shortcomings with the information sharing
There are various shortcomings with the information sharing. First, is inconsistency in sharing information (US, 2003). Security threats are everyone’s significant hence failure of updates may lead a nation into troubles. It is also worth noting that the terrorists are always struggling, and using means that law enforcement cannot guess. Therefore, inconsistent and late data cannot be categorized as an effective way of communication. Other than that, the lack of security measures on vital data makes information sharing ineffective. Information is relevant in keeping a nation safe hence the need to ensure data privacy at all costs. Otherwise, the terrorist may use the information to challenge and weaken the country. Additionally, criminals may understand measures taken by the government against their activities.
Even though this is the case, there are measures to ensure efficient information sharing. There should be timely and updates. As a result, the concerned departments can take effective steps against terrorism. Besides, law enforcement groups can know about trending means used by the attackers. As a way of ensuring information, the agency should provide measures such as authentication and encryption of vital data (Eggers, 2016). It means that data cannot get into unauthorized hands for manipulation since one will be required of a password and user name before accessing data.
In connection to this, CREATE concluded that commercial airliners should have measures to prevent missile attacks. This follows after considering factors such as cost as well as the efficiency of the systems in preventing missile towards the commercial airliners. The center went forth to give an example with a tool that was established from ideas of different people that was meant to curb various biological risks. From the example, it is evident that avoiding missile attacks is vital.
However, some people may assume they know how significant and beneficial to prevent missile threats. To the aid, there are several reasons why agree with CREATE that they should be systems to curb missile attacks directed on commercial airliners. First, the countermeasures will improve and protect society’s assets (Chow et al., 2006). By instilling systems that can prevent fired missiles towards airliners, the country shall have played a significant role in the protection of property. Many may wonder what is being safeguarded. The commercial airliners can be regarded as societal property since they benefit society in one way or the other, for instance, through taxation from various companies as well as services.
Other than that, it will save the lives of many people. No one desires to be a victim of a plane’s accident, but in case of such an incident, an individual has no option rather than admitting and embracing the adverse consequences. Since there are measures to prevent such a scenario that would lead to the loss of innocent lives, the countermeasures should be implemented. Imagine hundreds of professionals like doctors, engineers, pilots, teachers, and others of the like perishing in a missile triggers accident. It would be the worst day for a country to experience a loss of such an extent. If one view from a parental perspective where many would be left as orphans and other widows, an individual would advise for prevention measures.
In conclusion, the shortcomings in information sharing include inconsistency in information and weak data security measures. Information sharing can be enhanced through the installation of security measures and information consistency. Finally, the study concludes that missile attacks towards commercial airliners should be prevented.