mini research paper
In this assignment, you will compose a “mini research paper”, which we will work on collaboratively together for the months of October and November. During this month, we will practice
- locating pertinent research sources,
- citing relevant material from research using MLA style
- creating engaging introductions and conclusions
- organizing our ideas logically and compellingly, and making our argument flow with the use of
You will be graded on these key aspects we will be practicing in class, as well as[unique_solution]
- your writing skills
- your use of TSIS/writing enhancement techniques. You can find a more detailed rubric on the back of this sheet.
Though you have a month to decide based on our collaborative classwork, ultimately you must write your mini-research essay on ONE of the following research questions:
- “Why is Failure Vital and Valuable? : Findings from Research Studies & Beyond”
- “Why Is Literature Useful and Significant?: Findings from Research & Beyond”
- “How to be a Successful AND Happy Undergraduate Student?: Findings from
Research Studies & Beyond”