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Money management

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Money management

Money management is essential since it helps a student manage money based on the demands. Managing this expense is vital due to the expensive life associated with the school. Campus life is exciting to students who have come from high school and may think it easy to manage themselves. This resource is scarce, and one has to distribute it effectively since one is no longer at the comfort and warmth of their parents. The writing will look at why it is important to manage money for a student in these times.

Inadequate skills are among the reasons that can lead to low retention rates. Organization in students is vital due to many needs and should be managed with this scarce resource. Students have to be trained at an early age by parents and guardians that money is not always available. They are tempted to spend their money on non-essentialcommodities like food and drinks instead of paying their rents.  Family and friends should come and help these students and give them tips on how they can save.

Financial stress is among the many challenges that may affect a student’sperformance. This issue is a challenge affecting many students who have no skills in managing their little finances. Debts characterize these students, and if they grow to another level, they are likely to drop out of school. Due to the availability of accessible loan platforms, they tend to borrow without managing their appetites. Over borrowing leads to students staying a luxurious life that is driven by loans. In these situations, they are likely to face confrontations from friends whom they have borrowed cash.

Managing cash based on priorities is fundamental in the future since they become responsible parents. It is vital to learn to base expenses on the little finances at the college level. Debts and savings form crucial bases for any adults, and if one bases his life on the priorities, one is guaranteed he or she will pay back the lenders. Responsible adults are based on good financial habits that lead one to default financial obligations. It is essential for any student not to underestimate the debt no matter how small it is. Some students are shocked that they are debts are increasing without understanding how they used the money. It is associated with students borrowing money in order to settle other debts, and this is shocking.

Being financially literate helps one grow up with concepts like budgeting, credit scores, and debt management. Forming these bases helps one grow to be successful business managers. It is essential at this age that students know how to manage their finances since they know stakes associated if one is unable to manage finances. It is incredible to note that students who are able to manage their money create faith in themselves, fellow students, and lenders.

In conclusion, it has been noted that managing money at an early stage forms an incredible base of being a responsible adult. It is challenging for any student to manage their money due to the many needs associated with campus life. Financial literate students know the stakes associated with this scarce resource. Therefore, it is vital for any student to manage their money since it may create an impact both directly or indirectly, to other external stakeholders.

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