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Probability: Left-Handed and Right-Handed

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Probability: Left-Handed and Right-Handed

Contingency Table

The table below represents the results for a survey that was done on 30 individuals to establish if they are either left-handed or right-handed.

Left-handed (LH)Right-handed (RH)Total
Female4 (A)12(B)16 (A + B)
Male6(C)8(D)14 (C +D)
Total10 (A + C)20 (B +D)30 (A +B +C +D)


  1. The Probability that the Person will be Left-Handed

P (LH) = 10 / 30

= 0.3333

  1. Probability of choosing Left-Handed Female

P (LHF) = A/ (A+B)

= 4 / 16

= 0.25

  1. Odd Ratio of Left-Handed Female

= (A / B) / (C / D) or AD / BC

= (4 * 8) / (12 * 6).

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= 32 / 72

= 0.4444

  1. Relative Risk of choosing a Left-Handed Female

             = [A/ (A + C)] / [B / (B + D)]

           = [4 / (4 +6)] / [12 / (12 + 8)].

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           = 0.6667

As compared to the given articles, the probabilities obtained within this study are different from those established by the articles. According to Orr (2001), 10% of the overall population is made up of individuals who are left-handed. However, for this survey, about 33% of the sampled population was left-handed.














Holmes, A., Illowsky, B., & Dean, S. (2017). Introductory business statistics. OpenStax.

Orr TB (2001).  Being a lefty is all right! Current Health 2. 10; 28(2):12-3.




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