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Service Improvement Plan in Health Care

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Service Improvement Plan in Health Care

The following is a paraphrase of the paper constructed on the purpose of improving services in a health facility for admission purposes of the paediatric ward. A case study used to identify how decision making as a tool from parents influences on improving children health and the general admission of children in hospitals. An addition of advantages and disadvantage of leadership style present to ensure the understanding of these improvement ideas. The relationship between leadership and collaborative practices with the improvements recorded of the services generated will also be a subject of interest. Also, a description of potential professionalism with relation to the roles each of the mentioned team play with the plan created on the action they take will reflect in this paraphrased paper.

In all the nursing fields, leadership is a topic of interest, as Stogdill (1974, cited in Bolden, 2011) found. Everyone has their meaning when it comes to defining what leadership is; however, all the individuals who attempted to explain direction agree it is a multiplex subject. Burns (1978), recorded the three leadership classification, which is the pseudo-transformational, transformational and the transactional category of leadership. Taking part in activities collaborating with your colleagues is a good definition of transformational leadership. They are

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improving team spirit and inspiration assists in transforming the general group ideas. According to Renjith (2015), on considerations of the best active leadership category, transformation emerges as the overall significant type of leadership. Transformation leadership utilize in bringing amendments on hospital staffs, thus majorly deployed in hospitals. An excellent example of the application of this type of leadership is on the arrangements on visitations of the admitted patients from family members and friends.

Subsequently, the families I engaged with had difficulties in ensuring their children live in a clean environment which is free from possible contact of bacterias and infections. They were struggling with finances as they had very little income to enable them to live according to the suggestions from a health facility. When there is the utilization of transformation type of leadership, the general spirit of parents raise, and they are motivated to ensure they try as much as possible to raise their children in better conditions and safer for their health and that of their young ones. In this case, other forms of leadership are not the best options to consider, thus giving transformational leadership the sole responsibility to help raise the standards of living on the family.

Therefore, an excellent example of a different type of leadership that would bring disaster on the family above living condition is authoritarian leadership. The team leader makes all the decisions. Other group members opinions are given fewer considerations or ignored altogether. The leader uses dictatorship method to lead his group, which expect to bring non-cooperating group members and division of the team will prevail. The leader also gives punishment to show his superiority and can also gift the individuals he or she feels like they deserve the reward (Khan,2015). According to Schuh & Zhang, ( 2013), the authoritarian leadership is a disadvantage to the leaders subject, family and the society at large since the leaders exclude themselves from the rest of the people. Also, Aryee (2007), found that the contributions and views of team members get little consideration by the leader practising authoritarian leadership.



In general, authoritarian leaders only consider their opinions on every matter. Interdisciplinary teams are of significant importance to nursing as a course and career. In cases of service advancements, everyone should be treated equally and given an equal opportunity to contribute to matters at hand. Not only, do services improve, but also everyone air out their plans which increases the growth and reduces time in conducting activities in the hospital. All the fields get coverage as well, and respect felt by all the staff persons in the facility.

However, training of nurses helps with management skills and leadership attributes and the application of these two skills in their day to day activities in the facility. Children health is a significant concern in the facility; hence an appropriate leadership style is essential (Gardner, 1990, cited in Marquis and Huston, 2009). Good and quality care prevail as an outcome of best leadership together with the safety of patients, high morale of workers in a hospital and growth of staff members to a more reliable staff as Nursing Times (2008) stated. Servant leadership is a type of leadership that can never go wrong when deployed in a health facility. It mainly entails the sharing of opinions, views and responsibility among everyone involved. Greenleaf (1970) established a good relationship and the growth of the team when the use of servant leadership dominate. Like any other form of leadership, servant leadership has several limitations and advantages. After a survey carried out on the importance of servant leadership, Waterman (2010), concluded that there is an improvement in professionalism as all the group members are actively involved in the group activities. The whole team engages in group development within every step of the process.



In addition to the participation of teammates, there will be an increase in a performance recorded with a value of services (McCrimmon, 2010). Not only does this mark an advantage but also prove to be disadvantageous. As when you give much freedom to everyone, they might develop an indiscipline character since they expect equal treatment from the leaders and their seniors. Also, since the leaders’ interest is on the group, the group members might start feeling special and develop a mentality that they have total control over the leaders’ decisions and stop being respectful and this might reduce performance (Waterman, 2010). The term leader and servant should not be used to compare the staff workers to bring the two teams together and create a united group rather than division which impact will not be welcoming.

However, Middleton (2018), noted that for quality work output, there should be a collaboration between the teammates and leaders. The leaders should maintain professionalism in all stages of health practices. A report done by Francis stated supervisory roles are ward managers duty. There is a continuous need to aid nurses in developing the skills on leadership, and the skills should be strengthened and put into use (Royal College of Nursing, 2016). Moreover, there are recommendations on the NHS leadership styles which the nurses should practice and familiarize. The (NHS, Leadership Academy (B), 2019), found a collection of nine types of leadership styles and skills. Engaging all the participants in a group is the primary dimension in this style of leadership. This method is as a result of the influence of the servant type of guidance for improving the health of the families and children’s health.




In addition to considerations made for the development of leadership in professionalism, the OC2 level is a significant domain in skills of health practitioners. The identification of communication of the society and hospital staff has considerations in the influence it has on the development of the health of children. Level 2 requires knowledge on leadership style, and a positive team spirit is essential for everyone involved in ensuring there is an improvement in paediatrics health out to be present. For level 3, there are various targets in the plans for active exploration that should be involved and this paper will highlight the marks.

However, Harris and White (2018), suggested that working together as a team enables leaders professionals to assist their subjects in planning, and adding their views as they feel. Working together with a similar aim provides timely and quality work compared to working individually. According to D’Amour (2008), he suggested collaboration in teamwork and respect to individuals autonomy within the nursing community. Also, McCormack  (2010) added the Equality Act 2010, which talk about how patients benefit from the care given to them by nurses who work in a respectful environment with autonomy involved. With the provision of sympathy, values and beliefs in an environment with shared decisions to provide the best care to clients. Also, Nursing Times (2017), found that working with other colleagues in nursing fields should be essential to all nurses in a collaborative manner. With experiences of working in health facilities, the nursing skills are polished. An example of collaborative skills shown in the collaboration of nurses, mental health team, and the local workers in a case of a teen admitted for using more fat burning pills to burn calories than the suggested prescription.



However, their challenges brought about when working as a multi-disciplinary team to achieve one goal since opinions differ from one field to the next. Conflicting ideas and increased workload are among the challenges faced when collaborating with different areas within a  hospital. The objectives are different, and there is no definite leader on the matter to bring a conclusion on the table (Nursing Times, 2017). There are also dates with a review of set targets at the end of this paper meets the above work. Besides, (Craig, 2018) suggested the need to look at the benefits the services will have to the recipients. Before upgrading them look at the reason for improving the services and whether there will be a decrease in costs of operation and clinical errors.

Furthermore, (NHS, 2014) recorded that patient preferences, the need for improving treatments, advancements in the technology and the rate on capital should vary among the reasons on the need for improving services in a hospital. The NHS also came up with a view in service change that is five years in practice. However, Craig (2018) added there is a need to carry out investigations to see what NHS has to offer on plans. A good example is an integration of the needs of patients in the provision of services. The program aims in decreasing the care difference in levels that are primary and secondary experienced countrywide with the facilities. The major concern with hospitals is having an emergency centre for cases of accidents which is supposed to employ services which are long term to reduce admission of accident victims on other wards as this plan will take place in five years to come.




However, the effectiveness of these centres serving on emergency purposes, depending on the participation of matrons on the community. Where the patients get dismissed from hospital beds to go home instead of other wards will ensure careful monitoring of patients from the time of admission to when they leave. Instead of dividing care into two parts, there should be only one primary care administered to patients. There is evidence enough of patients recovering timely and correctly when all the health workers practice collaboration of service and treatment. On acute cases, there shouldn’t be a need to admit patients. Slightly, an excellent leadership role should enhance there is teamwork in ensuring the patients go home on the same day, but nurses to keep monitoring them even after discharge. Cases of division in the facility should be discouraged at all times. Professionalism in handling these cases should involve everyone.

Also, grading of CAEP2 come with knowledge on the service improvement in ethical influences as a health worker. This has examples and levels that come along when a framework is understood. Services improvement is possible when the participation of members is present with informed decision making roles. There are also essential notes to take where the service providers do their work according to the expectations laid down by the health facility.  Also coming up with the best strategies is primary in helping others to continue with their participation outside and within the health care system. All these gives one the capacity of level 1 involvement. Awareness is a term also available in ensuring everyone responsible play their part without being discriminative. Below is an idea of service improvement on the wellbeing of everybody present in the hospital.



However, for effective change in the services, a collaboration should put into practice with an addition of leadership being at top notch and qualifying to all other measures employed. Where the team members are not cooperating to the style of leadership put into place, improving the services will be faced with some challenges. It might even reduce the operation on the hospital as there will lack peace and respect or teamwork. The receivers of the service feel more impact where there is no good leadership or cooperation. Suggestively, a tool like decision making is necessary for the admission of children who are not in a severe state of sickness. Here is an example which will form the case study.  A teen girl who was 17 years old admitted with A+E and urine retention admitted in a district hospital with severe pains in the abdomen. She was considered a child due to her age and therefore admitted at the pediatric ward. There arose a collision between paediatric doctors and adult doctors over the teenage. The adult doctors said she needed to be attended by urology due to the urine retention.

Meanwhile, when the urology doctors went to attend to the case, they refused to see her claiming she should be attended to by the paediatric doctors since she was in the pediatric ward. The blame game continued for a week with the patient having no medical attention. If there were a clear outline of the admission criteria using the age of the patients, the case would be different. The girl would have got medication with fewer complications on which a doctor is supposed to attend to her. Treatment will ensure timely and effective in administration according to the algorithm.




Besides, the idea is to identify the wards teenagers under the age of 18 should have an admission to. Where a patient is below the age of 16, they get treatment as paediatrics and above 17 years treatment should be that of an adult. A good example is in the case where children have a neurological condition, and they should be admitted in the paediatric ward until when they turn 18 years old with their treatment taking place within the ward. There should not be any interferences from other doctors in the hospital except the doctors in children ward. For this idea to be useful, a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) need to be presented. Where changes are necessary, the tool is efficient with an analysis of the displayed data to check the effectiveness of the method (NHS, 2018). Using the algorithm first on small facilities is beneficial as a test tool then later be executed in extensive facilities and analyze the changes it has.

Besides, the PDSA can only apply to a few facilities at one particular time. The productive employment of this cycle will have an idea of what to expect in health facilities when putting into good use. One district hospital should test the algorithm in all the counties national wide. The changes should  record every step of this cycle. The recordings will be a clear indication of what the outcome expected to take place and that which is not possible to achieve using the algorithm. The algorithm depends on hospital activities and members contribution. A positive contribution will help survey the algorithm in the district hospital. Below is a complete PDSA cycle on service implementation using the algorithm.




Moreover, a cycle on PDSA ensures staff members are actively taking part in changes occurring in the facility. The idea will only take place where all the staff members are comfortable with change, and when they support the cycle. In facilitating change, several models are present.  A 2012 change model established to motivate workers and mobilize them developed. Where change takes place, dissolution and disruption of regular running together with offering services to patients take a turn. There is a need for motivation to embrace these changes (NHS, 2012). This brings back the lack of collaborating and having good leadership proving this two are essential and related to each other, especially in the circumstances where the change occurred. Also, the model concentrates on a type of leadership that is collaborating.

Addition points of the PDSA cycle are the disadvantages expected to occur in a health facility where the changes have taken place. The staff’s reshuffle force the doctors, nurses and other workers to be flexible in their new fields. It can be challenging to adopt toa, and a harsh environment will extend the time expected for the staff members to adapt. Patients are also not left behind as the changes will affect them directly; a friendly atmosphere will help them as well to accept the changes. The hospital runs a possibility of burning out its workers and patients as a whole. When the difference now is actively taking place, not only will there be an increasing need of moral but also the leaders need to take a firm stand and be empathetic till the change is embraced wholeheartedly by everyone involved. Time is also a determiner in the shift in a way that will be accepted.




Also, given enough time, everyone will forget the past activities and associate with the new events at hand. A reflection of the area of service needing improvement and a student reflection experience required in the field of service at a health facility is present. Currently, engaging in R3 level 2 capabilities in the medical field. Recognizing multi-disciplinary cooperation in the services offered during work is also a topic of interest at aa personal level. Reflecting all the learning activities is also a concern at hand. A plan that supports this field is also essential for a proper reflection on professionalism. Moving from one area in the field of improving services at pediatric health concern is also a behavior that should be employed. It is evident after all the discussion above, there is an improvement in service provision, and the quality of service offered.

To sum up, investigations on leadership and the importance it has on the care of patients in a health facility is commendable. There is an essential collaborating play in the improvements of services related in the health care.instances of PSDA cycle reflected the desire on the change needed to be involved in the hospital. These cycle concentrated on teenager admission during their childhood and their adult life. A case of a nursing student is best relatable due to the active involvement in the health facility. Engaging with children admitted gave an excellent experience to layout suggestions. The changes are mainly applicable at a small- scale case in health facilities at one specific period. Leadership is a topic of interest when it comes to the reforms carried out in service improvement. Lastly, a collaborating team will work well in ensuring there are general improvements in the health of paediatrics.





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Waterman, H. (2010). Principles of ‘servant leadership’ and how they can enhance practice. Nursing management. Volume 17. Pages 24-26.







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