Oppenheimer and Motsepe Donations
On the other hand, BUSA seconded financial support through taxation among, other relief for SMEs, which shall experience the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. BUSA, through its president, acknowledged the solidarity fund that was announced by the president. The funds shall help SMEs, among other citizens experiencing the economic effects of COVID-19.
Oppenheimer and Motsepe Donations
The family of Oppenheimer has detailed out the processes related to how the businesses from South Africa can make their application for a portion of the R1 billion donation[1]. Employees of the SMEs will have a direct payment, and it will be an interest-free loan. Only companies will be liable to pay the money back but not the employees. The fund per employee will be R750/week approximately for fifteen weeks. Motsepe’s family also outlined the details concerning their 1R billion donations (Luckoff 2020). A portion of the donation will be availed immediately to save lives and to reduce the rate at which the pandemic is spreading.
As outlined in the 25th March 2020 Regulation R.398 in Government Gazette No 4314, there are essential goods, that are offered by some SMEs, which have been exempted from import
[1] https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-04-01-mary-oppenheimer-and-daughters-join-covid-19-battle/