Modifying Car Brakes
Faulty brakes are the leading reason behind a large percentage of accidents on the road. As a car gets old, its probability of causing an accident and overall wear and tear increases with time. Improving the breaks serves to ensure an overall increase in the safety of the car. Improving breaks also increases safety for other road users and improves the general performance of a motor vehicle. There are, however, arguments that cars are manufactured with the rights specifications that are tested and proven to increase efficiency. Tampering with the braking system will interfere with the normal working of the car and reduce the overall safety of the motor vehicle (Vogel & Bester, 2005). Some drivers hack the normal working of the car to increase speed. To compensate for the increased speed, the drivers will also interfere with the braking systems to accommodate the adjustment in speed.
Modern motor vehicles have been fitted with computer systems that regulate the normal working of the vehicle. The digital systems onboard the cars further adjust performance towards improving the effectiveness of the vehicles. The adoption of technology in motor vehicle systems has further increased the development of laws regarding the management of the vehicles. A South African based study in accidents in Western Cape revealed that faulty brakes contribute to a large number of accidents. The majority of people who seek to upgrade their brakes do so to deal with brake fade. Studies have, however, shown that brake fade is not permanent, and once the brakes cool down, they normalize on their performance (Nasasira, 2020). Studies showed that brake fade is caused by the desire to drive fast among drivers. The condition is also caused by careless driving and human error. Therefore, there is no need to increase braking features. Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
Any adjustments made to a car tamper with the original modification and functioning of the car. Cars are manufactured with specific patterns, and adjustments in fuel intake or power without adjustment in braking will lead to hampered performance. Many of those who try to modify their motor vehicle parts fail to conduct a wholesome upgrade leading to poor stability. There is no lack of proper technical expertise that can be employed by third party engineers to conduct proper management of the car systems. Therefore, any adjustment in the braking system leads to reduced stability and reduced efficiency in the cars (SDT, 2020).
Regenerative braking systems are one of the modern braking systems that are being employed by various auto manufacturers. The system offers assisted braking to users and converts recaptured energy into braking energy. The system works by channeling torque to the braking pistons towards improving the performance and efficiency of the motor vehicle. The torque is delivered at differential rates; therefore, it may have an impact on the motors vehicles which run with a hub. Certain deceleration rates fail to activate the onboard braking system leading to reduced safety. This is one of the cases where the technology-aided system have failed to increase safety (Oleksowicz, Ruta, Burnham, Curry, & Garces, 2013). This is also caused by the overall desire of motor users to interfere with the onboard system to increase torque in the car. Installing aftermarket modifications such as cold air intakes, among other modifications reduces safety. This is because the adjustments will have a resulting implication of the onboard security system and lead to uncontrolled braking power. Since the majority of car enthusiasts will fail to recalibrate the system following an upgrade, there is likely to be an increase in error and reduces stability in the car.
Annotated Bibliography
SDT. (2020). Braking Systems. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from
When making upgrades to their cars, people fail to upgrade the braking system; therefore, interfering with the normal functionality of the car. The original parts and systems of the car are optimized to ensure the car can meet various driving terrains. Improving one attribute of the car without taking into consideration other aspects of performance, such as braking, will reduce the stability of the car. This is because the car is not calibrated to operate within the conditions created. This further reduces the ability of the driver to control the car with ease in the event of an incident.
Oleksowicz, S., Ruta, M., Burnham, K., Curry, E., & Garces, H. (2013). Legal, Safety and Practical Regenerative Braking Control Challenges. Measurement and Control, 46(9), 283-288.
Modern cars come with onboard computer-aided braking systems. These systems determine the extent to which a driver will be assisted in bringing the car to a halt. Depending on the pressure exerted while braking, the system will determine the force to apply on various aspects of the car, such as braking. Trying to make modifications to a car will destroy the normal functioning of the car and lead to reduces performance and stability, among other challenges. The car will also experience reduced ABS aid in braking compromising the stability of the car.
Vogel, L., & Bester, C. (2005). A relationship between accident types and causes. SATC.
Nasasira, R. (2020). Understanding brake fade and how to prevent it. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from
SDT. (2020). Braking Systems. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from
Oleksowicz, S., Ruta, M., Burnham, K., Curry, E., & Garces, H. (2013). Legal, Safety and Practical Regenerative Braking Control Challenges. Measurement and Control, 46(9), 283-288.