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Operational management

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Operational management


Operational management as equipment constitute a major part of good business management. These equipments are very expensive and purchasing them require the establishment of a sound process in the execution of operational management of projects. Most equipments are protocal to catch up with technological innovations, competition, customer pressure for quality services admitting a standard quality operational management.

This research examined the critical factors that a operational project manager need to look out for when undertaking best way of managing business equipment procurement operational management project , using as case study. Eleven critical success factors were identified and ranked in order of importance:

Table of Content


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………1

1.1 Objective……………………………………………………………………………………………………..1

1.2 Statement of problem……………………………………………………………………………………1

1.3 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1

  1. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………2
  2. Review of Literatures………………………………………………………………………………………3

3.1 Operational Success factors…………………………………………………………………………….3

  1. Data Collection and Analysis……………………………………………………………………………4

4.1 Data Collection Method………………………………………………………………………………..4

4.2 Questionnaire design…………………………………………………………………………………….4

  1. Research Findings and Analysis……………………………………………………………………….5
  2. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
  3. Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………………..7





  1. Introduction

There are so many organizations are using operational project management approach to bring about the change needed to meet organizational goals and objectives.Around the world, it is difficult to find two operational management situations that are the same. This is partly because every operation, be it internal or external, offshore or onshore, carried out by an organization is different, with its own critical rare set of challenges. Organizations initiate good operational management with the best of intentions to succeed. But due to complex challenges occurs in nature interferes with it’s activities.Nature of operational management activities, and the challenges associated with managing a project starting with its restriction or constraints of budget, quality and time are also unique and ever changing.The management of project constraints explains, if not fully, why many operational management fail.Like any other organizational endeavors, projects are part of a wider super-system of an organization and are also influenced by both internal and external forces in a super system. Some external forces like government regulations, environmental forces, society, pressure groups, financial markets, labor markets, technology, customer influence, shareholder etc. are very dynamic and much erratic. Internal forces also like changes in operating processes, management style, resources allocation, skills, internal conflicts etc. are becoming more adaptive to the external environment. Hence, managing the business operation in this mix of dynamic factors requires a lot from operational managers and also show how easy it is for a operation and management to fail.The above scenario has led to assumptions by many project management professionals in many industry sectors that if project and line managers can identify what constitute a operational management success and the factors that determine a successful outcome of a business parastatal, they can improve their performance (Annarelli and Nonino p.9). However, identifying those factors that can make a project succeed is difficult and cumbersome. stated that there are no clear proof linking a project success factor and actual project success. Again, different industry sectors have their own perception of success and failure, and what factors can contribute to either.

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The information technology (IT) sector is the most dynamic and innovative sector. New technologies are main facilitating factors for good operational alignment through coming up and competing among themselves. The technological devices you see the aup inindustry which constitutes a big part of the IT industry is always at the center of these technological changes, hence, have to deal with repeated processes of procuring new equipments and materials for their operations pointed that equipment procurements are frequent and how to optimize procurement decisions to reduce.

1.1. Objective

The Main objective of this paper is to identify key  operational management success factors that can help business managers succeed in the execution of their Operational activities using telecommunication network equipment system online. In line with the above objective, this work will also seek to rank the critical success factors in their good operational management which is order of importance.

1.2. Statement of Problem

There are so many problems around the world that keepsfailing, resulting in loss of millions of dollar for organizations. The challenge has led many operational management professionals to attempt to identify the critical factors that need to be deal withon head using good procurement methods.The produce yields successful operational management outcome. There so many concepts obtain from literatures on critical success factors for specific industry sectors, or specific country situation, and very little empirical research on critical success factors for specific organizational operational unit, like operational department, managerialdepartment . In some instances, a few literatures exist on the critical success factors of operational management on a particular part of the business organisation life cycle, like risk management, planning, investment, but rarely on operational management. This has inspired me to carry out preliminary research on identifying the most critical success factors that need to be managed carefully during operational discussion on management network equipment operating device used in management 1.3. Scope

This term paper work is focused mainly on identifying the critical success factors that affects the success or failure of operational management in business set up.

Sample of Base operational management structure.

AUthentication Center top management

BOC –Base operational Controller

BTS –Base telecommunication Station

EIR –Equipment Identity Register

HLR –Home Location Register

MS –Mobile Station

MSC –Mobile services Switching Center

NMC –Network Management Center

OMC –Operation and Maintenance Center

VLR –Visitor Location Register

  1. Research Methodology

This Peper its main agenda was  at identifying the critical success factors for operational business management structured  good operational equipment burning management using quantitative statistical method and, a qualitative case study such as online networking for communication. The main resources consist of information gathered from business involved different structures and lavels (Bolyn et al p.1114). The company’s professional ethical conduct is followed strictly using equipment operational manager especially from direct competitors for their inputs and outputs.

The paper focuses only in network operating equipment for proper management of business, involving staff of business management, network roll-out good communication and companies relation, operating at various levels of departments. domain transformation activities and contract management involved in the network equipment operating management. Direct telephone business operation are used to gather information from different levels business structure.

A standard questionnaire was administered to other respondents via telephone to monitor the business operation, using confidential contact information obtained from the

business parastatal. The findings from the term paper are benchmark with research association. The next section will begin with a review of relevant literatures, followed by data collection and analysis, research findings, conclusion, recommend.

  1. Methodology

Research is critical and costly for their strategy and development plans to meet tagageted objectives.Therefore,operational management have become a center piece of telecommunications operational management. This paper work is set to identify those factors that make network equipment set of operational business management to succeed  as a case study. Networking was launched in marginalized world as part of good operational management of so many businesses. There are so many telecommunication companies offering networking using mobile communication and related products and services to individuals and business. Networking operates in three continents, Africa, Europe and Middle East,. The largest locate management in the globe such as US, middle East, Europe and Africa. These contribute to total revenue of the globe which reach about R 121,9 billion (south africa’s currenecy) and spent over R 17,7 billion on network infrastructure. The Many countries has a subscribers base of 41, 641 million and controls 50 percent market share . Its major operating competitors include, Airtel, Etisalat and Mtel for telecommunication which facilitate the business operational management.

  1. Review of Literatures

The dynamic nature of the global business environment, uncertainties in political environments, rapid technological advancements, financial markets instability, budgets and development struggle creates a very difficult scenario for project management professionals to achieve desired outcome when they execute projects. The operating business management is now more difficult than previously anticipated in all industry sectors, which makes it much difficult and complex to define the term succes. The factors to measure success are even unpredictable because of the unprecedented changes which project manager’s faces.

According to (Dufosse and Reiner p. 193) the operating business management success or failure and critical success factors is a means of understanding and improving the operational management process.This section will review literatures that will provide the understanding and explanation of critical success factors in operational management. The literature review will include Project success factors, Critical success factors and operational management.

3.1. Project Success

The operational management of the project  success is ambiguous.The stated that a best operational management is successful if it achieves the triple objective outcome of within time, scope, and quality. This is the traditional view of working management as used. Give implication of the successful achievement of time, cost and quality objectives, as well as the quality of the operational management process. Identifies on time, within budget and to specification especially for information technology operating as the standard for judging success. It stated that overall project success deals with the wider and longer term impact of the project, which means both operational management success and business product success. They noted that project management can be determined at the end of the term paper research how many weeks, which means in many cases, success criteria will be determine 30 days of data collection after finishing the operating management, especially family business(Oakley et al p.8). Hence, determining if  operational management weather is successful or meets difficulties if viewed from the above two success criteria. Use the concept project success in a different approach, viewing it as product success, which implies the quality and impact of the end product to the end user (in terms of satisfaction of user(s) needs, meeting strategic organizational objectives, satisfaction of stakeholders’ need) when a project execution is finished. Defined taken into consideration, one can largely expect that problems will be experienced which act as barriers to overall successful outcome”.

They identified critical success factors based on a stepwise structure, reflecting progression through operational management. They covered Scope operational management mission and goals, terms of references (Gaichas et al p.557).The planning at global level, planning at detail level execution .The control of financial investment and technical control, internal and external lynx operating for running the management. The critical success factors into four areas operating such as size, uniqueness, urgency and non-governmental organisation, the organization . The structure that works within the Operational management system support other links.The external environment the influential such as technological, financial, political .The top operating manager and his team operating in the require background and skills.On the identification of critical success factors for new product development, including a defined strategy and adequate research and development spending. Demonstrated how to use critical success factors to diagnose a Of the business. uses foundation for quality operating management model to categorize critical success factors; leadership and team, policy and strategy, stakeholder management, contracting, resources, and product management. multi –method to identify critical success factors for business and classified them as People rights mix of people, in terms of skill-based, role, and the type of people, Process as short-time-span, tight dateline, time for celebration, use of practice run.Task for meaningful and real, well, client accessible, well defined and Location appropriate venues with range of facilities. (Corsiglia & Hunter p.111) found a different set of critical success factors, senior operating management commitment, organization structure and risk management. there is a clear lack of understanding between  researchers regarding what factors affects operating management success. The disagreement is further hardened by the dynamic nature of the operating business environment as it tries to adapt to fast changes in technology. Below is a tabular presentation of critical success factors from seve operating managementsuccess as the “results much better than expected or normally observed in terms of cost, schedule, quality, safety and participant satisfaction”. operating management success to include technical performance and satisfaction among various people on the operation to clients.The operating business management team and users. operating managing information systems projects that time, cost, user satisfaction and the impact on computer operations.

However,  cautioned that stop operating managers should not only look at good operating strategies that leads to success as the achievement of some predetermined project goals, like time, cost, performance, quality and safety, but also consider the users who do not have similar predetermined goals regarding the project at all. Hence, the expectation on the outcome of the operating and the perception of project success or failure will be different for everyone. The above literatures points conclusion that success needs to be investigated from the perspective of active active operating team stakeholders as well as from that of their client and benefit recipients and in the theoretical and empirical practical review of critical success criteria and factors on any project.

  1. Data Collection and Analysis

4.1. Data Collection Method

Data collection is a vital part of most scientific research. In this thesis, data was collected from networking a case study through direct interview based on standard questions formulated to cover network equipment procurement and critical success factors of operational management .

A questionnaire was designed to collect information from other mobile

Operating management.  The questionnaire contain a set of simple and straight forward questions whose purpose is to collect particular data and information. This provides the basis to identify the critical success factors.Study of this nature, it is vital to define the samples. Samples is were considered based on the following criteria;

  1. Has been involve in operating management within the last three yearsb. The respondent is involved at least at one stage of the equipment procurement process.
  2. Currently works in the any of the mobile operating management in companies. Current position of the sample and experience.
  3. Repondents were draw from the following departments:
  4. Project management
  5. Operational
  6. Transmission
  7. Network Roll-Out (equipment installation and testing)

4.2. Questionnaire Design

The design of the questionnaire is very simple and direct to enable the respondents understand

what is required of them. The questionnaire contains three sections:

  1. Personal Information: This part consist of general information that shows the respondents background.
  2. Critical Success factors for operational management.This part investigates the critical success

factors the respondent identifie.

  1. Research Findings and Analysis of Research Findings.

The operating business managementenvironment is very unique and complicated in many respects. Many organizations work under pressure from divergent business and environmental factors. the operating business in Nigeria plan gives a good indication and successful business. Thier procurement process as shown above is carefully built to follow the recommendations of the PMBOK in conjunction with the local business environment (Gao, et al p.2019). Other  operators seems to identify similar critical success factors, except taking pricing as the number one factor of influence. The purpose of the research is to identify, from the point of view of MTN Nigeria, the critical success factors a project manager need to watch out carefully while executing an equipment operating management as well as rank them in order of importances. The factors which the respondents identified and thier ranking.

Standard 3

Top management support for Contract  andRelationship with supplier five

System training ,documentation Security Change management System Integration ,

and Performance management .Risk operating in business management mainly work on reduction of the risk in a successful business manager ranking of Critical Success.

  1. Conclusion

Operating management process follows the structural strategy record that record success recommendation, of plan, conduct, administer and close procurement. Most of the respondents contacted are holders of operatingmanagement professional qualification (PMP), making it easy for them to understand project management insideout. The process of procurement operating.

Most important of all is the successful identification of some of the most important critical success factors as stated above, which will serve as a guide to project managers in Nigeria undertaking telecommunication network equipment(Assis et al p.117).

  1. Recommendation

It is difficult to provide a recommendation on a subject like critical success factors for a project, especially operating management network equipments. The key reason is that, every OperatingIs different, every organisation is different, and business operating environment is

always different also. Geography, society, regulations and other factors come into play. What

is important is for the project manager to assess the project critically, identify the relevant

critical factors which will guide the execution of the project. The Nigerian telecommunication

market is growing very fast, hence, the factors vital today may be irrelievant tommorrow.recommendation will be to improve the procurement process by using process improvement methods advocated by Rummler and Blanch. The Process as identified in Figure 1 will lead to rocess inefficiency and create room for duplication and error. Figure 5 below is my

recommendation for a process.







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Bolyn, C., Lejeune, P., Michez, A., & Latte, N. (2019). Automated Classification of Trees outside Forest for Supporting Operational Management in Rural Landscapes. Remote Sensing, 11(10), 1146.

Gao, Q. (2019, August). Research on Hierarchical Operational Management of Education Administration Affairs in Vocational College. In 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Education, Law and Social Sciences (IELSS 2019). Atlantis Press.

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