with problems with communication, one big problem for ABC Tech Solutions is that it has a limited amount of local and global influence. As advanced as the company’s technology is, it may yet to fully explore foreign markets or build a solid customer base worldwide (Skare & Soriano, 2021). This limitation could stop the company from growing and learning about different business environments. ABC Tech Solutions might need to develop an expansion strategy to fix this weakness by looking for ways to spread its global reach. This could mean targeting marketing, forming partnerships with foreign groups, or opening satellite offices in essential areas. As a result of aggressively fixing these flaws, ABC Tech Solutions can improve its internal communication systems and open up new growth and market penetration opportunities.


First, even though the company is very good at technology, there is a chance that it has yet to be taken advantage of in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). With more and more industries wanting intelligent, data-driven solutions, ABC Tech Solutions could find a niche by becoming more knowledgeable and giving more AI and ML technologies (James, 2023). The company’s current strengths lie in technological innovation, and this untapped chance could lead to the creation of cutting-edge solutions that meet clients’ changing needs. ABC Tech Solutions can become a leader in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence by putting money into research and development in these areas and widely advertising its AI and machine learning services.

Additionally, the possibility of expanding markets around the world is another untapped opportunity. As a local leader, ABC Tech Solutions has much-untapped potential to grow its business by entering foreign markets. Technology consulting services are in high demand worldwide, and companies are becoming more globalized (Skare & Soriano, 2021). ABC Tech Solutions could gain a lot from strategic initiatives that aim to enter new geographical markets. This could mean forming relationships with companies from other countries, changing services to fit the needs of businesses worldwide, and revamping marketing strategies to work in various cultural settings. Utilizing this untapped chance grants ABC Tech Solutions more customers and ways to make money, supporting long-term growth in a world where businesses are becoming more linked.


The company is constantly threatened by the speed with which technology is changing. Fast-changing technology means that ABC Tech Solutions could become obsolete if they do not quickly adopt new trends and technologies. As a result of this unresolved threat, the company needs to take a proactive approach and spend on ongoing research and development to keep up with changes in the industry and encourage a culture of innovation (Addison, 2021). Dealing with this threat head-on will help ABC Tech Solutions become a flexible and quick-thinking company ready to take advantage of new possibilities instead of being easily daunted by problems when technology changes.

Furthermore, Hacking holes in the company’s computers are also a significant problem that needs to be fixed. Cyberattacks and data breaches are more likely to happen as technology becomes more critical to business methods (Yaacoub et al., 2023). Never-ending online threats put the company’s private data at risk and hurt customers’ trust. To reduce this danger, ABC Tech Solutions must put money into solid cybersecurity measures, such as regular assessments, teaching employees about security protocols, and keeping up with the newest cybersecurity technologies. Prioritizing cybersecurity helps the company strengthen its defences against possible dangers, keeping its assets and customers’ trust safe.

Leadership Evaluation of the Current Leader


Visionary Leadership

Leaders at ABC Tech Solutions are firmly committed to visionary leadership, an important part of the transformational leadership plan. Leading by setting a clear goal for the organization’s future through regular and compelling communication inspires and motivates teams (Khoiri, 2020). In addition to giving people a feeling of purpose, this forward-looking approach helps them all work together toward a common goal, which creates an organizational culture that is cohesive and focused on the future. As the larger body of writing on leadership has shown, this alignment with transformational principles stresses the leader’s ability to give everyone a sense of purpose.

Individualized Consideration

A crucial part of transformational leadership is the leader’s skillful use of individual thought, which goes well with this strength. When dealing with each team member’s different wants and needs, the leader uses one-on-one interactions to provide guidance and support specific to each person’s skills and areas for growth (Schiuma et al., 2021). The dedication to comprehending and dealing with the unique traits of team members greatly aids their professional and personal development. Leadership improves teamwork and job happiness by creating an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and supported.

Inspirational Motivation

Additionally, the leader is great at inspiring and motivating people, another essential part of the transformational leadership strategy. Leaders help create a good work environment by encouraging enthusiasm and optimism. This strength makes The workforce feel more committed and confident (Nadolna, 2020). A leader’s ability to inspire and motivate people through contagious enthusiasm and optimism shows a style of leadership that goes beyond task-oriented instructions and stresses the value of a positive and cooperative workplace. These specific strengths comprise ABC Tech Solutions’ leadership style, which focuses on a shared vision, personal support, and an inspiring and motivating work environment.


Risk Aversion:

Risk aversion is a weakness seen in the present leadership at ABC Tech Solutions. The current leader wants to avoid taking some risks, but transformational leaders are known for being willing to do so in pursuit of a shared goal (Khan et al., 2020). This hesitancy could make it harder for the company to take advantage of new possibilities. By thinking ahead and being willing to take risks, leaders in this model are expected to steer the company toward new, possibly beneficial areas. As technology changes quickly, the leader’s fear of taking risks could stop people from exploring new areas, limiting the company’s ability to develop new ideas and adapt to new situations.

Limited Delegation:

The leader’s tendency to only give out small amounts of jobs and responsibility is another major weakness. Enabling others by delegating tasks is a central idea in the transformational leadership model. On the other hand, observed reluctance to trust widely may limit team autonomy and growth opportunities for individuals within the company (Chen et al., 2020). Leadership experts say that giving their teams essential tasks will provide them with a sense of ownership and accountability. The leader’s tendency to limit delegation could unintentionally slow down the growth of team members, stopping them from reaching their full potential and determining the organization’s ability to deal with complex problems as a whole.

Communication Gaps:

Furthermore, the leader sometimes needs to communicate clearly, which makes inspiring motivation less influential within the transformational leadership framework. Communicating clearly and consistently is essential in this model, and if communication breaks, it can lead to confusion or a lack of unity within the team. Leaders who transform organizations are great at communicating and ensuring everyone understands and supports the organization’s goal (Cherry, 2023). The leader’s method sometimes includes communication gaps that could make it harder to share a clear vision, making it harder for the team to understand and commit to ultimate goals. The influence of transformational leadership at ABC Tech Solutions must be improved by focusing on risk tolerance, delegation, and communication effectiveness.

Recommendations for Improvement:

Embrace Calculated Risks:

Leaders must take calculated risks that align with the organization’s overall vision to fix the weakness that has been found in risk aversion. That means creating a community that encourages trying new things and sees the value in learning from mistakes. The organization can create a space where taking calculated risks is accepted and praised by pushing people to see setbacks as chances for growth and new ideas (Khan et al., 2020). The transformational leadership model stresses taking risks, which leads the company to new opportunities and horizons

Develop Delegation Skills:

The leader’s top priority should be addressing the problem of needing help to delegate. This is part of establishing trust in team members by giving them more significant tasks and the needed help and direction. Delegating tasks correctly lets team members take responsibility for their functions and makes the workplace more collaborative. According to the ideas of transformational leadership by Chen et al. (2020), a leader can create a collaborative environment that encourages group growth and innovation by strategically delegating tasks to different team members.

Enhance Communication Strategies:

Leaders should focus on improving communication within the company to close communication gaps. Enforcing the organization’s mission regularly means setting up clear and regular communication channels. Additionally, constantly asking team members for feedback can give you helpful information about how well your communication efforts work. Cherry (2023) explains that transformational leaders must clearly express their vision. By improving communication, the leader can close communication gaps, clear up confusion, and help team members understand goals more strongly (Cherry, 2023). To make the team aligned with the organization’s vision and driven to help make it a reality, this all-encompassing way of communicating is essential.




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